Download the PHP package cinghie/yii2-traits without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package cinghie/yii2-traits. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package yii2-traits

Yii2 Traits

License Latest Stable Version Latest Release Date Latest Commit Total Downloads

Yii2 Traits is a library with most used Traits, to minimize code on development new Modules. It contains a large number of features already implemented:

- attributes
- attributeLabels()
- rules(()
- messages
- common functions
- widgets


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

or add


Add in your configuration file the translations

Usage Example

To include a Trait in your Model:

Merge rules() and attributeLabels():

All functions implemented in the Traits can be called like as any function of the model



- int $access
- getAccessWidget($form): Generate Access Form Widget
- function getAccessGridView(): Generate GridView Access
- function getAccessDetailView(): Generate DetailView Access


- string $name
- string $latitude
- string $longitude
- string $street
- string $number
- string $postal_code
- string $city
- string $state
- string $country
- function getLatLng($address, $key = null): Get latitude and longitude from Google Maps API


- string $extension
- string $filename
- string $mimetype
- function getFileWidget($form,$attachType): Generate File Ipunt Form Widget
- function getFilesWidget($attachType): Generate Files Ipunt Form Widget
- function getExtensionWidget($form): Generate Extension Form Widget
- function getMimeTypeWidget($form): Generate MimeType Form Widget
- function getSizeWidget($form): Generate Size Form Widget
- function getFileUrl(): return file attached
- function deleteFile(): delete file attached
- function getAttachmentType(): Generate Attachment type from mimetype
- function formatSize(): Format size in readable size
- function generateMd5FileName($filename, $extension): Generate a MD5 filename by original filename
- function getAttachmentTypeIcon(): Get Attachmente Type Image by Type


- function actionCache()
- function actionFlushCache($id)
- function actionFlushCacheKey($id, $key)
- function actionFlushCacheTag($id, $tag)
- function getCache($id)
- function findCaches(array $cachesNames = [])
- function isCacheClass($className)


- string $created
- int $created_by
- User $createdBy
- function getCreatedBy(): Relation with User Model
- function getCreatedWidget($form): Generate Created Form Widget
- function getCreatedDetailView(): Generate DetailView for Created
- function getCreatedByWidget($form): Generate CreatedBy Form Widget
- function getCreatedByGridView(): Generate GridView for CreatedBy
- function getCreatedByDetailView(): Generate DetailView for CreatedBy
- function isCurrentUserCreator(): Check if current user is the created_by
- function isUserCreator($user_id): Check if user_id params is the created_by    


- function getEditorWidget($form, $field, $requestEditor = '', $value = ''): Generate Editor Widget
- function getCKEditorWidget($form, $field, $value, $options, $preset): Get a CKEditor Editor Widget
- function getImperaviWidget($form, $field, $value, $options, $plugins): Get a Imperavi Editor Widget
- function getMarkdownWidget($form, $field, $value, $options): Get a Markdown Editor Widget
- function getNoEditorWidget($form, $field, $value, $maxLength = false): Get a No-Editor Widget
- function getTinyMCEWidget($form, $field, $value, $options): Get a TinyMCE Editor Widget


- string $image
- string $image_caption
- string $image_credits
- function getImageWidget(): Generate Image Form Widget
- function getImageCaptionWidget($form): Generate Image Caption Form Widget
- function getImageCreditsWidget($form): Generate Image Credits Form Widget
- function getImageGridView(): Generate GridView for Image
- function getUploadMaxSize(): Get Upload Max Size
- function getImagesAllowed(): Get Allowed images
- function getImagesAccept(): Get Allowed images in Accept Format


- string $language
- function getLang(): Get language code (2 chars)
- function getLangTag(): Get language tag (5 chars)
- function getLanguageWidget($form): Generate Language Form Widget
- function getLanguagesSelect2(): Return an array with languages allowed


- string $modified
- int $modified_by
- User $modifiedBy
- function getModifiedBy(): Relation with User Model
- function getModifiedWidget($form): Generate Modified Form Widget
- function getModifiedDetailView(): Generate DetailView for Modified
- function getModifiedByWidget($form): Generate ModifiedBy Form Widget
- function getModifiedByGridView(): Generate GridView for ModifiedBy
- function getModifiedByDetailView(): Generate DetailView for ModifiedBy
- function isCurrentUserModifier(): Check if current user is the modified_by
- function isUserModifier($user_id): Check if user_id params is the modified_by


- string $alias
- string $name
- function generateAlias($name): Generate URL alias by string
- function setAlias($post,$field): Set alias from post
- function purgeAlias($string): Purge alias by string
- function getNameWidget($form): Generate Name Form Widget
- function getAliasWidget($form): Generate Alias Form Widget


- integer $ordering
- function setOrdering($class,$fieldOrdering,$oldOrdering,$lastOrdering): Set Model Ordering on Class
- function setMinOrder(): Set Min Ordering
- function setMaxOrdering($class,$condition): Set Max Ordering
- function getLastOrdering($class,$condition): Get Max ordering in field
- function getOrderingWidget($form, $class, $orderingField, $selectField, $condition): Generate Ordering Form Widget    
- function getOrderingSelect2($class, $orderingField = '', array $selectField = [], array $condition = []): Return array with all Items by $cat_id


- int $parent_id
- getParentWidget($form, $items): Generate Parent Form Widget
- getParentGridView($field, $url, $hideItem): Generate Parent Grid View


- string $robots
- string $author
- string $copyright
- string $metadesc
- string $metakey    
- function getRobotsWidget($form): Generate Robots Form Widget
- function getAuthorWidget($form): Generate Author Form Widget
- function getCopyrightWidget($form): Generate Copyright Form Widget
- function getMetaDescriptionWidget($form): Generate Meta Description Form Widget
- function getMetaKeyWidget($form): Generate Meta Key Form Widget
- function getRobotsOptions(): Get Robots Options


- string generateSequentialCode($number, $prefix, $sequence): Generate Sequential Code


- int $state
- function active(): Active model state (Set 1)
- function deactive():  Inactive model state (Set 0)
- function getStateWidget($form): Generate State Form Widget
- function getStateGridView(): Generate GridView for State
- function getStateDetailView(): Generate DetailView for State
- function getStateSelect2(): Return an array with states


- int $tagNames
- function getTagsDetailView(): Generate DetailView for Tags


- string $alias
- string $title  
- function generateAlias($name): Generate URL alias by string
- function setAlias($post,$field): Set alias from post
- function purgeAlias($string): Purge alias by string
- function getTitleWidget($form): Generate Title Form Widget
- function getAliasWidget($form): Generate Alias Form Widget


- function getUserByEmail($email): Get the User by user email
- function getCurrentUser($field = ''): Get current User or Current User field
- function getCurrentUserProfile($field = ''):  Get current User Profile object or fied if on param
- function getCurrentUserSelect2(): Return an array with current User
- function getRolesSelect2(): Return an array with the User's Roles adding "Public" on first position
- function getUsersSelect2(): Return array with all Users (not blocked or not unconfirmed)


- int $user_id
- User user
- function getUser(): Relation with User Model    
- function getUserWidget($form): Generate User Form Widget
- function getUserGridView(): Generate GridView for User
- function getUserDetailView(): Generate DetailView for User


- string $video
- string $video_caption
- string $video_credits
- string $video_type
- function getVideoTypeSelect2(): Return array for Video Type
- function getVideoIDWidget($form): Generate Video ID Form Widget
- function getVideoTypeWidget($form): Generate Video Type Form Widget
- function getVideoCaptionWidget($form): Generate Video Caption Form Widget
- function getVideoCreditsWidget($form): Generate Video Credits Form Widget


- function getCreateButton(array $url = ['create']): Return action create button
- function getUpdateButton($id = 0): Return action update button
- function getUpdateButtonJavascript($w): Return javascript for action update button
- function getDeleteButton($id = 0): Return action delete button
- function getDeleteButtonJavascript($w): Return javascript for action delete button
- function getPreviewButton(array $url = [ '#' ]): Return action preview button
- function getPreviewButtonJavascript($w): Return javascript for action preview button
- function getActiveButton($id = 0): Return action active button
- function getActiveButtonJavascript($w): Return javascript for action active button
- function getDeactiveButton($id = 0): Return action deactive button
- function getDeactiveButtonJavascript($w): Return javascript for action deactive button
- function getResetButton(array $url = ['index']): Return action reset button
- function getSaveButton(): Return action save button
- function getCancelButton($icon = 'fa fa-times-circle text-red', $title = '', array $url = [ '' ] ): Return action cancel button
- function getExitButton($icon = 'fa fa-sign-out text-blue', $title = '', array $url = [ 'index' ]): Return action exit button
- function getSendButton(): Return action send button
- function getSendButtonJavascript(): Return javascript for action deactive button
- function getStandardButton($icon,$title,$url, array $aClass = [ 'class' => 'btn btn-mini' ], $divClass = 'pull-right text-center' ): Return standard button
- function getEntryInformationsDetailView(): Generate DetailView for Entry Informations

All versions of yii2-traits with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires ext-json Version *
yiisoft/yii2 Version ~2.0.14
yiisoft/yii2-imagine Version ^2.1.1
2amigos/yii2-ckeditor-widget Version ^2.2.0
2amigos/yii2-taggable-behavior Version @dev
2amigos/yii2-tinymce-widget Version @dev
borales/yii2-phone-input Version @dev
cinghie/yii2-iconpicker Version @dev
cinghie/yii2-user-extended Version @dev
cocur/slugify Version ^3.2
codemix/yii2-localeurls Version ^1.7.1
dektrium/yii2-rbac Version @dev
dektrium/yii2-user Version @dev
google/cloud-translate Version ^1.2
fzaninotto/faker Version ^1.8.0
kartik-v/yii2-detail-view Version ^1.8.2
kartik-v/yii2-grid Version ^3.3.1
kartik-v/yii2-helpers Version ^1.3.9
kartik-v/yii2-markdown Version ^1.3.1
kartik-v/yii2-mpdf Version ^1.0.5
kartik-v/yii2-social Version ^1.3.5
kartik-v/yii2-widgets Version ^3.4.1
james-heinrich/getid3 Version ^1.9.17
php-ffmpeg/php-ffmpeg Version ^0.14
vova07/yii2-imperavi-widget Version ^2.0.11
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package cinghie/yii2-traits contains the following files

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