Download the PHP package eseperio/yii2-files-catalog without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package eseperio/yii2-files-catalog. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

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Informations about the package yii2-files-catalog

Yii2 files catalog



It is a virtual file system with access control lists.

I have replicated the main principles of *nix filesystem where any object is represented by an inode in the disk, and each inode have a different identity (directory, file, symlink). What you get is a virtual file system that can rely on any existing file system, thanks to the usage of FlySystem in a deep layer,


Free for NonCommercial use. Otherwise contact us for a commercial license.


This extension is distributed as a composer library. Run

Then run migration

Add the module to your modules configuration

To manage access control list, add administrators to module configuration.


This module supports file versioning. You can set how much files must be kept. File versioning can be disabled via configuration

Access control

Inodes access control is performed by ACLs. Any inode must have a rule associated in order to give access to it. Access can be granted to a user id or a role.

To know more about access control, see access control docs

File sharing

This module also includes file sharing functionalities. A file can be shared via email and folders and files can be shared with other users via user_id param. There are specific views for that. To see "Shared with me" files, go into shared url Users can only share those files which they had write permissions. You can set your custom settings overriding AclHelper::canShare()


You can customize any element of the module by overriding the classes in container definitions. Gridview uses column classes, controller uses actions, and so on.


Actions available

There is a default controller with the following actions.

Action Description
Index Displays the contents of a given dir. Accepts param uuid to select which directory to show
View Only for inodes of type file. If files is image or pdf, it displays on screen, otherwise downloads the file
Properties Displays properties of the file or directory selected
Upload Action to handle file uploads
NewFolder Displays the "create directory" form
Rename Allows renaming an inode
BulkDelete Bulk deletion
BulkDownload Download many files at the same time
RemoveAcl Remove permissions from an Inode
BulkAcl Bulk permissions attachment
inheritAcl Copy all selected permissions to all children
bulk-download Download multiple files as a zip file
shared Shows all files shared with the current logged in user
unshare Removes an existing share with a user
email Sends a file via email to custom address


Property Description Default
maxFileSize int the maximum number of bytes required for the uploaded file. Defaults to null, meaning no limit. Note, the size limit is also affected by upload_max_filesize and post_max_size INI setting and the 'MAX_FILE_SIZE' hidden field value. See [[FileValidator::getSizeLimit()]] for details. @see @see @see FileValidator::getSizeLimit null
directory string This will be used as default directory where all files will be created. Set to false to use your default storage component 'filex'
maxVersions int number of maximun versions of a files that can be kept. 4
storage string name of the component responsible of handling files. Must comply with flysystem. 'storage'
user string The user component. This is used on blameable behavior 'user'
userIdAttribute string attribute of the user component 'id'
userNameAttribute string user attribute that returns the name. Can be a anything valid for [[ArrayHelper::getValue()]] 'username'
db string Name of the db component to use on data handling 'db'
usePjax bool whether use pjax on main view true
inodeRealPathCallback ** null array \Closure Callable used to bypass current inodeRealPath calculation null
allowOverwrite bool whether overwrite existing files. Remember this setting can be overrided in calls tu save false
prefix string the prefix to be used on urlGroup 'filex'
urlRules array the url rules (routes) '<controller:[\w-]+> <action:[\w-]+>' => ' '
maxTreeDepthDisplay int the max amount of elements to display when using a tree view. Set to false to disable 4
groupFilesByExt bool whether show icons grouped by extension false
displayAuthorNames bool whether display author names on views true
routePrefix string the prefix for the route part of every rule declared in [[rules]]. The prefix and the route will be separated with a slash. If this property is not set, it will take the value of [[prefix]]. "filesCatalog"
realFileNamesSystem string which kind of name use on saving files. Defaults to FILENAMES_BY_ID. Files will be stored using its own id, so an attacker can not find a file based on their public uuid. If you want to preserve an easy way to find physical FILENAMES_BY_ID: File 1979 will become prefix 1 9 7 9 1979 FILENAMES_BY_UUID: File 146d8c31-ca60-411f-b112-7dd1bc5e8e46 will become prefix 14 6d 8c 31 ca 60 41 1f b1 12 7d d1 bc 5e 8e 46 146d8c31-ca60-411f-b112-7dd1bc5e8e46 FILENAMES_REAL will create parent directories with the name of the parent virtual directories. self::FILENAMES_BY_ID
browserInlineMimeTypes array list of the mimetypes that can be represented directly in browser with their corresponding tag
enableACL bool whether enable access control list true
administrators List of roles or usernames that can manage acl ['admin']
aclException Classname of the exception to be thrown when user can access an inode eseperio\filescatalog\exceptions\FilexAccessDeniedException
defaultACLmask Default value for access control crud mask when no one has been defined 4
maxInlineFileSize Since this module relies on Flysystem, you can not have a direct link to the file, so in order to preview images or mp4 videos they are converted to base64. This number limits the maximun size allowed for a file to be embedded. int max inline file size in bytes. Defaults to 10Mb 10000000
checkFilesIntegrity bool whether save file hashes in database and check integrity everytime a file is required. In large filesystems it can make the database grow significantly. true
allowVersioning bool whether allow multiple versions of a file. true
identityClass string the class name of the [[identity]] object. null
salt String to be used as hash salt on sensitive operations, like delete null
defaultInodePermissions list with default permissions for inodes [AccessControl::ACTION_READ]
secureHashParamName name of the parameter to be used when sending and receiving secure hash fxsh
secureHashAlgorithm which algorithm use for secure hash generation SHA3-256
newFolderIconclass css classname for the new folder icon 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-open';
propertiesIconClass css classname for the properties icon glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt
addFilesIconClass css classname for the new add files icon glyphicon glyphicon-cloud-upload
showBreadcrumbButtonLabels whether display labels in breadcrumb buttons false
itemsPerPage number of items per page 10
rbacItems array callable Array with the available permissions or roles available while managing inode permissions []
readOnlyMessage string message to display in gridview as a name suffix when user has no write permissions. 🔒
offsetParam string param name to be used while transferring offset to view. Used on next-previoust buttons filex-offset
sortParam string param name to be used while transferring sort to view filex-sort
enableEmailSharing whether allow users share a file via email false
emailFromAddress Address to be used when sharing fils via email false
maxFileSizeForEmailShare max allowed size for a file to be sent over email 5mb


In order to improve privacy inodes use the uuid as public pk, but an integer as internal pk. Keep simple id private. When using data providers, remember use the one included within this module. This module use adjacency models concept to manage nesting. That requires extra queries to get parents or childrens, but is way more efficient than nested-set pattern on system that require a lot of nodes and writes

Important: when a inode of type file is created, model is stored and then file data is stored. If file data can not be
stored, model is deleted. This is done to avoid orphaned files. If you want to change this behavior, override
`File::afterSave()` method.
You can check whether a file has been deleted by checking `hasErrors()` method. If it returns true, you can check
`getErrors()` method to get the error message.


See testing docs

All versions of yii2-files-catalog with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires yiisoft/yii2 Version ^2.0
creocoder/yii2-flysystem Version 0.9.*
dmhendricks/file-icon-vectors Version @dev
paulzi/yii2-adjacency-list Version 2.1.*
2amigos/yii2-file-upload-widget Version ~1.0
ramsey/uuid Version ^3.8
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package eseperio/yii2-files-catalog contains the following files

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