Download the PHP package dansleboby/zoomphp-sdk without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package dansleboby/zoomphp-sdk. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package zoomphp-sdk


The Zoom Meeting APIs let developers to access information from Zoom. You can use this API to build private services or public applications on the Zoom App Marketplace. To learn how to get your credentials and create private/public applications, read our OAuth documentation.

All endpoints are available via https and are located at For example, to list all of an account's users, use the endpoint.

For more information, please visit

Installation & Usage


PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountsApi accountManagedDomain GET /accounts/{accountId}/managed_domains Get account's managed domains
AccountsApi accountSettings GET /accounts/{accountId}/settings Get account settings
AccountsApi accountSettingsUpdate PATCH /accounts/{accountId}/settings Update account settings
AccountsApi accountTrustedDomain GET /accounts/{accountId}/trusted_domains Get account's trusted domains
ArchivingApi deleteArchivedFiles DELETE /past_meetings/{meetingUUID}/archive_files Delete a meeting's archived files
ArchivingApi getArchivedFileStatistics GET /archive_files/statistics Get archived file statistics
ArchivingApi getArchivedFiles GET /past_meetings/{meetingUUID}/archive_files Get a meeting's archived files
ArchivingApi listArchivedFiles GET /archive_files List archived files
CloudRecordingApi meetingRecordingRegistrantCreate POST /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings/registrants Create a recording registrant
CloudRecordingApi meetingRecordingRegistrantStatus PUT /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings/registrants/status Update registrant's status
CloudRecordingApi meetingRecordingRegistrants GET /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings/registrants List recording registrants
CloudRecordingApi recordingDelete DELETE /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings Delete meeting recordings
CloudRecordingApi recordingDeleteOne DELETE /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings/{recordingId} Delete a meeting recording file
CloudRecordingApi recordingGet GET /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings Get meeting recordings
CloudRecordingApi recordingRegistrantQuestionUpdate PATCH /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings/registrants/questions Update registration questions
CloudRecordingApi recordingRegistrantsQuestionsGet GET /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings/registrants/questions Get registration questions
CloudRecordingApi recordingSettingUpdate GET /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings/settings Get meeting recording settings
CloudRecordingApi recordingSettingsUpdate PATCH /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings/settings Update meeting recording settings
CloudRecordingApi recordingStatusUpdate PUT /meetings/{meetingUUID}/recordings/status Recover meeting recordings
CloudRecordingApi recordingStatusUpdateOne PUT /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings/{recordingId}/status Recover a single recording
CloudRecordingApi recordingsList GET /users/{userId}/recordings List all recordings
DashboardsApi dashboardCRC GET /metrics/crc Get CRC port usage
DashboardsApi dashboardChat GET /metrics/chat Get chat metrics
DashboardsApi dashboardClientFeedback GET /metrics/client/feedback List Zoom meetings client feedback
DashboardsApi dashboardClientFeedbackDetail GET /metrics/client/feedback/{feedbackId} Get zoom meetings client feedback
DashboardsApi dashboardIM GET /metrics/im Get IM metrics
DashboardsApi dashboardIssueDetailZoomRoom GET /metrics/issues/zoomrooms/{zoomroomId} Get issues of Zoom Rooms
DashboardsApi dashboardIssueZoomRoom GET /metrics/issues/zoomrooms Get top 25 Zoom Rooms with issues
DashboardsApi dashboardMeetingDetail GET /metrics/meetings/{meetingId} Get meeting details
DashboardsApi dashboardMeetingParticipantQOS GET /metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants/{participantId}/qos Get meeting participant QoS
DashboardsApi dashboardMeetingParticipantShare GET /metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants/sharing Get sharing/recording details
DashboardsApi dashboardMeetingParticipants GET /metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants List meeting participants
DashboardsApi dashboardMeetingParticipantsQOS GET /metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants/qos List meeting participants QoS
DashboardsApi dashboardMeetingParticipantsQOSSummary GET /metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants/qos_summary List meeting participants QoS Summary
DashboardsApi dashboardMeetings GET /metrics/meetings List meetings
DashboardsApi dashboardQuality GET /metrics/quality Get meeting quality scores
DashboardsApi dashboardWebinarDetail GET /metrics/webinars/{webinarId} Get webinar details
DashboardsApi dashboardWebinarParticipantQOS GET /metrics/webinars/{webinarId}/participants/{participantId}/qos Get webinar participant QoS
DashboardsApi dashboardWebinarParticipantShare GET /metrics/webinars/{webinarId}/participants/sharing Get sharing/recording details
DashboardsApi dashboardWebinarParticipants GET /metrics/webinars/{webinarId}/participants Get webinar participants
DashboardsApi dashboardWebinarParticipantsQOS GET /metrics/webinars/{webinarId}/participants/qos List webinar participant QoS
DashboardsApi dashboardWebinarParticipantsQOSSummary GET /metrics/webinars/{webinarId}/participants/qos_summary List webinar participants QoS Summary
DashboardsApi dashboardWebinars GET /metrics/webinars List webinars
DashboardsApi dashboardZoomRoom GET /metrics/zoomrooms/{zoomroomId} Get Zoom Rooms details
DashboardsApi dashboardZoomRoomIssue GET /metrics/zoomrooms/issues Get top 25 issues of Zoom Rooms
DashboardsApi dashboardZoomRooms GET /metrics/zoomrooms List Zoom Rooms
DashboardsApi getClientVersions GET /metrics/client_versions List the client versions
DashboardsApi listMeetingSatisfaction GET /metrics/client/satisfaction List client meeting satisfaction
DashboardsApi participantFeedback GET /metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants/satisfaction Get post meeting feedback
DashboardsApi participantWebinarFeedback GET /metrics/webinars/{webinarId}/participants/satisfaction Get post webinar feedback
DeprecatedAPIEndpointsApi listPastMeetingFiles GET /past_meetings/{meetingId}/files List past meeting's files
DeprecatedAPIEndpointsApi listPastWebinarFiles GET /past_webinars/{webinarId}/files List past webinar files
DevicesApi deviceCreate POST /h323/devices Create a H.323/SIP device
DevicesApi deviceDelete DELETE /h323/devices/{deviceId} Delete a H.323/SIP device
DevicesApi deviceList GET /h323/devices List H.323/SIP devices
DevicesApi deviceUpdate PATCH /h323/devices/{deviceId} Update a H.323/SIP device
GroupsApi delGroupVB DELETE /groups/{groupId}/settings/virtual_backgrounds Delete Virtual Background files
GroupsApi getGroupLockSettings GET /groups/{groupId}/lock_settings Get locked settings
GroupsApi getGroupSettings GET /groups/{groupId}/settings Get a group's settings
GroupsApi group GET /groups/{groupId} Get a group
GroupsApi groupAdmins GET /groups/{groupId}/admins List group admins
GroupsApi groupAdminsCreate POST /groups/{groupId}/admins Add group admins
GroupsApi groupAdminsDelete DELETE /groups/{groupId}/admins/{userId} Delete a group admin
GroupsApi groupCreate POST /groups Create a group
GroupsApi groupDelete DELETE /groups/{groupId} Delete a group
GroupsApi groupLockedSettings PATCH /groups/{groupId}/lock_settings Update locked settings
GroupsApi groupMembers GET /groups/{groupId}/members List group members
GroupsApi groupMembersCreate POST /groups/{groupId}/members Add group members
GroupsApi groupMembersDelete DELETE /groups/{groupId}/members/{memberId} Delete a group member
GroupsApi groupUpdate PATCH /groups/{groupId} Update a group
GroupsApi groups GET /groups List groups
GroupsApi updateAGroupMember PATCH /groups/{groupId}/members/{memberId} Update a group member
GroupsApi updateGroupSettings PATCH /groups/{groupId}/settings Update a group's settings
GroupsApi uploadGroupVB POST /groups/{groupId}/settings/virtual_backgrounds Upload Virtual Background files
IMGroupsApi imGroup GET /im/groups/{groupId} Retrieve an IM directory group
IMGroupsApi imGroupCreate POST /im/groups Create an IM directory group
IMGroupsApi imGroupDelete DELETE /im/groups/{groupId} Delete an IM directory group
IMGroupsApi imGroupMembers GET /im/groups/{groupId}/members List IM directory group members
IMGroupsApi imGroupMembersCreate POST /im/groups/{groupId}/members Add IM directory group members
IMGroupsApi imGroupMembersDelete DELETE /im/groups/{groupId}/members/{memberId} Delete IM directory group member
IMGroupsApi imGroupUpdate PATCH /im/groups/{groupId} Update an IM directory group
IMGroupsApi imGroups GET /im/groups List IM directory groups
MeetingsApi addBatchRegistrants POST /meetings/{meetingId}/batch_registrants Perform batch registration
MeetingsApi createBatchPolls POST /meetings/{meetingId}/batch_polls Perform batch poll creation
MeetingsApi deleteMeetingChatMessageById DELETE /live_meetings/{meetingId}/chat/messages/{messageId} Delete a live meeting message
MeetingsApi getMeetingLiveStreamDetails GET /meetings/{meetingId}/livestream Get livestream details
MeetingsApi inMeetingControl PATCH /live_meetings/{meetingId}/events Use in-meeting controls
MeetingsApi listMeetingTemplates GET /users/{userId}/meeting_templates List meeting templates
MeetingsApi listPastMeetingPolls GET /past_meetings/{meetingId}/polls List past meeting's poll results
MeetingsApi meeting GET /meetings/{meetingId} Get a meeting
MeetingsApi meetingCreate POST /users/{userId}/meetings Create a meeting
MeetingsApi meetingDelete DELETE /meetings/{meetingId} Delete a meeting
MeetingsApi meetingInvitation GET /meetings/{meetingId}/invitation Get meeting invitation
MeetingsApi meetingInviteLinksCreate POST /meetings/{meetingId}/invite_links Create meeting's invite links
MeetingsApi meetingLiveStreamStatusUpdate PATCH /meetings/{meetingId}/livestream/status Update Live Stream Status
MeetingsApi meetingLiveStreamUpdate PATCH /meetings/{meetingId}/livestream Update a livestream
MeetingsApi meetingLocalRecordingJoinToken GET /meetings/{meetingId}/jointoken/local_recording Get a meeting's join token for local recording
MeetingsApi meetingPollCreate POST /meetings/{meetingId}/polls Create a meeting poll
MeetingsApi meetingPollDelete DELETE /meetings/{meetingId}/polls/{pollId} Delete a meeting poll
MeetingsApi meetingPollGet GET /meetings/{meetingId}/polls/{pollId} Get a meeting poll
MeetingsApi meetingPollUpdate PUT /meetings/{meetingId}/polls/{pollId} Update a meeting poll
MeetingsApi meetingPolls GET /meetings/{meetingId}/polls List meeting polls
MeetingsApi meetingRegistrantCreate POST /meetings/{meetingId}/registrants Add a meeting registrant
MeetingsApi meetingRegistrantGet GET /meetings/{meetingId}/registrants/{registrantId} Get a meeting registrant
MeetingsApi meetingRegistrantQuestionUpdate PATCH /meetings/{meetingId}/registrants/questions Update registration questions
MeetingsApi meetingRegistrantStatus PUT /meetings/{meetingId}/registrants/status Update registrant's status
MeetingsApi meetingRegistrants GET /meetings/{meetingId}/registrants List meeting registrants
MeetingsApi meetingRegistrantsQuestionsGet GET /meetings/{meetingId}/registrants/questions List registration questions
MeetingsApi meetingStatus PUT /meetings/{meetingId}/status Update meeting status
MeetingsApi meetingSurveyDelete DELETE /meetings/{meetingId}/survey Delete a meeting survey
MeetingsApi meetingSurveyGet GET /meetings/{meetingId}/survey Get a meeting survey
MeetingsApi meetingSurveyUpdate PATCH /meetings/{meetingId}/survey Update a meeting survey
MeetingsApi meetingToken GET /meetings/{meetingId}/token Get meeting's token
MeetingsApi meetingUpdate PATCH /meetings/{meetingId} Update a meeting
MeetingsApi meetingregistrantdelete DELETE /meetings/{meetingId}/registrants/{registrantId} Delete a meeting registrant
MeetingsApi meetings GET /users/{userId}/meetings List meetings
MeetingsApi pastMeetingDetails GET /past_meetings/{meetingId} Get past meeting details
MeetingsApi pastMeetingParticipants GET /past_meetings/{meetingId}/participants Get past meeting participants
MeetingsApi pastMeetings GET /past_meetings/{meetingId}/instances List past meeting instances
PACApi userPACs GET /users/{userId}/pac List a user's PAC accounts
ReportsApi getBillingInvoicesReports GET /report/billing/invoices Get billing invoice reports
ReportsApi getBillingReport GET /report/billing Get billing reports
ReportsApi reportChatMessages GET /report/chat/sessions/{sessionId} Get chat messages reports
ReportsApi reportChatSessions GET /report/chat/sessions Get chat sessions reports
ReportsApi reportCloudRecording GET /report/cloud_recording Get cloud recording usage report
ReportsApi reportDaily GET /report/daily Get daily usage report
ReportsApi reportMeetingDetails GET /report/meetings/{meetingId} Get meeting detail reports
ReportsApi reportMeetingParticipants GET /report/meetings/{meetingId}/participants Get meeting participant reports
ReportsApi reportMeetingPolls GET /report/meetings/{meetingId}/polls Get meeting poll reports
ReportsApi reportMeetings GET /report/users/{userId}/meetings Get meeting reports
ReportsApi reportOperationLogs GET /report/operationlogs Get operation logs report
ReportsApi reportSignInSignOutActivities GET /report/activities Get sign In / sign out activity report
ReportsApi reportTelephone GET /report/telephone Get telephone reports
ReportsApi reportUpcomingEvents GET /report/upcoming_events Get upcoming events report
ReportsApi reportUsers GET /report/users Get active/inactive host reports
ReportsApi reportWebinarDetails GET /report/webinars/{webinarId} Get webinar detail reports
ReportsApi reportWebinarParticipants GET /report/webinars/{webinarId}/participants Get webinar participant reports
ReportsApi reportWebinarPolls GET /report/webinars/{webinarId}/polls Get webinar poll reports
ReportsApi reportWebinarQA GET /report/webinars/{webinarId}/qa Get webinar Q&A report
RolesApi addRoleMembers POST /roles/{roleId}/members Assign a role
RolesApi createRole POST /roles Create a role
RolesApi deleteRole DELETE /roles/{roleId} Delete a role
RolesApi getRoleInformation GET /roles/{roleId} Get role information
RolesApi roleMemberDelete DELETE /roles/{roleId}/members/{memberId} Unassign a role
RolesApi roleMembers GET /roles/{roleId}/members List members in a role
RolesApi roles GET /roles List roles
RolesApi updateRole PATCH /roles/{roleId} Update role information
SIPPhoneApi createSIPPhone POST /sip_phones Enable SIP phone
SIPPhoneApi deleteSIPPhone DELETE /sip_phones/{phoneId} Delete SIP phone
SIPPhoneApi listSipPhones GET /sip_phones List SIP phones
SIPPhoneApi updateSIPPhone PATCH /sip_phones/{phoneId} Update SIP phone
TSPApi tsp GET /tsp Get account's TSP information
TSPApi tspUpdate PATCH /tsp Update account's TSP information
TSPApi tspUrlUpdate PATCH /users/{userId}/tsp/settings Set global dial-in URL for a TSP user
TSPApi userTSP GET /users/{userId}/tsp/{tspId} Get a user's TSP account
TSPApi userTSPCreate POST /users/{userId}/tsp Add a user's TSP account
TSPApi userTSPDelete DELETE /users/{userId}/tsp/{tspId} Delete a user's TSP account
TSPApi userTSPUpdate PATCH /users/{userId}/tsp/{tspId} Update a TSP account
TSPApi userTSPs GET /users/{userId}/tsp List user's TSP accounts
TrackingFieldApi trackingfieldCreate POST /tracking_fields Create a tracking field
TrackingFieldApi trackingfieldDelete DELETE /tracking_fields/{fieldId} Delete a tracking field
TrackingFieldApi trackingfieldGet GET /tracking_fields/{fieldId} Get a tracking field
TrackingFieldApi trackingfieldList GET /tracking_fields List tracking fields
TrackingFieldApi trackingfieldUpdate PATCH /tracking_fields/{fieldId} Update a tracking field
UsersApi delUserVB DELETE /users/{userId}/settings/virtual_backgrounds Delete Virtual Background files
UsersApi updatePresenceStatus PUT /users/{userId}/presence_status Update a user's presence status
UsersApi uploadVBuser POST /users/{userId}/settings/virtual_backgrounds Upload Virtual Background files
UsersApi user GET /users/{userId} Get a user
UsersApi userAssistantCreate POST /users/{userId}/assistants Add assistants
UsersApi userAssistantDelete DELETE /users/{userId}/assistants/{assistantId} Delete a user assistant
UsersApi userAssistants GET /users/{userId}/assistants List user assistants
UsersApi userAssistantsDelete DELETE /users/{userId}/assistants Delete user assistants
UsersApi userCreate POST /users Create users
UsersApi userDelete DELETE /users/{userId} Delete a user
UsersApi userEmail GET /users/email Check a user email
UsersApi userEmailUpdate PUT /users/{userId}/email Update a user's email
UsersApi userPassword PUT /users/{userId}/password Update a user's password
UsersApi userPermission GET /users/{userId}/permissions Get user permissions
UsersApi userPicture POST /users/{userId}/picture Upload a user's profile picture
UsersApi userPictureDelete DELETE /users/{userId}/picture Delete a user's profile picture
UsersApi userSSOTokenDelete DELETE /users/{userId}/token Revoke a user's SSO token
UsersApi userSchedulerDelete DELETE /users/{userId}/schedulers/{schedulerId} Delete a scheduler
UsersApi userSchedulers GET /users/{userId}/schedulers List user schedulers
UsersApi userSchedulersDelete DELETE /users/{userId}/schedulers Delete user schedulers
UsersApi userSettings GET /users/{userId}/settings Get user settings
UsersApi userSettingsUpdate PATCH /users/{userId}/settings Update user settings
UsersApi userStatus PUT /users/{userId}/status Update user status
UsersApi userToken GET /users/{userId}/token Get a user's token
UsersApi userUpdate PATCH /users/{userId} Update a user
UsersApi userVanityName GET /users/vanity_name Check a user's PM room
UsersApi userZak GET /users/me/zak Get user's ZAK
UsersApi users GET /users List users
WebinarsApi addBatchWebinarRegistrants POST /webinars/{webinarId}/batch_registrants Perform batch registration
WebinarsApi createWebinarBrandingNameTag POST /webinars/{webinarId}/branding/name_tags Create a webinar's branding name tag
WebinarsApi deleteWebinarBrandingNameTag DELETE /webinars/{webinarId}/branding/name_tags Delete a webinar's branding name tag
WebinarsApi deleteWebinarBrandingVB DELETE /webinars/{webinarId}/branding/virtual_backgrounds Delete a webinar's branding Virtual Backgrounds
WebinarsApi deleteWebinarBrandingWallpaper DELETE /webinars/{webinarId}/branding/wallpaper Delete a webinar's branding wallpaper
WebinarsApi deleteWebinarChatMessageById DELETE /live_webinars/{webinarId}/chat/messages/{messageId} Delete a live webinar message
WebinarsApi deleteWebinarRegistrant DELETE /webinars/{webinarId}/registrants/{registrantId} Delete a webinar registrant
WebinarsApi getTrackingSources GET /webinars/{webinarId}/tracking_sources Get webinar tracking sources
WebinarsApi getWebinarBranding GET /webinars/{webinarId}/branding Get webinar's session branding
WebinarsApi getWebinarLiveStreamDetails GET /webinars/{webinarId}/livestream Get live stream details
WebinarsApi listPastWebinarPollResults GET /past_webinars/{webinarId}/polls List past webinar poll results
WebinarsApi listPastWebinarQA GET /past_webinars/{webinarId}/qa List Q&A of past webinar
WebinarsApi listWebinarParticipants GET /past_webinars/{webinarId}/participants List webinar participants
WebinarsApi listWebinarTemplates GET /users/{userId}/webinar_templates List webinar templates
WebinarsApi pastWebinars GET /past_webinars/{webinarId}/instances List past webinar instances
WebinarsApi setWebinarBrandingVB PATCH /webinars/{webinarId}/branding/virtual_backgrounds Set webinar's default branding Virtual Background
WebinarsApi updateWebinarBrandingNameTag PATCH /webinars/{webinarId}/branding/name_tags/{nameTagId} Update a webinar's branding name tag
WebinarsApi uploadWebinarBrandingVB POST /webinars/{webinarId}/branding/virtual_backgrounds Upload a webinar's branding Virtual Background
WebinarsApi uploadWebinarBrandingWallpaper POST /webinars/{webinarId}/branding/wallpaper Upload a webinar's branding wallpaper
WebinarsApi webinar GET /webinars/{webinarId} Get a webinar
WebinarsApi webinarAbsentees GET /past_webinars/{WebinarUUID}/absentees Get webinar absentees
WebinarsApi webinarCreate POST /users/{userId}/webinars Create a webinar
WebinarsApi webinarDelete DELETE /webinars/{webinarId} Delete a webinar
WebinarsApi webinarInviteLinksCreate POST /webinars/{webinarId}/invite_links Create webinar's invite links
WebinarsApi webinarLiveStreamStatusUpdate PATCH /webinars/{webinarId}/livestream/status Update Live Stream Status
WebinarsApi webinarLiveStreamUpdate PATCH /webinars/{webinarId}/livestream Update a live stream
WebinarsApi webinarLocalRecordingJoinToken GET /webinars/{webinarId}/jointoken/local_recording Get a webinar's join token for local recording
WebinarsApi webinarPanelistCreate POST /webinars/{webinarId}/panelists Add panelists
WebinarsApi webinarPanelistDelete DELETE /webinars/{webinarId}/panelists/{panelistId} Remove a panelist
WebinarsApi webinarPanelists GET /webinars/{webinarId}/panelists List panelists
WebinarsApi webinarPanelistsDelete DELETE /webinars/{webinarId}/panelists Remove panelists
WebinarsApi webinarPollCreate POST /webinars/{webinarId}/polls Create a webinar's poll
WebinarsApi webinarPollDelete DELETE /webinars/{webinarId}/polls/{pollId} Delete a webinar poll
WebinarsApi webinarPollGet GET /webinars/{webinarId}/polls/{pollId} Get a webinar poll
WebinarsApi webinarPollUpdate PUT /webinars/{webinarId}/polls/{pollId} Update a webinar poll
WebinarsApi webinarPolls GET /webinars/{webinarId}/polls List a webinar's polls
WebinarsApi webinarRegistrantCreate POST /webinars/{webinarId}/registrants Add a webinar registrant
WebinarsApi webinarRegistrantGet GET /webinars/{webinarId}/registrants/{registrantId} Get a webinar registrant
WebinarsApi webinarRegistrantQuestionUpdate PATCH /webinars/{webinarId}/registrants/questions Update registration questions
WebinarsApi webinarRegistrantStatus PUT /webinars/{webinarId}/registrants/status Update registrant's status
WebinarsApi webinarRegistrants GET /webinars/{webinarId}/registrants List webinar registrants
WebinarsApi webinarRegistrantsQuestionsGet GET /webinars/{webinarId}/registrants/questions List registration questions
WebinarsApi webinarStatus PUT /webinars/{webinarId}/status Update webinar status
WebinarsApi webinarSurveyDelete DELETE /webinars/{webinarId}/survey Delete a webinar survey
WebinarsApi webinarSurveyGet GET /webinars/{webinarId}/survey Get a webinar survey
WebinarsApi webinarSurveyUpdate PATCH /webinars/{webinarId}/survey Update a webinar survey
WebinarsApi webinarToken GET /webinars/{webinarId}/token Get webinar's token
WebinarsApi webinarUpdate PATCH /webinars/{webinarId} Update a webinar
WebinarsApi webinars GET /users/{userId}/webinars List webinars
WorkspacesApi createReservation POST /workspaces/{workspaceId}/reservations Create a reservation
WorkspacesApi deleteReservation DELETE /workspaces/{workspaceId}/reservations/{reservationId} Delete a reservation
WorkspacesApi getHotDeskUsage GET /workspaces/usage Get a location's hot desk usage
WorkspacesApi listReservations GET /workspaces/{workspaceId}/reservations Get a workspace's reservations
WorkspacesApi listWorkspaces GET /workspaces List workspaces
WorkspacesApi updateReservation PATCH /workspaces/{workspaceId}/reservations/{reservationId} Update a reservation
ZoomRoomsApi addARoom POST /rooms Add a Zoom Room
ZoomRoomsApi changeZRLocation PUT /rooms/{roomId}/location Change a Zoom Room's location
ZoomRoomsApi createRoomDeviceProfile POST /rooms/{roomId}/device_profiles Create a device profile
ZoomRoomsApi deleteAZoomRoom DELETE /rooms/{roomId} Delete a Zoom Room
ZoomRoomsApi deleteRoomProfile DELETE /rooms/{roomId}/device_profiles/{deviceProfileId} Delete a device profile
ZoomRoomsApi getRoomDevices GET /rooms/{roomId}/device_profiles/devices Get device information
ZoomRoomsApi getRoomProfile GET /rooms/{roomId}/device_profiles/{deviceProfileId} Get a device profile
ZoomRoomsApi getRoomProfiles GET /rooms/{roomId}/device_profiles List device profiles
ZoomRoomsApi getZRProfile GET /rooms/{roomId} Get Zoom Room profile
ZoomRoomsApi getZRSettings GET /rooms/{roomId}/settings Get Zoom Room settings
ZoomRoomsApi listDigitalSignageContent GET /rooms/digital_signage List digital signage contents
ZoomRoomsApi listZRDevices GET /rooms/{roomId}/devices List Zoom Room devices
ZoomRoomsApi listZoomRooms GET /rooms List Zoom Rooms
ZoomRoomsApi manageE911signage PATCH /rooms/events Update E911 digital signage
ZoomRoomsApi updateDeviceProfile PATCH /rooms/{roomId}/device_profiles/{deviceProfileId} Update a device profile
ZoomRoomsApi updateRoomProfile PATCH /rooms/{roomId} Update a Zoom Room profile
ZoomRoomsApi updateZRSettings PATCH /rooms/{roomId}/settings Update Zoom Room settings
ZoomRoomsApi zoomRoomsControls PATCH /rooms/{id}/events Use Zoom Room controls
ZoomRoomsAccountApi getZRAccountProfile GET /rooms/account_profile Get Zoom Room account profile
ZoomRoomsAccountApi getZRAccountSettings GET /rooms/account_settings Get Zoom Room account settings
ZoomRoomsAccountApi updateZRAccProfile PATCH /rooms/account_profile Update Zoom Room account profile
ZoomRoomsAccountApi updateZoomRoomAccSettings PATCH /rooms/account_settings Update Zoom Room account settings
ZoomRoomsCalendarApi addACalendarResourceToCalendarService POST /rooms/calendar/services/{serviceId}/resources Add a calendar resource to a calendar service
ZoomRoomsCalendarApi deleteACalendarResource DELETE /rooms/calendar/services/{serviceId}/resources/{resourceId} Delete a calendar resource
ZoomRoomsCalendarApi deleteACalendarService DELETE /rooms/calendar/services/{serviceId} Delete a calendar service
ZoomRoomsCalendarApi getCalendarResourceById GET /rooms/calendar/services/{serviceId}/resources/{resourceId} Get a calendar resource by ID
ZoomRoomsCalendarApi getCalendarResourcesByServiceId GET /rooms/calendar/services/{serviceId}/resources List calendar resources by calendar service
ZoomRoomsCalendarApi getCalendarServices GET /rooms/calendar/services List calendar services
ZoomRoomsCalendarApi syncACalendarService PUT /rooms/calendar/services/{serviceId}/sync Start calendar service sync process
ZoomRoomsDevicesApi changeZoomRoomsAppVersion PUT /rooms/{roomId}/devices/{deviceId}/app_version Change Zoom Rooms app version
ZoomRoomsLocationApi addAZRLocation POST /rooms/locations Add a location
ZoomRoomsLocationApi changeParentLocation PUT /rooms/locations/{locationId}/location Change the assigned parent location
ZoomRoomsLocationApi getZRLocationProfile GET /rooms/locations/{locationId} Get Zoom Room location profile
ZoomRoomsLocationApi getZRLocationSettings GET /rooms/locations/{locationId}/settings Get location settings
ZoomRoomsLocationApi getZRLocationStructure GET /rooms/locations/structure Get Zoom Room location structure
ZoomRoomsLocationApi listZRLocations GET /rooms/locations List Zoom Room locations
ZoomRoomsLocationApi updateZRLocationProfile PATCH /rooms/locations/{locationId} Update Zoom Room location profile
ZoomRoomsLocationApi updateZRLocationSettings PATCH /rooms/locations/{locationId}/settings Update location settings
ZoomRoomsLocationApi updateZoomRoomsLocationStructure PUT /rooms/locations/structure Update Zoom Rooms location structure







To run the tests, use:


About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

All versions of zoomphp-sdk with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^7.4 || ^8.0
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.3
guzzlehttp/psr7 Version ^1.7 || ^2.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package dansleboby/zoomphp-sdk contains the following files

Loading the files please wait ....