Download the PHP package daikazu/welcome-bar without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package daikazu/welcome-bar. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about daikazu/welcome-bar
Files in daikazu/welcome-bar
Package welcome-bar
Short Description Add a welcome bar for the top of your website updatable via API
License MIT
Informations about the package welcome-bar
Add a welcome bar to the top of your website updatable via API
You can install the package via composer:
You can publish the config file with:
This is the contents of the published config file:
Optionally, you can publish the views using
Add this to your layout file (e.g., resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php
) after the opening body tag:
or alternatively you can use the blade directive
Schedule the cleanup command to run in your console routes file
Data Structure
This package uses a JSON array of “message objects” to display one or more stacked bars at the top of your webpage. The order of the array determines the vertical stacking order: the first element in the array appears at the very top, the second beneath it, and so on.
Field Explanations
• Type: string
• Description: The main text shown on the bar. This is required.
• Type: object (optional fields)
• label (string): The text on the button.
• url (string): The link destination.
• target (string): _blank or _self. Defaults to _self if omitted.
If cta.label and cta.url are both provided, a button will appear.
• Type: object
• start (string, ISO datetime): When this message first becomes visible.
• end (string, ISO datetime): When this message stops being visible.
Messages are only displayed while the current date/time falls between start and end. If you omit these fields, the message is always considered valid.
• Type: object
• closable (boolean): Whether to show a close (×) button.
• autoHide (boolean): Whether the bar should automatically hide itself after some time.
• autoHideDelay (number): The duration in milliseconds (e.g., 5000 = 5 seconds) before the bar hides if autoHide is true.
• Type: object
• variant (string): Arbitrary descriptor for the style theme (e.g., "prominent", "subtle").
• background (string): Hex code for the bar’s background color.
• text (string): Hex code for the bar’s text color.
• button (object): Further styles for the CTA button.
• background (string): Button background color.
• text (string): Button text color.
• contrastStrategy (string, "auto" or "manual"):
• If "auto", the bar can compute the best contrasting text color based on background.
• If "manual", the text color is taken as-is from text.
How to Update the Data
You can update this JSON array via:
• A POST request to your application’s update route (e.g. POST /welcome-bar/update), or
• Directly saving a JSON file in the configured temporary storage location (depending on your setup).
How Data is Rendered
Each entry in the array is displayed as a stacked bar at the top of the page, in the order provided. The package checks:
Is now() between schedule.start and schedule.end?
- Is the data valid? (e.g., do we have a message?)
If valid, the bar is rendered with the specified colors, CTA button, and behavior rules.
Tip: If you want to hide all existing bars, simply remove (or empty) this JSON array.
API Routes
Fetch Current Bar Data
Endpoint: GET /api/welcome-bar/data
Description: Fetches the current welcome bar data.
Middleware: Uses the middleware specified in welcome-bar.middleware.fetch
- 200 OK: Returns the current welcome bar data in JSON format.
Update Bar Data
Endpoint: POST /api/welcome-bar/update
Description: Updates the welcome bar data from an external source.
Middleware: Uses the middleware specified in welcome-bar.middleware.update
Request Body:
- Content-Type:
- Body: JSON array of message objects.
- 200 OK: Returns a success message.
- 400 Bad Request: Returns an error message if the request is invalid.
Endpoint: GET /api/welcome-bar/ping
Description: Pings the site to check if the welcome bar is installed.
Middleware: Uses the middleware specified in welcome-bar.middleware.fetch
- 200 OK: Returns a success message indicating the welcome bar is installed.
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Security Vulnerabilities
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
- Mike Wall
- All Contributors
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
All versions of welcome-bar with dependencies
spatie/laravel-package-tools Version ^1.16
illuminate/contracts Version ^10.0||^11.0