Download the PHP package cmsrs/cmsrs3 without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package cmsrs/cmsrs3. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package cmsrs3
CMS, gallery, and shop based on Laravel and Vue.js
Run the following command to create the project:
Download the source code:
Install dependencies:
- Prepare .env file, and change db connection:
change db connection in .env file, for example:
You can create a MySQL user and database using the script:
Set up Laravel and JWT (generate the application key and JWT secrets):
Create database tables and seed initial data:
- admin (email/login: [email protected], pass: cmsrs123)
- client (email/login: [email protected], pass: cmsrs456)
(optionally) Set up permission:
- Start server
- Prepare .env.testing file, and change db connection:
Change db connection in .env.testing file, for example:
Attention! DB_DATABASE should be different than the one in the .env file.
You can create a MySQL database using the script
(optionally) set permission
- run tests:
It is recommended to run tests on a clean instance (without images)
Go to the website
log in as:
username: [email protected]
password: cmsrs123
Create main page (page type: main_page)
Add menu
- Add pages
After each change to a configuration value, it is necessary to log in to the admin panel again.
- Set up langs, the default is 'en,pl':
The first one will be default language. If you don't set up this directive it will be 'en,pl'
- Add api secret, the default is '':
It must be the same like in the admin config file (see Vue.js). It can be empty string.
- Set available page type that appear in the administration area:
The default page types are:
- cms: Displays a WYSIWYG editor in the administration area.
- gallery: A page for showcasing photos.
- shop: A page for displaying products.
- contact: A page with contact information.
- main_page: The main page, which requires writing pure HTML code.
- privacy_policy: A page containing the privacy policy.
- projects: Displays the same content across all languages.
- clear: A page without a WYSIWYG editor; requires writing pure HTML code.
- inner: Represents a text box on an existing page that requires hardcoding in the layout. The key is the short_title. For example, in the code:
(new PageService)->getPageDataByShortTitleCache('main_page_box1', 'content');
The following short_title values are predefined:
- main_page_box1, main_page_box2, main_page_box3: Represent three content boxes on the main page.
- company_data: Displays company information on the contact page.
- main_page_slider: Contains images displayed in the slider on the main page, It requires adding a <div class='slidecontainer'></div> element to the main page.
Additionally sending an e-mail with information from the contact form. If the value is empty, the text of the message will appear only in the administration panel in the contact tab
For Google reCAPTCHA v3 in the contact form, set up the following parameters:
Enable database cache, the default is false:
Set the currency, the default is USD:
Set is_shop, the default is true:
Set is_login, the default is true:
Set is_register, the default is true:
- Set the allowed file extensions for uploads:
The default file extensions for uploads are:
- PayU integration:
If you want to create a company profile page, I suggest setting the following CMS parameters, for example:
- Load test (demo) data:
I highly recommend running this script to understand how my CMS works. (Remember to leave the default values in the .env file.)
Create sitemap (it is recommended to put this command in the crontab file):
Create client user or edit password for user:
- Change admin password:
DEMO - Frontend
DEMO - Admin Panel
If you notice any problems or have ideas to improve the project, please use the Issues section to let me know. If you like it, give it a star! Your support motivates me to keep improving the project. Thank you! :)
All versions of cmsrs3 with dependencies
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.8
intervention/image-laravel Version ^1.2
laravel/fortify Version ^1.25
laravel/framework Version ^11.0
laravel/tinker Version ^2.9
php-open-source-saver/jwt-auth Version ^2.2