PHP code example of erlangparasu / cobisja-tad-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download erlangparasu/cobisja-tad-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


erlangparasu / cobisja-tad-php example snippets


	e 'tad/lib/TAD.php';

$tad_factory = new TADPHP\TADFactory();

use TADPHP\TADFactory;

$comands = TAD::commands_available();
$tad = (new TADFactory(['ip'=>'', 'com_key'=>0]))->get_instance();

$tad_factory = new TADFactory(['ip'=>'']);
$tad = $tad_factory->get_instance();

  $tad = (new TADFactory(['ip'=>'']))->get_instance();

  $options = [
    'ip' => '',   // '' by default (totally useless!!!).
    'internal_id' => 100,    // 1 by default.
    'com_key' => 123,        // 0 by default.
    'description' => 'TAD1', // 'N/A' by default.
    'soap_port' => 8080,     // 80 by default,
    'udp_port' => 20000      // 4370 by default.
    'encoding' => 'utf-8'    // iso8859-1 by default.

  $tad_factory = new TADFactory($options);
  $tad = $tad_factory->get_instance();

// Get a full list of commands supported by TADPHP\TAD class.
$commands_list = TAD::commands_available();

// Get a list of commands implemented via TADPHP\TADSoap.
$soap_commands =  = TAD::soap_commands_available();

// Get a list of commands implemented via TAD\PHP\TADSoap.
$zklib_commands = TAD::zklib_commands_available();

// Getting current time and date
$dt = $tad->get_date();

// Setting device's date to '2014-01-01' (time will be set to now!)
$response = $tad->set_date(['date'=>'2014-01-01']);

// Setting device's time to '12:30:15' (date will be set to today!)
$response = $tad->set_date(['time'=>'12:30:15']);

// Setting device's date & time
$response = $tad->set_date(['date'=>'2014-01-01', 'time'=>'12:30:15']);

// Setting device's date & time to now.
$response = $tad->set_date();

// Getting attendance logs from all users.
$logs = $tad->get_att_log();

// Getting attendance logs from one user.
$logs = $tad->get_att_log(['pin'=>123]);

// Getting info from a specific user.
$user_info = $tad->get_user_info(['pin'=>123]);

// Getting info from all users.
$all_user_info = $tad->get_all_user_info();

// We are creating a superadmin user named 'Foo Bar' with a PIN = 123 and password = 4321.
$r = $tad->set_user_info([
    'pin' => 123,
    'name'=> 'Foo Bar',
    'privilege'=> 14,
    'password' => 4321

/** Setting a user template (fingerprint).
 * You can upload until 10 templates per user. You have to use 'finger_id' param to indicate
 * which fingerprint you are uploading to.
 * Till now, this method only works with VX 9.0 BioBridge algorithm :-(. Any help
 * arround this issue will be appreciated.

// The folowing string represents a fingerprint encoded using BioBridge algorithm VX 9.0

$template1_data = [
  'pin' => 123,
  'finger_id' => 0, // First fingerprint has 0 as index.
  'size' => 514,    // Be careful, this is not string length of $template1_vx9 var.
  'valid' => 1,
  'template' => $template1_vx9

$tad->set_user_template( $template1_data );

// Delete all fingerprints (template) for user with PIN = 123.

// Delete password for user with PIN = 123.

/// Delete user with PIN = 123.


// Delete all attendance logs stored.

// Get some device statistics.
$fs = $tad->get_free_sizes();

// Disabling device.


// Enabling device.

// Restart the device!!!


// Shut down the device!!!

$r= $tad->get_date();

// Get response in XML format.
$xml_date = $r->get_response();

// Or you can specify the format.
$json_date = $r->get_response(['format'=>'json']);

// Or you want to get just response's body (without XML header).
$raw_response = $r->get_response_body(); // This always will be in XML format!!!

$response = '<Response><Name>Foo</Name><Address>Bar</Address></Response>';
$encoding = 'iso8859-1';

$tr = new TADResponse($response, $encoding);
// Maybe later you want to change the response you set before
$new_response = '<CrazyResponse><Joke>foo bar taz</Joke></CrazyResponse>';

$r = $tad->get_date();

// Get current response's encoding.
$encoding = $r->get_encoding();

// Perhaps you want to change response's encoding.

$r = $tad->get_date();

$header = $r->get_header();
// Method above returns '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso8859-1" standalone="no"

// Get attendance logs for all users.
$att_logs = $tad->get_att_logs(); // $att_logs is an TADResponse object.

// Get response in XML format.
$xml_att_logs = $att_logs->to_xml();

// Get response in JSON format.
$json_att_logs = $att_logs->to_json();

// Get an array from response.
$array_att_logs = $att_logs->to_array().

// Lets get an XML response in one single step.
$xml = $tad->get_att_logs()->to_xml();

$att_logs = $tad->get_att_logs();

// Get just the number of logs you retrived.
$logs_number = $att_logs->count();

$r = $tad->get_att_logs(['pin'=>123]); // This employee does not have any logs!!!

if ($r->is_empty_response()) {
    echo 'The employee does not have logs recorded';

// Get attendance logs for all users;
$att_logs = $tad->get_att_logs();

// Now, you want filter the resulset to get att logs between '2014-01-10' and '2014-03-20'.
$filtered_att_logs = $att_logs->filter_by_date(
    ['start' => '2014-01-10','end' => '2014-03-20']

// Maybe you need to be more specific: get logs of users with privilege of Enroller
// that generated a 'check-out' event after '2014-08-01'.
$filtered_att_logs = $att_logs->filter_by_privilege_and_status_and_date(
    2, // 2 = Enroller role.
    1, // 1 = Check-out.
    ['start'] => '2014-08-01'

// You can do specific string searching too!!!
$users = $tad->get_all_user_info();

// Searches for all employees with the string 'Foo' as part of its name.
$foo_employees = $users->filter_by_name(['like'=>'Foo']);

    curl -s | php


    php composer.phar dump-autoload