Download the PHP package erlangparasu/cobisja-tad-php without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package erlangparasu/cobisja-tad-php. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package cobisja-tad-php


A simple PHP class to interacts with ZK Time & Attendance Devices.


TAD: A class that implements an interface to interacts with ZK Time & Attendance devices.

Documentation found about ZK SOAP api is very limited or poor, however TAD class implements most SOAP functions supported by ZK devices. Specifically TAD class exposes the following 35 methods:

All methods above are implemented by 2 classes: Providers\TADSoap and Providers\TADZKLib.

There are some SOAP functions supported by ZK devices that it's suppossed, according to the official docs (which incidentally it's very limited and so poor!!!) must show an expected behaviour, but when they are invoked don't work like is expected, so they become useless (e.g. Restart SOAP call). For these situations, TAD class implement them by Providers\TADZKLib class ([PHP_ZKLib] - This class takes a different approach to "talk to the device": it uses UDP protocol at device standard port 4370.

PHP_ZKLib class it's been fully integrated, after a refactoring process taking out all duplicated code (DRY).

For practical purposes, you don't have to be worried about when to use TAD class or PHP_ZKLib class because you only have to get a TAD instance (as shown below) and call any of its methods available. The class decides about when runs the method invoked using TAD class or PHP_ZKLib class.


Supported devices

Getting started

Setting up the environment

After download TAD-PHP, you have 2 ways to get your enviroment configured to use the classes:


Composer is the PHP's package manager and is the recommended way to get packages for your projects. It's also able to build automatically autoloaders if you wrote down your code using PSR-0 and/or PSR-4 standards, avoiding you headaches about everything related to loading classes.

TADPHP is built follows PSR-4 standard and comes with a specific file named composer.json that allows Composer to generate a file named autoload.php (beside others files of course). This files generated is the only one you need to include in your project to get all classes required by TADPHP loaded in memory:

  1. Install Composer:

  2. Get inside TADPHP root folder and generate the autoload.php file:

    The command above will generate a folder called vendor. Inside of it, you'll see the autoload.php

  3. Require/Include autoload.php file in the index.php of your project or whatever file you need to use TAD-PHP classes:

Loading TAD-PHP classes by hand

Even if Composer it's the preferred method to generate the files needed to get all classes loaded, maybe you want to do the task by hand:

  1. Copy and paste TAD-PHP folder in your project root.

  2. Rename TAD-PHP folder to use a shorter name (for example 'tad').

  3. Require/Include all classes required by TAD-PHP using the relative TAD-PHP path

Handling namespaces

All TAD-PHP classes are under the namespace named TADPHP. So, to use any class you need to use the Fully qualified class name. For example, to get a new instance of TADFactory class you need to use:

However, as your project grows up using fully qualified class names becomes annoying, so it's better to use PHP USE sentence:

Class instantiation

First, instantiate a TADFactory object, then use it to create a TAD object.

Or you can get a TAD object in one single step (valid only in PHP 5.4+):

You can customize TAD object traits passing an options array:


SOAP API is implemented by TADSoap class. All methods that use UDP Protocol are implemented by PHP_ZKLib class. Even though you have 2 classes, you do not have to be worried about which method is been calling using SOAP api or through PHP_ZKLib. You've got a single interface.

Some methods need that you set up some parameters prior you can call them. TAD class uses associative arrays as way to pass params to the methods. Using associative arrays is a "more verbose way" that helps you to remember which params you have to pass.

Valid params supported by TAD class are:

As you can see, params names are so intuitive and easy to remember.

Note: All examples shown below asusmes $tad variable holds a TAD object.

Getting a list of commands available

Getting and Setting Date and Time

Getting attendance logs

You can retrieve attendance logs for all user or just for one:

Getting information about users.

You can get all information about a single user or all users. The information you can get include:

Creating / Updating users

TAD class allows you to register new users in the device or even you can update (change) information about an user already registered. However to achieve this, TAD class needs to delete the user (of course this applies when you are updating user's information) and then creates the user. Maybe this is not the best way to do that, but if TAD just calls the method to create a user, it will be created as many times as you call it.

If you look into PHP_ZKLib code, you'll see a method to create / update users. However, when you call that method, it generates a PIN code (not PIN2 code) in a way that if that code already exists in the device, it refuses to create the user. This is a method that should be modified to make it working properly but the way how PIN code is created is unknown.

In the meantime, TAD class uses delete and create SOAP calls. Of course, to make things easy for you, you have to call just 1 method.

Note: The way TAD class creates / updates users has one big concern you have to be aware. The user's fingerprints stored (templates) are lost!!!, so it is necessary to save them prior you call set_user_info() method.

Uploading user's fingerprints

The device uses an algorithm to encode fingerprints called "BioBridge" and it has 2 flavors: VX 9.0 and the new one VX 10.0. According the documentation, VX 10.0 generates shorter encoded fingerprints and it's faster when the device has to make searchings for a fingerprint match process. However, TAD class exposes a method to upload fingerprints but it works only when device is configured to use the old BioBridge VX 9.0 algorithm. When device uses VX 10.0 algorithm, the machine freezes!!!. When asked to ZK Software forum, the answer got was: "It has to work with any biobridge version. Check your code!". Any help about this, would be appreciated.

Deleting user's fingerprints

When you have to delete user's fingerprints, you delete all of them. You cannot delete fingerprint one by one.

Deleting user's passwords

Deleting users

Deleting admin users

From the device point of view, users that have a privilege level not equal to 0, are considered admin users, so this method enables you wipe them out with one single step.

Clearing out data from device

You can clear information from device according a code you specify.

Code meaning:

1: clear all device data, 2: clear all users templates and 3: clear all attendance logs.

Getting some statistics from the device.

You can get some valuable statistics about your device including:

Disabling / Enabling the device

Sometimes you need to lock device's screen and keypad to prevent users can use it. You can disable the device and when you want to get it back working, just enable it!

Restarting / Shutting down the device.

TADResponse API

Every command executed via TAD class will return an object that is an instance of TADResponse class. This object contains all information about the device's response received. This way you can get full flexibility to manipulate the responses that you got from the device: you can transform it in XML, JSON or even you can get an array. Also you can set some criterias to make a filtering process on the response.

TADResponse class offers 14 methods:

Getting and Setting responses

When you call any TAD method, all responses (including those empty ones) are returned as an TADResponse object, so you can invoke any of methods mentioned above:

Sometimes you would like to build a TADResponse object by hand:

Getting and Setting response's encoding

Getting and Setting response's header

Instead of getting a full XML response, you can get just the header's response and you can change it even:

Transform device's responses in XML, JSON or Array format.

As you seen above, you can get device's responses in different formats using get_response() method and specifying the format you want. However, you can use the following methods too:

Counting how many items has the response

When you are interested just in how many items has the response, just count them:

Dealing with empty responses

Sometimes some queries to the device returns an empty answer. Because the original response from the device is in XML format, to know if you got any relevant data, you should have to parse the responses. That's not very handy:

Filtering response according your needs!!!

As you saw above, all device's responses are handled by TADResponse class. You get the raw XML but you always get the whole set. What if you you'd like to do some kind of processing on reponses? Now, you can process the whole XML response by applying filters. This way, you can get just XML responses that really needs.



TADPHP is not perfect!!!. As mentioned at the beggining, it's been developed after hours, and hours, and hours of googling and it's been tested using just Fingertec Q2i Time & attendance device (that it's I have in my work), so it's possible that you can find errors when you use it with others devices or even you can find better ways to do the things. For that reason, there are some things to do:


By the way, I'm from Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela :-D


Feel free to contribute!!!. Welcome aboard!!!


Version history

*0.4.2 (Saturday, 17th January 2015)

0.4.1 (Friday, 16th January 2015)

0.4.0 (Sunday, 11th January 2015)

0.3.2 (Saturday, 3rd January 2015)

0.3.1 (Monday, 29th December 2014)

0.3.0 (Saturday, 27th December 2014)

0.2.0 (Wednesday, 24th December 2014)

0.1.0 (Monday, 22nd December 2014)


Copyright (c) 2014 Jorge Cobis (

MIT License

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


All versions of cobisja-tad-php with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.3.0
ext-soap Version *
ext-sockets Version *
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package erlangparasu/cobisja-tad-php contains the following files

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