Download the PHP package cloudmersive/cloudmersive_document_convert_api_client without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package cloudmersive/cloudmersive_document_convert_api_client. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package cloudmersive_document_convert_api_client


Convert API lets you effortlessly convert file formats and types.

Cloudmersive Document and Data Conversion API provides advanced document conversion, editing and generation capabilities.


PHP 5.5 and later

Installation & Usage


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:


To run the unit tests:

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
CompareDocumentApi compareDocumentDocx POST /convert/compare/docx Compare Two Word DOCX
ConvertDataApi convertDataCsvToJson POST /convert/csv/to/json Convert CSV to JSON conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataCsvToXml POST /convert/csv/to/xml Convert CSV to XML conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataJsonStringToXml POST /convert/json-string/to/xml Convert JSON String to XML conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataJsonToXml POST /convert/json/to/xml Convert JSON Object to XML conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataXlsToJson POST /convert/xls/to/json Convert Excel (97-2003) XLS to JSON conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataXlsxToJson POST /convert/xlsx/to/json Convert Excel XLSX to JSON conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataXlsxToXml POST /convert/xlsx/to/xml Convert Excel XLSX to XML conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlEditAddAttributeWithXPath POST /convert/xml/edit/xpath/add-attribute Adds an attribute to all XML nodes matching XPath expression
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlEditAddChildWithXPath POST /convert/xml/edit/xpath/add-child Adds an XML node as a child to XML nodes matching XPath expression
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlEditRemoveAllChildNodesWithXPath POST /convert/xml/edit/xpath/remove-all-children Removes, deletes all children of nodes matching XPath expression, but does not remove the nodes
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlEditReplaceWithXPath POST /convert/xml/edit/xpath/replace Replaces XML nodes matching XPath expression with new node
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlEditSetValueWithXPath POST /convert/xml/edit/xpath/set-value Sets the value contents of XML nodes matching XPath expression
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlFilterWithXPath POST /convert/xml/select/xpath Filter, select XML nodes using XPath expression, get results
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlQueryWithXQuery POST /convert/xml/query/xquery Query an XML file using XQuery query, get results
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlQueryWithXQueryMulti POST /convert/xml/query/xquery/multi Query multiple XML files using XQuery query, get results
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlRemoveWithXPath POST /convert/xml/edit/xpath/remove Remove, delete XML nodes and items matching XPath expression
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlToJson POST /convert/xml/to/json Convert XML to JSON conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlTransformWithXsltToXml POST /convert/xml/transform/xslt/to/xml Transform XML document file with XSLT into a new XML document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectGetInfo POST /convert/autodetect/get-info Get document type information
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectToJpg POST /convert/autodetect/to/jpg Convert Document to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectToPdf POST /convert/autodetect/to/pdf Convert Document to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectToPdfBatchJob POST /convert/autodetect/to/pdf/batch-job Convert Document to PDF as Batch Job
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectToPngArray POST /convert/autodetect/to/png Convert Document to PNG array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectToThumbnail POST /convert/autodetect/to/thumbnail Convert File to Thumbnail Image
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectToThumbnailsAdvanced POST /convert/autodetect/to/thumbnail/advanced Convert File to Thumbnail Image Object
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectToTxt POST /convert/autodetect/to/txt Convert Document to Text (txt)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentCsvMultiToXlsx POST /convert/csv/multi/to/xlsx Convert Multiple CSV Files into a Single XLSX Spreadsheet
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentCsvToHtml POST /convert/csv/to/html Convert CSV to HTML document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentCsvToPdf POST /convert/csv/to/pdf Convert CSV to PDF document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentCsvToXlsx POST /convert/csv/to/xlsx Convert CSV to Excel XLSX Spreadsheet
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocToDocx POST /convert/doc/to/docx Convert Word DOC (97-03) Document to DOCX
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocToPdf POST /convert/doc/to/pdf Convert Word DOC (97-03) Document to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocToTxt POST /convert/doc/to/txt Convert Word DOC (97-03) Document to Text (txt)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocxToDoc POST /convert/docx/to/doc Convert Word DOCX Document to Legacy Word DOC (97-03)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocxToHtml POST /convert/docx/to/html Convert Word DOCX Document to HTML Document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocxToJpg POST /convert/docx/to/jpg Convert Word DOCX Document to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocxToPdf POST /convert/docx/to/pdf Convert Word DOCX Document to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocxToPng POST /convert/docx/to/png Convert Word DOCX Document to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocxToRtf POST /convert/docx/to/rtf Convert Word DOCX Document to RTF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocxToTxt POST /convert/docx/to/txt Convert Word DOCX Document to Text (txt)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentEmlToHtml POST /convert/eml/to/html Convert Email EML file to HTML string
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentEmlToJpg POST /convert/eml/to/jpg Convert Email EML file to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentEmlToPdf POST /convert/eml/to/pdf Convert Email EML file to PDF document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentEmlToPng POST /convert/eml/to/png Convert Email EML file to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentGetAsyncJobStatus GET /convert/batch-job/status Get the status and result of a Convert Document Batch Job
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentGetFileTypeIcon POST /convert/autodetect/get-icon Get PNG icon file for the file extension
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentGetFileTypeIconAdvanced POST /convert/autodetect/get-icon/advanced Get PNG icon byte array for the file extension
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentHtmlToPdf POST /convert/html/to/pdf Convert HTML document file to PDF Document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentHtmlToPng POST /convert/html/to/png Convert HTML document file to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentHtmlToTxt POST /convert/html/to/txt HTML Document file to Text (txt)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentKeynoteToJpg POST /convert/key/to/jpg Convert Keynote Presentation (KEY) to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentKeynoteToPdf POST /convert/key/to/pdf Convert Keynote Presentation (KEY) to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentKeynoteToPng POST /convert/key/to/png Convert Keynote Presentation (KEY) to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentKeynoteToPptx POST /convert/key/to/pptx Convert Keynote Presentation (KEY) to PPTX
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentMsgToHtml POST /convert/msg/to/html Convert Email MSG file to HTML string
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentMsgToJpg POST /convert/msg/to/jpg Convert Email MSG file to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentMsgToPdf POST /convert/msg/to/pdf Convert Email MSG file to PDF document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentMsgToPng POST /convert/msg/to/png Convert Email MSG file to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdpToJpg POST /convert/odp/to/jpg Convert ODP Presentation to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdpToPdf POST /convert/odp/to/pdf Convert ODP Presentation to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdpToPng POST /convert/odp/to/png Convert ODP Presentation to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdpToPptx POST /convert/odp/to/pptx Convert ODP Presentation to PPTX
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdsToJpg POST /convert/ods/to/jpg Convert ODS Spreadsheet to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdsToPdf POST /convert/ods/to/pdf Convert ODS Spreadsheet to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdsToPng POST /convert/ods/to/png Convert ODS Spreadsheet to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdsToXlsx POST /convert/ods/to/xlsx Convert ODS Spreadsheet to XLSX
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdtToDocx POST /convert/odt/to/docx Convert ODT Text File to Word DOCX
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdtToJpg POST /convert/odt/to/jpg Convert ODT Text File to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdtToPdf POST /convert/odt/to/pdf Convert ODT Text File to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdtToPng POST /convert/odt/to/png Convert ODT Text File to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToDocx POST /convert/pdf/to/docx Convert PDF to Word DOCX Document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToDocxRasterize POST /convert/pdf/to/docx/rasterize Convert PDF to Word DOCX Document based on rasterized version of the PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToJpg POST /convert/pdf/to/jpg Convert PDF to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToPngArray POST /convert/pdf/to/png Convert PDF to PNG Image Array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToPngArrayDirect POST /convert/pdf/to/png/direct Convert PDF to PNG Image Array (Direct)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToPngSingle POST /convert/pdf/to/png/merge-single Convert PDF to Single PNG image
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToPptx POST /convert/pdf/to/pptx Convert PDF to PowerPoint PPTX Presentation
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToTiff POST /convert/pdf/to/tiff Convert PDF to TIFF image
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToTxt POST /convert/pdf/to/txt Convert PDF Document to Text (txt)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPngArrayToPdf POST /convert/png/to/pdf Convert PNG Array to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPngArrayToPdfFlattenTransparency POST /convert/png/to/pdf/remove-transparency Convert PNG Array to PDF and remove transparency
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPptToPdf POST /convert/ppt/to/pdf Convert PowerPoint PPT (97-03) Presentation to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPptToPptx POST /convert/ppt/to/pptx Convert PowerPoint PPT (97-03) Presentation to PPTX
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPptxToPdf POST /convert/pptx/to/pdf Convert PowerPoint PPTX Presentation to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPptxToPng POST /convert/pptx/to/png Convert PowerPoint PPTX to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPptxToPpt POST /convert/pptx/to/ppt Convert PowerPoint PPTX presentation to Legacy PowerPoint PPT (97-03)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPptxToTxt POST /convert/pptx/to/txt Convert PowerPoint PPTX Presentation to Text (txt)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentRtfToDocx POST /convert/rtf/to/docx Convert Rich Text Format RTF to DOCX Document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentRtfToHtml POST /convert/rtf/to/html Convert Rich Text Format RTF to HTML Document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentRtfToJpg POST /convert/rtf/to/jpg Convert Rich Text Format RTF to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentRtfToPdf POST /convert/rtf/to/pdf Convert Rich Text Format RTF to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentRtfToPng POST /convert/rtf/to/png Convert Rich Text Format RTF to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentTxtToPdf POST /convert/txt/to/pdf Convert TXT text file to PDF Document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsToCsv POST /convert/xls/to/csv Convert Excel XLS (97-03) Spreadsheet to CSV
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsToPdf POST /convert/xls/to/pdf Convert Excel XLS (97-03) Spreadsheet to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsToXlsx POST /convert/xls/to/xlsx Convert Excel XLS (97-03) Spreadsheet to XLSX
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToCsv POST /convert/xlsx/to/csv Convert Excel XLSX Spreadsheet to CSV, Single Worksheet
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToCsvMulti POST /convert/xlsx/to/csv/multi Convert Excel XLSX Spreadsheet to CSV, Multiple Worksheets
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToHtml POST /convert/xlsx/to/html Convert Excel XLSX Spreadsheet to HTML Document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToPdf POST /convert/xlsx/to/pdf Convert Excel XLSX Spreadsheet to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToPng POST /convert/xlsx/to/png Convert Excel XLSX spreadsheet to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToTxt POST /convert/xlsx/to/txt Convert Excel XLSX Spreadsheet to Text (txt)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToXls POST /convert/xlsx/to/xls Convert Excel XLSX Spreadsheet to Legacy Excel XLS (97-03)
ConvertImageApi convertImageGetImageInfo POST /convert/image/get-info Get information about an image
ConvertImageApi convertImageImageFormatConvert POST /convert/image/{format1}/to/{format2} Image format conversion
ConvertImageApi convertImageImageSetDPI POST /convert/image/set-dpi/{dpi} Change image DPI
ConvertImageApi convertImageMultipageImageFormatConvert POST /convert/image-multipage/{format1}/to/{format2} Multi-page image format conversion
ConvertTemplateApi convertTemplateApplyDocxTemplate POST /convert/template/docx/apply Apply Word DOCX template
ConvertTemplateApi convertTemplateApplyHtmlTemplate POST /convert/template/html/apply Apply HTML template
ConvertWebApi convertWebHtmlToDocx POST /convert/html/to/docx Convert HTML to Word DOCX Document
ConvertWebApi convertWebHtmlToPdf POST /convert/web/html/to/pdf Convert HTML string to PDF
ConvertWebApi convertWebHtmlToPng POST /convert/web/html/to/png Convert HTML string to PNG screenshot
ConvertWebApi convertWebHtmlToTxt POST /convert/web/html/to/txt Convert HTML string to text (txt)
ConvertWebApi convertWebMdToHtml POST /convert/web/md/to/html Convert Markdown to HTML
ConvertWebApi convertWebUrlToPdf POST /convert/web/url/to/pdf Convert a URL to PDF
ConvertWebApi convertWebUrlToScreenshot POST /convert/web/url/to/screenshot Take screenshot of URL
ConvertWebApi convertWebUrlToTxt POST /convert/web/url/to/txt Convert website URL page to text (txt)
EditDocumentApi editDocumentBeginEditing POST /convert/edit/begin-editing Begin editing a document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxAcceptAllTrackChanges POST /convert/edit/docx/track-changes/accept-all Accept all tracked changes, revisions in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxBody POST /convert/edit/docx/get-body Get body from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxCreateBlankDocument POST /convert/edit/docx/create/blank Create a blank Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxDeletePages POST /convert/edit/docx/delete-pages Delete, remove pages from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxDeleteTableRow POST /convert/edit/docx/delete-table-row Deletes a table row in an existing table in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxDeleteTableRowRange POST /convert/edit/docx/delete-table-row/range Deletes a range of multiple table rows in an existing table in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxDisableTrackChanges POST /convert/edit/docx/track-changes/disable Disable track changes, revisions in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxEnableTrackChanges POST /convert/edit/docx/track-changes/enable Enable track changes, revisions in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxFindParagraph POST /convert/edit/docx/find/paragraph Find matching paragraphs in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetComments POST /convert/edit/docx/get-comments/flat-list Get comments from a Word DOCX document as a flat list
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetCommentsHierarchical POST /convert/edit/docx/get-comments/hierarchical Get comments from a Word DOCX document hierarchically
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetContentControls POST /convert/edit/docx/get-content-controls Get all content controls (form fields) and values in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetFormFields POST /convert/edit/docx/get-form-fields Get all form fields in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetHeadersAndFooters POST /convert/edit/docx/get-headers-and-footers Get content of a footer from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetImages POST /convert/edit/docx/get-images Get images from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetMacroInformation POST /convert/edit/docx/get-macros Get macro information from a Word DOCX/DOCM document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetMetadataProperties POST /convert/edit/docx/get-metadata Get all metadata properties in Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetSections POST /convert/edit/docx/get-sections Get sections from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetStyles POST /convert/edit/docx/get-styles Get styles from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetTableByIndex POST /convert/edit/docx/get-table/by-index Get a specific table by index in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetTableRow POST /convert/edit/docx/get-table-row Gets the contents of an existing table row in an existing table in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetTables POST /convert/edit/docx/get-tables Get all tables in Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxInsertCommentOnParagraph POST /convert/edit/docx/insert-comment/on/paragraph Insert a new comment into a Word DOCX document attached to a paragraph
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxInsertImage POST /convert/edit/docx/insert-image Insert image into a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxInsertParagraph POST /convert/edit/docx/insert-paragraph Insert a new paragraph into a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxInsertTable POST /convert/edit/docx/insert-table Insert a new table into a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxInsertTableRow POST /convert/edit/docx/insert-table-row Insert a new row into an existing table in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxPages POST /convert/edit/docx/get-pages Get pages and content from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxRemoveAllComments POST /convert/edit/docx/comments/remove-all Remove all comments from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxRemoveHeadersAndFooters POST /convert/edit/docx/remove-headers-and-footers Remove headers and footers from Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxRemoveObject POST /convert/edit/docx/remove-object Delete any object in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxReplace POST /convert/edit/docx/replace-all Replace string in Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxReplaceMulti POST /convert/edit/docx/replace-all/multi Replace multiple strings in Word DOCX document, return result
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxReplaceMultiEditSession POST /convert/edit/docx/replace-all/multi/edit-session Replace multiple strings in Word DOCX document, return edit session
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxReplaceParagraph POST /convert/edit/docx/replace/paragraph Replace matching paragraphs in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxSetCustomMetadataProperties POST /convert/edit/docx/set-metadata/custom-property Set custom property metadata properties in Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxSetFooter POST /convert/edit/docx/set-footer Set the footer in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxSetFooterAddPageNumber POST /convert/edit/docx/set-footer/add-page-number Add page number to footer in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxSetFormFields POST /convert/edit/docx/set-form-fields Set and fill values for form fields in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxSetHeader POST /convert/edit/docx/set-header Set the header in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxUpdateTableCell POST /convert/edit/docx/update-table-cell Update, set contents of a table cell in an existing table in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxUpdateTableRow POST /convert/edit/docx/update-table-row Update, set contents of a table row in an existing table in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentFinishEditing POST /convert/edit/finish-editing Finish editing document, and download result from document editing
EditDocumentApi editDocumentPptxDeleteSlides POST /convert/edit/pptx/delete-slides Delete, remove slides from a PowerPoint PPTX presentation document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentPptxEditSizeAndOrientation POST /convert/edit/pptx/set-size-and-orientation Set the size and/or orientation of a PowerPoint PPTX presentation document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentPptxGetMacroInformation POST /convert/edit/pptx/get-macros Get macro information from a PowerPoint PPTX/PPTM presentation document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentPptxGetSizeAndOrientation POST /convert/edit/pptx/get-size-and-orientation Get the page layout information, including size and orientation of a PowerPoint PPTX presentation document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentPptxReplace POST /convert/edit/pptx/replace-all Replace string in PowerPoint PPTX presentation
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxAppendRow POST /convert/edit/xlsx/append-row Append row to a Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxClearCellByIndex POST /convert/edit/xlsx/clear-cell/by-index Clear cell contents in an Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet by index
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxClearRow POST /convert/edit/xlsx/clear-row Clear row from a Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxCreateBlankSpreadsheet POST /convert/edit/xlsx/create/blank Create a blank Excel XLSX spreadsheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxCreateSpreadsheetFromData POST /convert/edit/xlsx/create/from/data Create a new Excel XLSX spreadsheet from column and row data
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxDeleteWorksheet POST /convert/edit/xlsx/delete-worksheet Delete, remove worksheet from an Excel XLSX spreadsheet document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxDisableSharedWorkbook POST /convert/edit/xlsx/configuration/disable-shared-workbook Disable Shared Workbook (legacy) in Excel XLSX spreadsheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxEnableSharedWorkbook POST /convert/edit/xlsx/configuration/enable-shared-workbook Enable Shared Workbook (legacy) in Excel XLSX spreadsheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetCellByIdentifier POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-cell/by-identifier Get cell from an Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet by cell identifier
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetCellByIndex POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-cell/by-index Get cell from an Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet by index
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetColumns POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-columns Get columns from a Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetImages POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-images Get images from a Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetMacroInformation POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-macros Get macro information from a Excel XLSX/XLSM spreadsheet, worksheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetRowsAndCells POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-rows-and-cells Get rows and cells from a Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetSpecificRow POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-specific-row Get a specific row from a Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet by path
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetStyles POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-styles Get styles from a Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetWorksheets POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-worksheets Get worksheets from a Excel XLSX spreadsheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxInsertWorksheet POST /convert/edit/xlsx/insert-worksheet Insert a new worksheet into an Excel XLSX spreadsheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxRenameWorksheet POST /convert/edit/xlsx/rename-worksheet Rename a specific worksheet in a Excel XLSX spreadsheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxSetCellByIdentifier POST /convert/edit/xlsx/set-cell/by-identifier Set, update cell contents in an Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet by cell identifier
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxSetCellByIndex POST /convert/edit/xlsx/set-cell/by-index Set, update cell contents in an Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet by index
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlAppendHeaderTag POST /convert/edit/html/head/append/tag Append an HTML tag to the HEAD section of an HTML Document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlAppendHeading POST /convert/edit/html/append/heading Append a Heading to an HTML Document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlAppendImageFromUrl POST /convert/edit/html/append/image/from-url Append an Image to an HTML Document from a URL
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlAppendImageInline POST /convert/edit/html/append/image/inline Append a Base64 Inline Image to an HTML Document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlAppendParagraph POST /convert/edit/html/append/paragraph Append a Paragraph to an HTML Document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlCreateBlankDocument POST /convert/edit/html/create/blank Create a Blank HTML Document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlGetLanguage POST /convert/edit/html/head/get/language Gets the language for the HTML document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlGetLinks POST /convert/edit/html/extract/links Extract resolved link URLs from HTML File
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlGetRelCanonical POST /convert/edit/html/head/get/rel-canonical-url Gets the rel canonical URL for the HTML document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlGetSitemap POST /convert/edit/html/head/get/sitemap-url Gets the sitemap URL for the HTML document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlSetLanguage POST /convert/edit/html/head/set/language Sets the language for the HTML document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlSetRelCanonical POST /convert/edit/html/head/set/rel-canonical-url Sets the rel canonical URL for the HTML document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlSetSitemapUrl POST /convert/edit/html/head/set/sitemap-url Sets the sitemap URL for the HTML document
EditPdfApi editPdfAddAnnotations POST /convert/edit/pdf/annotations/add-item Add one or more PDF annotations, comments in the PDF document
EditPdfApi editPdfConvertToPdfA POST /convert/edit/pdf/optimize/pdf-a Convert a PDF file to PDF/A
EditPdfApi editPdfDecrypt POST /convert/edit/pdf/decrypt Decrypt and password-protect a PDF
EditPdfApi editPdfDeletePages POST /convert/edit/pdf/pages/delete Remove, delete pages from a PDF document
EditPdfApi editPdfDeletePagesBatchJob POST /convert/edit/pdf/pages/delete/batch-job Remove, delete pages from a PDF document as Batch Job
EditPdfApi editPdfEncrypt POST /convert/edit/pdf/encrypt Encrypt and password-protect a PDF
EditPdfApi editPdfGetAnnotations POST /convert/edit/pdf/annotations/list Get PDF annotations, including comments in the document
EditPdfApi editPdfGetAsyncJobStatus GET /convert/edit/pdf/batch-job/status Get the status and result of a PDF Batch Job
EditPdfApi editPdfGetFormFields POST /convert/edit/pdf/form/get-fields Gets PDF Form fields and values
EditPdfApi editPdfGetMetadata POST /convert/edit/pdf/get-metadata Get PDF document metadata
EditPdfApi editPdfGetPdfTextByPages POST /convert/edit/pdf/pages/get-text Get text in a PDF document by page
EditPdfApi editPdfInsertPages POST /convert/edit/pdf/pages/insert Insert, copy pages from one PDF document into another
EditPdfApi editPdfInsertPagesBatchJob POST /convert/edit/pdf/pages/insert/batch-job Insert, copy pages from one PDF document into another as a batch job
EditPdfApi editPdfLinearize POST /convert/edit/pdf/optimize/linearize Linearize and optimize a PDF for streaming download
EditPdfApi editPdfRasterize POST /convert/edit/pdf/rasterize Rasterize a PDF to an image-based PDF
EditPdfApi editPdfRasterizeBatchJob POST /convert/edit/pdf/rasterize/batch-job Rasterize a PDF to an image-based PDF as Batch Job
EditPdfApi editPdfReduceFileSize POST /convert/edit/pdf/optimize/reduce-file-size Reduce the file size and optimize a PDF
EditPdfApi editPdfRemoveAllAnnotations POST /convert/edit/pdf/annotations/remove-all Remove all PDF annotations, including comments in the document
EditPdfApi editPdfRemoveAnnotationItem POST /convert/edit/pdf/annotations/remove-item Remove a specific PDF annotation, comment in the document
EditPdfApi editPdfResize POST /convert/edit/pdf/resize Change PDF Document's Paper Size
EditPdfApi editPdfRotateAllPages POST /convert/edit/pdf/pages/rotate/all Rotate all pages in a PDF document
EditPdfApi editPdfRotatePageRange POST /convert/edit/pdf/pages/rotate/page-range Rotate a range, subset of pages in a PDF document
EditPdfApi editPdfSetFormFields POST /convert/edit/pdf/form/set-fields Sets ands fills PDF Form field values
EditPdfApi editPdfSetMetadata POST /convert/edit/pdf/set-metadata Sets PDF document metadata
EditPdfApi editPdfSetPermissions POST /convert/edit/pdf/encrypt/set-permissions Encrypt, password-protect and set restricted permissions on a PDF
EditPdfApi editPdfWatermarkText POST /convert/edit/pdf/watermark/text Add a text watermark to a PDF
EditTextApi editTextBase64Decode POST /convert/edit/text/encoding/base64/decode Base 64 decode, convert base 64 string to binary content
EditTextApi editTextBase64Detect POST /convert/edit/text/encoding/base64/detect Detect, check if text string is base 64 encoded
EditTextApi editTextBase64Encode POST /convert/edit/text/encoding/base64/encode Base 64 encode, convert binary or file data to a text string
EditTextApi editTextChangeLineEndings POST /convert/edit/text/line-endings/change Set, change line endings of a text file
EditTextApi editTextDetectLineEndings POST /convert/edit/text/line-endings/detect Detect line endings of a text file
EditTextApi editTextFindRegex POST /convert/edit/text/find/regex Find a regular expression regex in text input
EditTextApi editTextFindSimple POST /convert/edit/text/find/string Find a string in text input
EditTextApi editTextRemoveAllWhitespace POST /convert/edit/text/remove/whitespace/all Remove whitespace from text string
EditTextApi editTextRemoveHtml POST /convert/edit/text/remove/html Remove HTML from text string
EditTextApi editTextReplaceRegex POST /convert/edit/text/replace/regex Replace a string in text with a regex regular expression string
EditTextApi editTextReplaceSimple POST /convert/edit/text/replace/string Replace a string in text with another string value
EditTextApi editTextTextEncodingDetect POST /convert/edit/text/encoding/detect Detect text encoding of file
EditTextApi editTextTrimWhitespace POST /convert/edit/text/remove/whitespace/trim Trim leading and trailing whitespace from text string
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentBatchJobCreate POST /convert/merge/batch-job/create Merge an array of Documents into a Single Document by Page as a Batch Job
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentDocx POST /convert/merge/docx Merge Two Word DOCX Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentDocxMulti POST /convert/merge/docx/multi Merge Multple Word DOCX Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentDocxMultiArray POST /convert/merge/docx/multi/array Merge Multple Word DOCX Together from an array
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentGetAsyncJobStatus GET /convert/merge/batch-job/status Get the status and result of a Merge Document Batch Job
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentHtml POST /convert/merge/html Merge Two HTML (HTM) Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentHtmlMulti POST /convert/merge/html/multi Merge Multple HTML (HTM) Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentHtmlMultiArray POST /convert/merge/html/multi/array Merge Multple HTML (HTM) Files Together from an array
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPdf POST /convert/merge/pdf Merge Two PDF Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPdfMulti POST /convert/merge/pdf/multi Merge Multple PDF Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPdfMultiArray POST /convert/merge/pdf/multi/array Merge Multple PDF Files Together from an array
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPng POST /convert/merge/png/vertical Merge Two PNG Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPngMulti POST /convert/merge/png/vertical/multi Merge Multple PNG Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPngMultiArray POST /convert/merge/png/vertical/multi/array Merge Multple PNG Files Together from an array
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPptx POST /convert/merge/pptx Merge Two PowerPoint PPTX Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPptxMulti POST /convert/merge/pptx/multi Merge Multple PowerPoint PPTX Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPptxMultiArray POST /convert/merge/pptx/multi/array Merge Multple PowerPoint PPTX Together from an array
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentTxt POST /convert/merge/txt Merge Two Text (TXT) Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentTxtMulti POST /convert/merge/txt/multi Merge Multple Text (TXT) Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentXlsx POST /convert/merge/xlsx Merge Two Excel XLSX Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentXlsxMulti POST /convert/merge/xlsx/multi Merge Multple Excel XLSX Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentXlsxMultiArray POST /convert/merge/xlsx/multi/array Merge Multple Excel XLSX Together from an Array
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentBatchJobCreate POST /convert/split/batch-job/create Split a single Document into Separate Documents by Page as a Batch Job
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentDocx POST /convert/split/docx Split a single Word Document DOCX into Separate Documents by Page
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentGetAsyncJobStatus GET /convert/split/batch-job/status Get the status and result of a Split Document Batch Job
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentPdfByPage POST /convert/split/pdf Split a PDF file into separate PDF files, one per page
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentPptx POST /convert/split/pptx Split a single PowerPoint Presentation PPTX into Separate Slides
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentPptxAdvanced POST /convert/split/pptx/advanced Split a single PowerPoint Presentation PPTX into Separate Presentations
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentTxtByLine POST /convert/split/txt/by-line Split a single Text file (txt) into lines
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentTxtByString POST /convert/split/txt/by-string Split a single Text file (txt) by a string delimiter
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentXlsx POST /convert/split/xlsx Split a single Excel XLSX into Separate Worksheets
TransformDocumentApi transformDocumentDocxReplace POST /convert/transform/docx/replace-all Replace string in Word DOCX document, return result
TransformDocumentApi transformDocumentDocxReplaceEditSession POST /convert/transform/docx/replace-all/edit-session Replace string in Word DOCX document, return edit session
TransformDocumentApi transformDocumentDocxTableFillIn POST /convert/transform/docx/table/fill/data Fill in data in a table in a Word DOCX document, return result
TransformDocumentApi transformDocumentDocxTableFillInEditSession POST /convert/transform/docx/table/fill/data/edit-session Fill in data in a table in a Word DOCX document, return edit session
TransformDocumentApi transformDocumentDocxTableFillInMulti POST /convert/transform/docx/table/fill/data/multi Fill in data in multiple tables in a Word DOCX document, return result
TransformDocumentApi transformDocumentPptxReplace POST /convert/transform/pptx/replace-all Replace string in PowerPoint PPTX presentation, return result
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentAutodetectValidation POST /convert/validate/autodetect Autodetect content type and validate
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentCsvValidation POST /convert/validate/csv Validate a CSV file document (CSV)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentDocValidation POST /convert/validate/doc Validate a Word 97-2003 Legacy document (DOC)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentDocxRepair POST /convert/validate/docx/repair Repair a Word document (DOCX) that contains errors
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentDocxValidation POST /convert/validate/docx Validate a Word document (DOCX)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentEmlValidation POST /convert/validate/eml Validate if input file is a valid EML file
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentExecutableValidation POST /convert/validate/executable Validate if a file is executable
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentGZipValidation POST /convert/validate/gzip Validate a GZip Archive file (gzip or gz)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentHtmlSsrfValidation POST /convert/validate/html/ssrf-threat-check Validate an HTML file and checks for SSRF threats
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentHtmlValidation POST /convert/validate/html Validate an HTML file
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentImageValidation POST /convert/validate/image Validate an Image File
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentJpgValidation POST /convert/validate/jpg Validate a JPG File
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentJsonValidation POST /convert/validate/json Validate a JSON file
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentMsgValidation POST /convert/validate/msg Validate if input file is a valid MSG file
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentPdfValidation POST /convert/validate/pdf Validate a PDF document file
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentPngValidation POST /convert/validate/png Validate a PNG File
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentPptValidation POST /convert/validate/ppt Validate a PowerPoint 97-2003 Legacy presentation (PPT)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentPptxRepair POST /convert/validate/pptx/repair Repair a PowerPoint presentation (PPTX) that contains errors
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentPptxValidation POST /convert/validate/pptx Validate a PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentRarValidation POST /convert/validate/rar Validate a RAR Archive file (RAR)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentRtfValidation POST /convert/validate/rtf Validate a Rich Text Format document (RTF)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentTarValidation POST /convert/validate/tar Validate a TAR Tarball Archive file (TAR)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentTxtValidation POST /convert/validate/txt Validate an TXT file
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentXlsValidation POST /convert/validate/xls Validate a Excel 97-2003 Legacy spreadsheet (XLS)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentXlsxRepair POST /convert/validate/xlsx/repair Repair an Excel spreadsheet (XLSX) that contains errors
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentXlsxValidation POST /convert/validate/xlsx Validate a Excel document (XLSX)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentXmlValidation POST /convert/validate/xml Validate an XML file
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentXmlXxeThreatValidation POST /convert/validate/xml/xxe-threats Validate an XML file for XML External Entity (XXE) threats
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentZipValidation POST /convert/validate/zip Validate a Zip Archive file (zip)
ViewerToolsApi viewerToolsCreateSimple POST /convert/viewer/create/web/simple Create a web-based viewer
ZipArchiveApi zipArchiveZipCreate POST /convert/archive/zip/create Compress files to create a new zip archive
ZipArchiveApi zipArchiveZipCreateAdvanced POST /convert/archive/zip/create/advanced Compress files and folders to create a new zip archive with advanced options
ZipArchiveApi zipArchiveZipCreateEncrypted POST /convert/archive/zip/create/encrypted Compress files to create a new, encrypted and password-protected zip archive
ZipArchiveApi zipArchiveZipCreateQuarantine POST /convert/archive/zip/create/quarantine Create an encrypted zip file to quarantine a dangerous file
ZipArchiveApi zipArchiveZipDecrypt POST /convert/archive/zip/decrypt Decrypt and remove password protection on a zip file
ZipArchiveApi zipArchiveZipEncryptAdvanced POST /convert/archive/zip/encrypt/advanced Encrypt and password protect a zip file
ZipArchiveApi zipArchiveZipExtract POST /convert/archive/zip/extract Extract, decompress files and folders from a zip archive

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization



All versions of cloudmersive_document_convert_api_client with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=7.2.5
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.5
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package cloudmersive/cloudmersive_document_convert_api_client contains the following files

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