Download the PHP package chabter/laravel-dutch-postalcode-lookup without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package chabter/laravel-dutch-postalcode-lookup. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about chabter/laravel-dutch-postalcode-lookup
Files in chabter/laravel-dutch-postalcode-lookup
Package laravel-dutch-postalcode-lookup
Short Description Laravel wrapper to perform a Dutch postal code (postcode) lookup using the publicly available PDOK Locatieserver v3.
License MIT
Informations about the package laravel-dutch-postalcode-lookup
Laravel Dutch postal code (postcode) lookup
This package is a Laravel wrapper of Nationaal Georegister provider for Geocoder PHP, which can be used to lookup a postal code to return the corresponding street and city.
The publicly available PDOK Locatieserver v3 (Dutch) is utilized to provide the necessary geodata.
Use composer to install this package:
Perform a lookup by postal code:
Or perform a lookup by a postal code and house number combination:
The lookup method also supports using house number extensions as follows:
The lookup method returns a Chabter\PostalCodeLookup\Models\Address
model on success, for example:
Run the tests with:
Version | Laravel Version | PHP Version |
2.x | 8.x | ^7.3|^8.0 |
1.x | 7.x | >=7.2 |
Version 1.x will also work with Laravel 8 if Guzzle 6 is available (^6.5|7.0
in composer.json).
This package is completely free to use. If it makes it to your production environment we would highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown! 👏🏼
Our address is: CBYTE Software B.V., Parallelweg 27, 5223AL 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
All versions of laravel-dutch-postalcode-lookup with dependencies
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.8.1
swisnl/geocoder-php-nationaal-georegister-provider Version ^1.6.0
php-http/message Version ^1.11