Download the PHP package creatissimo/easybill without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package creatissimo/easybill. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
Please rate this library. Is it a good library?

Informations about the package easybill


The first version of the easybill REST API. CHANGELOG ## Authentication You can choose between two available methods: Basic Auth or Bearer Token. In each HTTP request, one of the following HTTP headers is required: ## Limitations ### Request Limit PLUS: 10 requests per minute BUSINESS: 60 requests per minute If the limit is exceeded, you will receive the HTTP error: 429 Too Many Requests ### Result Limit All result lists are limited to 100 by default. This limit can be increased by the query parameter limit to a maximum of 1000. ## Query filter Many list resources can be filtered. In /documents you can filter e.g. by number with /documents?number=111028654. If you want to filter multiple numbers, you can either enter them separated by commas /documents?number=111028654,222006895 or as an array /documents?number[]=111028654&number[]=222006895. Warning: The maximum size of an HTTP request line in bytes is 4094. If this limit is exceeded, you will receive the HTTP error: 414 Request-URI Too Large ### Escape commas in query You can escape commans in query name=Patrick\\, Peter if you submit the header X-Easybill-Escape: true in your request. ## Property login_id This is the login of your admin or employee account. ## Date and Date-Time format Please use the timezone Europe/Berlin. date = Y-m-d = 2016-12-31 date-time = Y-m-d H:i:s = 2016-12-31 03:13:37 Date or datetime can be null because the attributes have been added later and the entry is older.

This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:


PHP 5.5 and later

Installation & Usage


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:


To run the unit tests:

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AttachmentApi attachmentsGet GET /attachments Fetch attachments list
AttachmentApi attachmentsIdContentGet GET /attachments/{id}/content Fetch attachment content
AttachmentApi attachmentsIdDelete DELETE /attachments/{id} Delete attachment
AttachmentApi attachmentsIdGet GET /attachments/{id} Fetch attachment
AttachmentApi attachmentsIdPut PUT /attachments/{id} Update attachment
AttachmentApi attachmentsPost POST /attachments Create attachment
ContactApi customersCustomerIdContactsGet GET /customers/{customerId}/contacts Fetch customer contact list
ContactApi customersCustomerIdContactsIdDelete DELETE /customers/{customerId}/contacts/{id} Delete contact
ContactApi customersCustomerIdContactsIdGet GET /customers/{customerId}/contacts/{id} Fetch contact
ContactApi customersCustomerIdContactsIdPut PUT /customers/{customerId}/contacts/{id} Update Contact
ContactApi customersCustomerIdContactsPost POST /customers/{customerId}/contacts Create new contact
CustomerApi customersGet GET /customers Fetch customers list
CustomerApi customersIdDelete DELETE /customers/{id} Delete customer
CustomerApi customersIdGet GET /customers/{id} Fetch customer
CustomerApi customersIdPut PUT /customers/{id} Update Customer
CustomerApi customersPost POST /customers Create customer
CustomerGroupApi customerGroupsGet GET /customer-groups Fetch customer group list
CustomerGroupApi customerGroupsIdDelete DELETE /customer-groups/{id} Delete customer group
CustomerGroupApi customerGroupsIdGet GET /customer-groups/{id} Fetch customer group
CustomerGroupApi customerGroupsIdPut PUT /customer-groups/{id} Update customer group
CustomerGroupApi customerGroupsPost POST /customer-groups Create customer group
DiscountApi discountsPositionGet GET /discounts/position Fetch list of position discounts
DiscountApi discountsPositionGroupGet GET /discounts/position-group Fetch list of position-group discounts
DiscountApi discountsPositionGroupIdDelete DELETE /discounts/position-group/{id} Delete the specified position-group discount
DiscountApi discountsPositionGroupIdGet GET /discounts/position-group/{id} Fetch specified position-group discount by id
DiscountApi discountsPositionGroupIdPut PUT /discounts/position-group/{id} Update a position-group discount
DiscountApi discountsPositionGroupPost POST /discounts/position-group Create a new position-group discount
DiscountApi discountsPositionIdDelete DELETE /discounts/position/{id} Delete the specified position discount
DiscountApi discountsPositionIdGet GET /discounts/position/{id} Fetch specified position discount by id
DiscountApi discountsPositionIdPut PUT /discounts/position/{id} Update a position discount
DiscountApi discountsPositionPost POST /discounts/position Create a new position discount
DocumentApi documentsGet GET /documents Fetch documents list
DocumentApi documentsIdCancelPost POST /documents/{id}/cancel Cancel document
DocumentApi documentsIdDelete DELETE /documents/{id} Delete document
DocumentApi documentsIdDonePut PUT /documents/{id}/done To complete a document.
DocumentApi documentsIdGet GET /documents/{id} Fetch document
DocumentApi documentsIdJpgGet GET /documents/{id}/jpg Download a document as an jpeg-image
DocumentApi documentsIdPdfGet GET /documents/{id}/pdf Fetch pdf document
DocumentApi documentsIdPut PUT /documents/{id} Update document
DocumentApi documentsIdSendTypePost POST /documents/{id}/send/{type} Send document
DocumentApi documentsPost POST /documents Create document
DocumentPaymentApi documentPaymentsGet GET /document-payments Fetch document payments list
DocumentPaymentApi documentPaymentsIdDelete DELETE /document-payments/{id} Delete document payment
DocumentPaymentApi documentPaymentsIdGet GET /document-payments/{id} Fetch document payment
DocumentPaymentApi documentPaymentsPost POST /document-payments Create document payment
LoginsApi loginsGet GET /logins
LoginsApi loginsIdGet GET /logins/{id}
PdfTemplatesApi pdfTemplatesGet GET /pdf-templates Fetch PDF Templates list
PositionApi positionsGet GET /positions Fetch positions list
PositionApi positionsIdDelete DELETE /positions/{id} Delete position
PositionApi positionsIdGet GET /positions/{id} Fetch position
PositionApi positionsIdPut PUT /positions/{id} Update position
PositionApi positionsPost POST /positions Create position
PositionGroupApi positionGroupsGet GET /position-groups Fetch position group list
PositionGroupApi positionGroupsIdDelete DELETE /position-groups/{id} Delete position group
PositionGroupApi positionGroupsIdGet GET /position-groups/{id} Fetch position group
PositionGroupApi positionGroupsIdPut PUT /position-groups/{id} Update position group
PositionGroupApi positionGroupsPost POST /position-groups Create position group
PostBoxApi postBoxesGet GET /post-boxes Fetch post box list
PostBoxApi postBoxesIdDelete DELETE /post-boxes/{id} Delete post box
PostBoxApi postBoxesIdGet GET /post-boxes/{id} Fetch post box
ProjectApi projectsGet GET /projects Fetch projects list
ProjectApi projectsIdDelete DELETE /projects/{id} Delete project
ProjectApi projectsIdGet GET /projects/{id} Fetch project
ProjectApi projectsIdPut PUT /projects/{id} Update project
ProjectApi projectsPost POST /projects Create project
SepaPaymentApi sepaPaymentsGet GET /sepa-payments Fetch SEPA payments list
SepaPaymentApi sepaPaymentsIdDelete DELETE /sepa-payments/{id} Delete SEPA payment
SepaPaymentApi sepaPaymentsIdGet GET /sepa-payments/{id} Fetch SEPA payment
SepaPaymentApi sepaPaymentsIdPut PUT /sepa-payments/{id} Update SEPA payment
SepaPaymentApi sepaPaymentsPost POST /sepa-payments Create SEPA payment
SerialNumberApi serialNumbersGet GET /serial-numbers Fetch a list of serial numbers for positions
SerialNumberApi serialNumbersIdDelete DELETE /serial-numbers/{id} Delete a serial number for a position
SerialNumberApi serialNumbersIdGet GET /serial-numbers/{id} Fetch a serial number for a position
SerialNumberApi serialNumbersPost POST /serial-numbers Create s serial number for a position
StockApi stocksGet GET /stocks Fetch a list of stock entries for positions
StockApi stocksIdGet GET /stocks/{id} Fetch an stock entry for a position
StockApi stocksPost POST /stocks Create a stock entry for a position
TaskApi tasksGet GET /tasks Fetch tasks list
TaskApi tasksIdDelete DELETE /tasks/{id} Delete task
TaskApi tasksIdGet GET /tasks/{id} Fetch task
TaskApi tasksIdPut PUT /tasks/{id} Update task
TaskApi tasksPost POST /tasks Create task
TextTemplateApi textTemplatesGet GET /text-templates Fetch text templates list
TextTemplateApi textTemplatesIdDelete DELETE /text-templates/{id} Delete text template
TextTemplateApi textTemplatesIdGet GET /text-templates/{id} Fetch text template
TextTemplateApi textTemplatesIdPut PUT /text-templates/{id} Update text template
TextTemplateApi textTemplatesPost POST /text-templates Create text template
TimeTrackingApi timeTrackingsGet GET /time-trackings Fetch time trackings list
TimeTrackingApi timeTrackingsIdDelete DELETE /time-trackings/{id} Delete time tracking
TimeTrackingApi timeTrackingsIdGet GET /time-trackings/{id} Fetch time tracking
TimeTrackingApi timeTrackingsIdPut PUT /time-trackings/{id} Update time tracking
TimeTrackingApi timeTrackingsPost POST /time-trackings Create time tracking
WebhookApi webhooksGet GET /webhooks Fetch WebHooks list
WebhookApi webhooksIdDelete DELETE /webhooks/{id} Delete WebHook
WebhookApi webhooksIdGet GET /webhooks/{id} Fetch WebHook
WebhookApi webhooksIdPut PUT /webhooks/{id} Update WebHook
WebhookApi webhooksPost POST /webhooks Create WebHook

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization




All versions of easybill with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.5
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version >=7.2
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package creatissimo/easybill contains the following files

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