Download the PHP package eid-login/eid-login-typo3 without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package eid-login/eid-login-typo3. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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Informations about the package eid-login-typo3

eID-Login extension for TYPO3

Deprecation warning

This repository is no longer actively maintained. You can use it at your own risk, but support and changes are no longer provided.


This is the eID-Login extension for the TYPO3 platform. It has been developed by ecsec on behalf of the German Federal Office for Information Security.

The eID-Login extension allows to use the German eID-card and similar electronic identity documents for secure and privacy-friendly login as Website-User into TYPO3 sites. For this purpose, a so-called eID-Client, such as the AusweisApp2 or the Open eCard App and eID-Service are required. In the default configuration a suitable eID-Service is provided without any additional costs.


The installation of the extension can be done in usual ways for a TYPO3 extension. It supports TYPO3 instances which are installed the classic or the composer based way.

If your TYPO3 instance is installed the classic way, please add the extension in the extension manager, either through searching the extension at Get Extensions in the extension manager or via manual upload.

If your TYPO3 instance installation is composer based, you can add the extension by running:

PLEASE NOTE: If the extension has been installed via composer, you might need to deactivate and re-activate it in the extension manager, to make the console command available for the scheduler!


The eID-Login extension has some requirements to the TYPO3 instance and the configured sites.

Setup and Usage

Schedule commands of the eID-Login extension

The extension comes with two maintenance commands:

The commands must be scheduled as tasks in the scheduler extension:

Usage of eID-Login in a site

The eID-Login extension can be configured and used in the sites of a TYPO3 instance separately. Opening the backend module of the extension will show a matrix of the sites in the TYPO3 instance and its setup and configuration state regarding the eID-Login.

Use the 'eID-Login' SAML-Template on a page for technical URLs

To provide URLs needed for the eID-Login, a site most hold a free accessible page without content, which should not be visible in the menus. This page needs a separate template record with the following configuration:

Use the eID-Login Link Frontend-Plugin

There must be at least one free accessible page holding the Frontend-Plugin eID-Login Link as content element. This plugin will render a logo, a link to start an eID-Login and a link to the FAQ regarding eID-Login, or a logout link if the Website-User is currently logged in. Also messages which may occur when doing an eID-Login are rendered by the plugin as TYPO3 Flash-Messages. Website-Users which should be able to use the plugin must be configured using the Record Storage Page option. The value of this Option must be the same for every eID-Login Frontend-Plugin of a site!

Use the eID-Login Settings Frontend-Plugin

At least one access restricted page holding the Frontend-Plugin eID-Login Settings to render the links which enable the creation and deletion of of eID connection for Website-Users. Messages which occur in the process are rendered there as TYPO3 Flash-Messages. The pugin also provides a checkbox to disable the password based login for the specific Website-User. It will be rendered, if an eID connection exists. Website-Users which may use this plugin must be configured using the Record Storage Page option.

ATTENTION: The extension is listening to the TYPO3\CMS\FrontendLogin\Event\LoginConfirmedEvent event to check if the password based login of a Website-User should be prevented. For this to be fired do not activate the Disable redirect after successful login, but display logout-form option of the Login Form!

Use the wizard to configure eID-Login for a site

When a site meets all criteria as stated above, it may be configured by using a simple wizard. Follow the instructions given in the wizard. Information for the technical background is provided via an Info panel if needed.

Setting the Record Storage Page option right

ATTENTION: The Record Storage Page option for all eID-Login Frontend-Plugins of a specific site must be set to the same value! The value is used to connect the Website-Users eID-Connections to to a site. This means if Record Storage Page option values are used for eID-Login Frontend-Plugins of more than one specific site, the resulting Website-Users records and their eID-Connections are used for more than one specific site also. In case of deletion of eID-Connection when reconfiguring or resetting the eID-Login settings of site A, this may lead to Website-Users loosing the eID-Login based access to site B too, if the values of Record Storge Page intersect.

Styling of the Frontend Plugins

In the frontend Plugins 'eID-Login Link' and 'eID-Login Settings' all relevant HTML tags carry id attributes for easy styling. Please inspect the souce code of the rendered pages to learn about the used values.

If you want to set the value of the class attribute for a specific html tag, this can be done be using the TypoScript paths below, which are evaluated in the templates of the extension:

Manual Only Configuration Options

Skip XML Validation

If you want the extension to skip XML Validation of SAML Responses for a specific site, set the following in your Localconfiguration.php file


If you want to uninstall the eID-Login extension please follow the steps below:

All versions of eid-login-typo3 with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires typo3/cms-core Version ~10.4.0 || ~11.5.0
typo3/cms-backend Version ~10.4.0 || ~11.5.0
typo3/cms-extbase Version ~10.4.0 || ~11.5.0
typo3/cms-felogin Version ~10.4.0 || ~11.5.0
typo3/cms-fluid Version ~10.4.0 || ~11.5.0
typo3/cms-frontend Version ~10.4.0 || ~11.5.0
typo3/cms-scheduler Version ~10.4.0 || ~11.5.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package eid-login/eid-login-typo3 contains the following files

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