Download the PHP package cdma-numiscorner/shopware-admin-api-client without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package cdma-numiscorner/shopware-admin-api-client. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package shopware-admin-api-client


This endpoint reference contains an overview of all endpoints comprising the Shopware Admin API.

For a better overview, all CRUD-endpoints are hidden by default. If you want to show also CRUD-endpoints add the query parameter type=jsonapi.

Installation & Usage


PHP 7.2 and later.


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8000/api

Class Method HTTP request Description
AclRoleApi createAclRole POST /acl-role Create a new Acl Role resources.
AclRoleApi deleteAclRole DELETE /acl-role/{id} Delete a Acl Role resource.
AclRoleApi getAclRole GET /acl-role/{id} Detailed information about a Acl Role resource.
AclRoleApi getAclRoleList GET /acl-role List with basic information of Acl Role resources.
AclRoleApi updateAclRole PATCH /acl-role/{id} Partially update information about a Acl Role resource.
AppApi createApp POST /app Create a new App resources.
AppApi deleteApp DELETE /app/{id} Delete a App resource.
AppApi getApp GET /app/{id} Detailed information about a App resource.
AppApi getAppList GET /app List with basic information of App resources.
AppApi updateApp PATCH /app/{id} Partially update information about a App resource.
AppActionButtonApi createAppActionButton POST /app-action-button Create a new App Action Button resources.
AppActionButtonApi deleteAppActionButton DELETE /app-action-button/{id} Delete a App Action Button resource.
AppActionButtonApi getAppActionButton GET /app-action-button/{id} Detailed information about a App Action Button resource.
AppActionButtonApi getAppActionButtonList GET /app-action-button List with basic information of App Action Button resources.
AppActionButtonApi updateAppActionButton PATCH /app-action-button/{id} Partially update information about a App Action Button resource.
AppAdministrationSnippetApi createAppAdministrationSnippet POST /app-administration-snippet Create a new App Administration Snippet resources.
AppAdministrationSnippetApi deleteAppAdministrationSnippet DELETE /app-administration-snippet/{id} Delete a App Administration Snippet resource.
AppAdministrationSnippetApi getAppAdministrationSnippet GET /app-administration-snippet/{id} Detailed information about a App Administration Snippet resource.
AppAdministrationSnippetApi getAppAdministrationSnippetList GET /app-administration-snippet List with basic information of App Administration Snippet resources.
AppAdministrationSnippetApi updateAppAdministrationSnippet PATCH /app-administration-snippet/{id} Partially update information about a App Administration Snippet resource.
AppCmsBlockApi createAppCmsBlock POST /app-cms-block Create a new App Cms Block resources.
AppCmsBlockApi deleteAppCmsBlock DELETE /app-cms-block/{id} Delete a App Cms Block resource.
AppCmsBlockApi getAppCmsBlock GET /app-cms-block/{id} Detailed information about a App Cms Block resource.
AppCmsBlockApi getAppCmsBlockList GET /app-cms-block List with basic information of App Cms Block resources.
AppCmsBlockApi updateAppCmsBlock PATCH /app-cms-block/{id} Partially update information about a App Cms Block resource.
AppFlowActionApi createAppFlowAction POST /app-flow-action Create a new App Flow Action resources.
AppFlowActionApi deleteAppFlowAction DELETE /app-flow-action/{id} Delete a App Flow Action resource.
AppFlowActionApi getAppFlowAction GET /app-flow-action/{id} Detailed information about a App Flow Action resource.
AppFlowActionApi getAppFlowActionList GET /app-flow-action List with basic information of App Flow Action resources.
AppFlowActionApi updateAppFlowAction PATCH /app-flow-action/{id} Partially update information about a App Flow Action resource.
AppFlowEventApi createAppFlowEvent POST /app-flow-event Create a new App Flow Event resources.
AppFlowEventApi deleteAppFlowEvent DELETE /app-flow-event/{id} Delete a App Flow Event resource.
AppFlowEventApi getAppFlowEvent GET /app-flow-event/{id} Detailed information about a App Flow Event resource.
AppFlowEventApi getAppFlowEventList GET /app-flow-event List with basic information of App Flow Event resources.
AppFlowEventApi updateAppFlowEvent PATCH /app-flow-event/{id} Partially update information about a App Flow Event resource.
AppPaymentMethodApi createAppPaymentMethod POST /app-payment-method Create a new App Payment Method resources.
AppPaymentMethodApi deleteAppPaymentMethod DELETE /app-payment-method/{id} Delete a App Payment Method resource.
AppPaymentMethodApi getAppPaymentMethod GET /app-payment-method/{id} Detailed information about a App Payment Method resource.
AppPaymentMethodApi getAppPaymentMethodList GET /app-payment-method List with basic information of App Payment Method resources.
AppPaymentMethodApi updateAppPaymentMethod PATCH /app-payment-method/{id} Partially update information about a App Payment Method resource.
AppScriptConditionApi createAppScriptCondition POST /app-script-condition Create a new App Script Condition resources.
AppScriptConditionApi deleteAppScriptCondition DELETE /app-script-condition/{id} Delete a App Script Condition resource.
AppScriptConditionApi getAppScriptCondition GET /app-script-condition/{id} Detailed information about a App Script Condition resource.
AppScriptConditionApi getAppScriptConditionList GET /app-script-condition List with basic information of App Script Condition resources.
AppScriptConditionApi updateAppScriptCondition PATCH /app-script-condition/{id} Partially update information about a App Script Condition resource.
AppShippingMethodApi createAppShippingMethod POST /app-shipping-method Create a new App Shipping Method resources.
AppShippingMethodApi deleteAppShippingMethod DELETE /app-shipping-method/{id} Delete a App Shipping Method resource.
AppShippingMethodApi getAppShippingMethod GET /app-shipping-method/{id} Detailed information about a App Shipping Method resource.
AppShippingMethodApi getAppShippingMethodList GET /app-shipping-method List with basic information of App Shipping Method resources.
AppShippingMethodApi updateAppShippingMethod PATCH /app-shipping-method/{id} Partially update information about a App Shipping Method resource.
AppTemplateApi createAppTemplate POST /app-template Create a new App Template resources.
AppTemplateApi deleteAppTemplate DELETE /app-template/{id} Delete a App Template resource.
AppTemplateApi getAppTemplate GET /app-template/{id} Detailed information about a App Template resource.
AppTemplateApi getAppTemplateList GET /app-template List with basic information of App Template resources.
AppTemplateApi updateAppTemplate PATCH /app-template/{id} Partially update information about a App Template resource.
AssetManagementApi upload POST /_action/media/{mediaId}/upload Upload a file to a media entity
AuthorizationAuthenticationApi token POST /oauth/token Fetch an access token
BulkOperationsApi sync POST /_action/sync Bulk edit entities
CategoryApi createCategory POST /category Create a new Category resources.
CategoryApi deleteCategory DELETE /category/{id} Delete a Category resource.
CategoryApi getCategory GET /category/{id} Detailed information about a Category resource.
CategoryApi getCategoryList GET /category List with basic information of Category resources.
CategoryApi updateCategory PATCH /category/{id} Partially update information about a Category resource.
CmsBlockApi createCmsBlock POST /cms-block Create a new Cms Block resources.
CmsBlockApi deleteCmsBlock DELETE /cms-block/{id} Delete a Cms Block resource.
CmsBlockApi getCmsBlock GET /cms-block/{id} Detailed information about a Cms Block resource.
CmsBlockApi getCmsBlockList GET /cms-block List with basic information of Cms Block resources.
CmsBlockApi updateCmsBlock PATCH /cms-block/{id} Partially update information about a Cms Block resource.
CmsPageApi createCmsPage POST /cms-page Create a new Cms Page resources.
CmsPageApi deleteCmsPage DELETE /cms-page/{id} Delete a Cms Page resource.
CmsPageApi getCmsPage GET /cms-page/{id} Detailed information about a Cms Page resource.
CmsPageApi getCmsPageList GET /cms-page List with basic information of Cms Page resources.
CmsPageApi updateCmsPage PATCH /cms-page/{id} Partially update information about a Cms Page resource.
CmsSectionApi createCmsSection POST /cms-section Create a new Cms Section resources.
CmsSectionApi deleteCmsSection DELETE /cms-section/{id} Delete a Cms Section resource.
CmsSectionApi getCmsSection GET /cms-section/{id} Detailed information about a Cms Section resource.
CmsSectionApi getCmsSectionList GET /cms-section List with basic information of Cms Section resources.
CmsSectionApi updateCmsSection PATCH /cms-section/{id} Partially update information about a Cms Section resource.
CmsSlotApi createCmsSlot POST /cms-slot Create a new Cms Slot resources.
CmsSlotApi deleteCmsSlot DELETE /cms-slot/{id} Delete a Cms Slot resource.
CmsSlotApi getCmsSlot GET /cms-slot/{id} Detailed information about a Cms Slot resource.
CmsSlotApi getCmsSlotList GET /cms-slot List with basic information of Cms Slot resources.
CmsSlotApi updateCmsSlot PATCH /cms-slot/{id} Partially update information about a Cms Slot resource.
CountryApi createCountry POST /country Create a new Country resources.
CountryApi deleteCountry DELETE /country/{id} Delete a Country resource.
CountryApi getCountry GET /country/{id} Detailed information about a Country resource.
CountryApi getCountryList GET /country List with basic information of Country resources.
CountryApi updateCountry PATCH /country/{id} Partially update information about a Country resource.
CountryStateApi createCountryState POST /country-state Create a new Country State resources.
CountryStateApi deleteCountryState DELETE /country-state/{id} Delete a Country State resource.
CountryStateApi getCountryState GET /country-state/{id} Detailed information about a Country State resource.
CountryStateApi getCountryStateList GET /country-state List with basic information of Country State resources.
CountryStateApi updateCountryState PATCH /country-state/{id} Partially update information about a Country State resource.
CurrencyApi createCurrency POST /currency Create a new Currency resources.
CurrencyApi deleteCurrency DELETE /currency/{id} Delete a Currency resource.
CurrencyApi getCurrency GET /currency/{id} Detailed information about a Currency resource.
CurrencyApi getCurrencyList GET /currency List with basic information of Currency resources.
CurrencyApi updateCurrency PATCH /currency/{id} Partially update information about a Currency resource.
CurrencyCountryRoundingApi createCurrencyCountryRounding POST /currency-country-rounding Create a new Currency Country Rounding resources.
CurrencyCountryRoundingApi deleteCurrencyCountryRounding DELETE /currency-country-rounding/{id} Delete a Currency Country Rounding resource.
CurrencyCountryRoundingApi getCurrencyCountryRounding GET /currency-country-rounding/{id} Detailed information about a Currency Country Rounding resource.
CurrencyCountryRoundingApi getCurrencyCountryRoundingList GET /currency-country-rounding List with basic information of Currency Country Rounding resources.
CurrencyCountryRoundingApi updateCurrencyCountryRounding PATCH /currency-country-rounding/{id} Partially update information about a Currency Country Rounding resource.
CustomEntityApi createCustomEntity POST /custom-entity Create a new Custom Entity resources.
CustomEntityApi deleteCustomEntity DELETE /custom-entity/{id} Delete a Custom Entity resource.
CustomEntityApi getCustomEntity GET /custom-entity/{id} Detailed information about a Custom Entity resource.
CustomEntityApi getCustomEntityList GET /custom-entity List with basic information of Custom Entity resources.
CustomEntityApi updateCustomEntity PATCH /custom-entity/{id} Partially update information about a Custom Entity resource.
CustomFieldApi createCustomField POST /custom-field Create a new Custom Field resources.
CustomFieldApi deleteCustomField DELETE /custom-field/{id} Delete a Custom Field resource.
CustomFieldApi getCustomField GET /custom-field/{id} Detailed information about a Custom Field resource.
CustomFieldApi getCustomFieldList GET /custom-field List with basic information of Custom Field resources.
CustomFieldApi updateCustomField PATCH /custom-field/{id} Partially update information about a Custom Field resource.
CustomFieldSetApi createCustomFieldSet POST /custom-field-set Create a new Custom Field Set resources.
CustomFieldSetApi deleteCustomFieldSet DELETE /custom-field-set/{id} Delete a Custom Field Set resource.
CustomFieldSetApi getCustomFieldSet GET /custom-field-set/{id} Detailed information about a Custom Field Set resource.
CustomFieldSetApi getCustomFieldSetList GET /custom-field-set List with basic information of Custom Field Set resources.
CustomFieldSetApi updateCustomFieldSet PATCH /custom-field-set/{id} Partially update information about a Custom Field Set resource.
CustomFieldSetRelationApi createCustomFieldSetRelation POST /custom-field-set-relation Create a new Custom Field Set Relation resources.
CustomFieldSetRelationApi deleteCustomFieldSetRelation DELETE /custom-field-set-relation/{id} Delete a Custom Field Set Relation resource.
CustomFieldSetRelationApi getCustomFieldSetRelation GET /custom-field-set-relation/{id} Detailed information about a Custom Field Set Relation resource.
CustomFieldSetRelationApi getCustomFieldSetRelationList GET /custom-field-set-relation List with basic information of Custom Field Set Relation resources.
CustomFieldSetRelationApi updateCustomFieldSetRelation PATCH /custom-field-set-relation/{id} Partially update information about a Custom Field Set Relation resource.
CustomerApi createCustomer POST /customer Create a new Customer resources.
CustomerApi deleteCustomer DELETE /customer/{id} Delete a Customer resource.
CustomerApi getCustomer GET /customer/{id} Detailed information about a Customer resource.
CustomerApi getCustomerList GET /customer List with basic information of Customer resources.
CustomerApi updateCustomer PATCH /customer/{id} Partially update information about a Customer resource.
CustomerAddressApi createCustomerAddress POST /customer-address Create a new Customer Address resources.
CustomerAddressApi deleteCustomerAddress DELETE /customer-address/{id} Delete a Customer Address resource.
CustomerAddressApi getCustomerAddress GET /customer-address/{id} Detailed information about a Customer Address resource.
CustomerAddressApi getCustomerAddressList GET /customer-address List with basic information of Customer Address resources.
CustomerAddressApi updateCustomerAddress PATCH /customer-address/{id} Partially update information about a Customer Address resource.
CustomerGroupApi createCustomerGroup POST /customer-group Create a new Customer Group resources.
CustomerGroupApi deleteCustomerGroup DELETE /customer-group/{id} Delete a Customer Group resource.
CustomerGroupApi getCustomerGroup GET /customer-group/{id} Detailed information about a Customer Group resource.
CustomerGroupApi getCustomerGroupList GET /customer-group List with basic information of Customer Group resources.
CustomerGroupApi updateCustomerGroup PATCH /customer-group/{id} Partially update information about a Customer Group resource.
CustomerRecoveryApi createCustomerRecovery POST /customer-recovery Create a new Customer Recovery resources.
CustomerRecoveryApi deleteCustomerRecovery DELETE /customer-recovery/{id} Delete a Customer Recovery resource.
CustomerRecoveryApi getCustomerRecovery GET /customer-recovery/{id} Detailed information about a Customer Recovery resource.
CustomerRecoveryApi getCustomerRecoveryList GET /customer-recovery List with basic information of Customer Recovery resources.
CustomerRecoveryApi updateCustomerRecovery PATCH /customer-recovery/{id} Partially update information about a Customer Recovery resource.
CustomerWishlistApi createCustomerWishlist POST /customer-wishlist Create a new Customer Wishlist resources.
CustomerWishlistApi deleteCustomerWishlist DELETE /customer-wishlist/{id} Delete a Customer Wishlist resource.
CustomerWishlistApi getCustomerWishlist GET /customer-wishlist/{id} Detailed information about a Customer Wishlist resource.
CustomerWishlistApi getCustomerWishlistList GET /customer-wishlist List with basic information of Customer Wishlist resources.
CustomerWishlistApi updateCustomerWishlist PATCH /customer-wishlist/{id} Partially update information about a Customer Wishlist resource.
CustomerWishlistProductApi createCustomerWishlistProduct POST /customer-wishlist-product Create a new Customer Wishlist Product resources.
CustomerWishlistProductApi deleteCustomerWishlistProduct DELETE /customer-wishlist-product/{id} Delete a Customer Wishlist Product resource.
CustomerWishlistProductApi getCustomerWishlistProduct GET /customer-wishlist-product/{id} Detailed information about a Customer Wishlist Product resource.
CustomerWishlistProductApi getCustomerWishlistProductList GET /customer-wishlist-product List with basic information of Customer Wishlist Product resources.
CustomerWishlistProductApi updateCustomerWishlistProduct PATCH /customer-wishlist-product/{id} Partially update information about a Customer Wishlist Product resource.
DeliveryTimeApi createDeliveryTime POST /delivery-time Create a new Delivery Time resources.
DeliveryTimeApi deleteDeliveryTime DELETE /delivery-time/{id} Delete a Delivery Time resource.
DeliveryTimeApi getDeliveryTime GET /delivery-time/{id} Detailed information about a Delivery Time resource.
DeliveryTimeApi getDeliveryTimeList GET /delivery-time List with basic information of Delivery Time resources.
DeliveryTimeApi updateDeliveryTime PATCH /delivery-time/{id} Partially update information about a Delivery Time resource.
DocumentApi createDocument POST /document Create a new Document resources.
DocumentApi deleteDocument DELETE /document/{id} Delete a Document resource.
DocumentApi getDocument GET /document/{id} Detailed information about a Document resource.
DocumentApi getDocumentList GET /document List with basic information of Document resources.
DocumentApi updateDocument PATCH /document/{id} Partially update information about a Document resource.
DocumentBaseConfigApi createDocumentBaseConfig POST /document-base-config Create a new Document Base Config resources.
DocumentBaseConfigApi deleteDocumentBaseConfig DELETE /document-base-config/{id} Delete a Document Base Config resource.
DocumentBaseConfigApi getDocumentBaseConfig GET /document-base-config/{id} Detailed information about a Document Base Config resource.
DocumentBaseConfigApi getDocumentBaseConfigList GET /document-base-config List with basic information of Document Base Config resources.
DocumentBaseConfigApi updateDocumentBaseConfig PATCH /document-base-config/{id} Partially update information about a Document Base Config resource.
DocumentBaseConfigSalesChannelApi createDocumentBaseConfigSalesChannel POST /document-base-config-sales-channel Create a new Document Base Config Sales Channel resources.
DocumentBaseConfigSalesChannelApi deleteDocumentBaseConfigSalesChannel DELETE /document-base-config-sales-channel/{id} Delete a Document Base Config Sales Channel resource.
DocumentBaseConfigSalesChannelApi getDocumentBaseConfigSalesChannel GET /document-base-config-sales-channel/{id} Detailed information about a Document Base Config Sales Channel resource.
DocumentBaseConfigSalesChannelApi getDocumentBaseConfigSalesChannelList GET /document-base-config-sales-channel List with basic information of Document Base Config Sales Channel resources.
DocumentBaseConfigSalesChannelApi updateDocumentBaseConfigSalesChannel PATCH /document-base-config-sales-channel/{id} Partially update information about a Document Base Config Sales Channel resource.
DocumentManagementApi createDocuments POST /_action/order/document/{documentTypeName}/create Create documents for orders
DocumentManagementApi downloadDocument GET /_action/document/{documentId}/{deepLinkCode} Download a document
DocumentManagementApi downloadDocuments POST /_action/order/document/download Download a documents
DocumentManagementApi numberRangeReserve GET /_action/number-range/reserve/{type}/{saleschannel} Reserve or preview a document number
DocumentManagementApi uploadToDocument POST /_action/document/{documentId}/upload Upload a file for a document
DocumentTypeApi createDocumentType POST /document-type Create a new Document Type resources.
DocumentTypeApi deleteDocumentType DELETE /document-type/{id} Delete a Document Type resource.
DocumentTypeApi getDocumentType GET /document-type/{id} Detailed information about a Document Type resource.
DocumentTypeApi getDocumentTypeList GET /document-type List with basic information of Document Type resources.
DocumentTypeApi updateDocumentType PATCH /document-type/{id} Partially update information about a Document Type resource.
FlowApi createFlow POST /flow Create a new Flow resources.
FlowApi deleteFlow DELETE /flow/{id} Delete a Flow resource.
FlowApi getFlow GET /flow/{id} Detailed information about a Flow resource.
FlowApi getFlowList GET /flow List with basic information of Flow resources.
FlowApi updateFlow PATCH /flow/{id} Partially update information about a Flow resource.
FlowSequenceApi createFlowSequence POST /flow-sequence Create a new Flow Sequence resources.
FlowSequenceApi deleteFlowSequence DELETE /flow-sequence/{id} Delete a Flow Sequence resource.
FlowSequenceApi getFlowSequence GET /flow-sequence/{id} Detailed information about a Flow Sequence resource.
FlowSequenceApi getFlowSequenceList GET /flow-sequence List with basic information of Flow Sequence resources.
FlowSequenceApi updateFlowSequence PATCH /flow-sequence/{id} Partially update information about a Flow Sequence resource.
FlowTemplateApi createFlowTemplate POST /flow-template Create a new Flow Template resources.
FlowTemplateApi deleteFlowTemplate DELETE /flow-template/{id} Delete a Flow Template resource.
FlowTemplateApi getFlowTemplate GET /flow-template/{id} Detailed information about a Flow Template resource.
FlowTemplateApi getFlowTemplateList GET /flow-template List with basic information of Flow Template resources.
FlowTemplateApi updateFlowTemplate PATCH /flow-template/{id} Partially update information about a Flow Template resource.
ImportExportFileApi createImportExportFile POST /import-export-file Create a new Import Export File resources.
ImportExportFileApi deleteImportExportFile DELETE /import-export-file/{id} Delete a Import Export File resource.
ImportExportFileApi getImportExportFile GET /import-export-file/{id} Detailed information about a Import Export File resource.
ImportExportFileApi getImportExportFileList GET /import-export-file List with basic information of Import Export File resources.
ImportExportFileApi updateImportExportFile PATCH /import-export-file/{id} Partially update information about a Import Export File resource.
ImportExportLogApi createImportExportLog POST /import-export-log Create a new Import Export Log resources.
ImportExportLogApi deleteImportExportLog DELETE /import-export-log/{id} Delete a Import Export Log resource.
ImportExportLogApi getImportExportLog GET /import-export-log/{id} Detailed information about a Import Export Log resource.
ImportExportLogApi getImportExportLogList GET /import-export-log List with basic information of Import Export Log resources.
ImportExportLogApi updateImportExportLog PATCH /import-export-log/{id} Partially update information about a Import Export Log resource.
ImportExportProfileApi createImportExportProfile POST /import-export-profile Create a new Import Export Profile resources.
ImportExportProfileApi deleteImportExportProfile DELETE /import-export-profile/{id} Delete a Import Export Profile resource.
ImportExportProfileApi getImportExportProfile GET /import-export-profile/{id} Detailed information about a Import Export Profile resource.
ImportExportProfileApi getImportExportProfileList GET /import-export-profile List with basic information of Import Export Profile resources.
ImportExportProfileApi updateImportExportProfile PATCH /import-export-profile/{id} Partially update information about a Import Export Profile resource.
IntegrationApi createIntegration POST /integration Create a new Integration resources.
IntegrationApi deleteIntegration DELETE /integration/{id} Delete a Integration resource.
IntegrationApi getIntegration GET /integration/{id} Detailed information about a Integration resource.
IntegrationApi getIntegrationList GET /integration List with basic information of Integration resources.
IntegrationApi updateIntegration PATCH /integration/{id} Partially update information about a Integration resource.
LandingPageApi createLandingPage POST /landing-page Create a new Landing Page resources.
LandingPageApi deleteLandingPage DELETE /landing-page/{id} Delete a Landing Page resource.
LandingPageApi getLandingPage GET /landing-page/{id} Detailed information about a Landing Page resource.
LandingPageApi getLandingPageList GET /landing-page List with basic information of Landing Page resources.
LandingPageApi updateLandingPage PATCH /landing-page/{id} Partially update information about a Landing Page resource.
LanguageApi createLanguage POST /language Create a new Language resources.
LanguageApi deleteLanguage DELETE /language/{id} Delete a Language resource.
LanguageApi getLanguage GET /language/{id} Detailed information about a Language resource.
LanguageApi getLanguageList GET /language List with basic information of Language resources.
LanguageApi updateLanguage PATCH /language/{id} Partially update information about a Language resource.
LocaleApi createLocale POST /locale Create a new Locale resources.
LocaleApi deleteLocale DELETE /locale/{id} Delete a Locale resource.
LocaleApi getLocale GET /locale/{id} Detailed information about a Locale resource.
LocaleApi getLocaleList GET /locale List with basic information of Locale resources.
LocaleApi updateLocale PATCH /locale/{id} Partially update information about a Locale resource.
LogEntryApi createLogEntry POST /log-entry Create a new Log Entry resources.
LogEntryApi deleteLogEntry DELETE /log-entry/{id} Delete a Log Entry resource.
LogEntryApi getLogEntry GET /log-entry/{id} Detailed information about a Log Entry resource.
LogEntryApi getLogEntryList GET /log-entry List with basic information of Log Entry resources.
LogEntryApi updateLogEntry PATCH /log-entry/{id} Partially update information about a Log Entry resource.
MailHeaderFooterApi createMailHeaderFooter POST /mail-header-footer Create a new Mail Header Footer resources.
MailHeaderFooterApi deleteMailHeaderFooter DELETE /mail-header-footer/{id} Delete a Mail Header Footer resource.
MailHeaderFooterApi getMailHeaderFooter GET /mail-header-footer/{id} Detailed information about a Mail Header Footer resource.
MailHeaderFooterApi getMailHeaderFooterList GET /mail-header-footer List with basic information of Mail Header Footer resources.
MailHeaderFooterApi updateMailHeaderFooter PATCH /mail-header-footer/{id} Partially update information about a Mail Header Footer resource.
MailOperationsApi build POST /_action/mail-template/build Preview a mail template
MailOperationsApi send POST /_action/mail-template/send Send a mail
MailOperationsApi validate POST /_action/mail-template/validate Validate a mail content
MailTemplateApi createMailTemplate POST /mail-template Create a new Mail Template resources.
MailTemplateApi deleteMailTemplate DELETE /mail-template/{id} Delete a Mail Template resource.
MailTemplateApi getMailTemplate GET /mail-template/{id} Detailed information about a Mail Template resource.
MailTemplateApi getMailTemplateList GET /mail-template List with basic information of Mail Template resources.
MailTemplateApi updateMailTemplate PATCH /mail-template/{id} Partially update information about a Mail Template resource.
MailTemplateTypeApi createMailTemplateType POST /mail-template-type Create a new Mail Template Type resources.
MailTemplateTypeApi deleteMailTemplateType DELETE /mail-template-type/{id} Delete a Mail Template Type resource.
MailTemplateTypeApi getMailTemplateType GET /mail-template-type/{id} Detailed information about a Mail Template Type resource.
MailTemplateTypeApi getMailTemplateTypeList GET /mail-template-type List with basic information of Mail Template Type resources.
MailTemplateTypeApi updateMailTemplateType PATCH /mail-template-type/{id} Partially update information about a Mail Template Type resource.
MainCategoryApi createMainCategory POST /main-category Create a new Main Category resources.
MainCategoryApi deleteMainCategory DELETE /main-category/{id} Delete a Main Category resource.
MainCategoryApi getMainCategory GET /main-category/{id} Detailed information about a Main Category resource.
MainCategoryApi getMainCategoryList GET /main-category List with basic information of Main Category resources.
MainCategoryApi updateMainCategory PATCH /main-category/{id} Partially update information about a Main Category resource.
MediaApi createMedia POST /media Create a new Media resources.
MediaApi deleteMedia DELETE /media/{id} Delete a Media resource.
MediaApi getMedia GET /media/{id} Detailed information about a Media resource.
MediaApi getMediaList GET /media List with basic information of Media resources.
MediaApi updateMedia PATCH /media/{id} Partially update information about a Media resource.
MediaDefaultFolderApi createMediaDefaultFolder POST /media-default-folder Create a new Media Default Folder resources.
MediaDefaultFolderApi deleteMediaDefaultFolder DELETE /media-default-folder/{id} Delete a Media Default Folder resource.
MediaDefaultFolderApi getMediaDefaultFolder GET /media-default-folder/{id} Detailed information about a Media Default Folder resource.
MediaDefaultFolderApi getMediaDefaultFolderList GET /media-default-folder List with basic information of Media Default Folder resources.
MediaDefaultFolderApi updateMediaDefaultFolder PATCH /media-default-folder/{id} Partially update information about a Media Default Folder resource.
MediaFolderApi createMediaFolder POST /media-folder Create a new Media Folder resources.
MediaFolderApi deleteMediaFolder DELETE /media-folder/{id} Delete a Media Folder resource.
MediaFolderApi getMediaFolder GET /media-folder/{id} Detailed information about a Media Folder resource.
MediaFolderApi getMediaFolderList GET /media-folder List with basic information of Media Folder resources.
MediaFolderApi updateMediaFolder PATCH /media-folder/{id} Partially update information about a Media Folder resource.
MediaFolderConfigurationApi createMediaFolderConfiguration POST /media-folder-configuration Create a new Media Folder Configuration resources.
MediaFolderConfigurationApi deleteMediaFolderConfiguration DELETE /media-folder-configuration/{id} Delete a Media Folder Configuration resource.
MediaFolderConfigurationApi getMediaFolderConfiguration GET /media-folder-configuration/{id} Detailed information about a Media Folder Configuration resource.
MediaFolderConfigurationApi getMediaFolderConfigurationList GET /media-folder-configuration List with basic information of Media Folder Configuration resources.
MediaFolderConfigurationApi updateMediaFolderConfiguration PATCH /media-folder-configuration/{id} Partially update information about a Media Folder Configuration resource.
MediaThumbnailApi createMediaThumbnail POST /media-thumbnail Create a new Media Thumbnail resources.
MediaThumbnailApi deleteMediaThumbnail DELETE /media-thumbnail/{id} Delete a Media Thumbnail resource.
MediaThumbnailApi getMediaThumbnail GET /media-thumbnail/{id} Detailed information about a Media Thumbnail resource.
MediaThumbnailApi getMediaThumbnailList GET /media-thumbnail List with basic information of Media Thumbnail resources.
MediaThumbnailApi updateMediaThumbnail PATCH /media-thumbnail/{id} Partially update information about a Media Thumbnail resource.
MediaThumbnailSizeApi createMediaThumbnailSize POST /media-thumbnail-size Create a new Media Thumbnail Size resources.
MediaThumbnailSizeApi deleteMediaThumbnailSize DELETE /media-thumbnail-size/{id} Delete a Media Thumbnail Size resource.
MediaThumbnailSizeApi getMediaThumbnailSize GET /media-thumbnail-size/{id} Detailed information about a Media Thumbnail Size resource.
MediaThumbnailSizeApi getMediaThumbnailSizeList GET /media-thumbnail-size List with basic information of Media Thumbnail Size resources.
MediaThumbnailSizeApi updateMediaThumbnailSize PATCH /media-thumbnail-size/{id} Partially update information about a Media Thumbnail Size resource.
NewsletterRecipientApi createNewsletterRecipient POST /newsletter-recipient Create a new Newsletter Recipient resources.
NewsletterRecipientApi deleteNewsletterRecipient DELETE /newsletter-recipient/{id} Delete a Newsletter Recipient resource.
NewsletterRecipientApi getNewsletterRecipient GET /newsletter-recipient/{id} Detailed information about a Newsletter Recipient resource.
NewsletterRecipientApi getNewsletterRecipientList GET /newsletter-recipient List with basic information of Newsletter Recipient resources.
NewsletterRecipientApi updateNewsletterRecipient PATCH /newsletter-recipient/{id} Partially update information about a Newsletter Recipient resource.
NotificationApi createNotification POST /notification Create a new Notification resources.
NotificationApi deleteNotification DELETE /notification/{id} Delete a Notification resource.
NotificationApi getNotification GET /notification/{id} Detailed information about a Notification resource.
NotificationApi getNotificationList GET /notification List with basic information of Notification resources.
NotificationApi updateNotification PATCH /notification/{id} Partially update information about a Notification resource.
NumberRangeApi createNumberRange POST /number-range Create a new Number Range resources.
NumberRangeApi deleteNumberRange DELETE /number-range/{id} Delete a Number Range resource.
NumberRangeApi getNumberRange GET /number-range/{id} Detailed information about a Number Range resource.
NumberRangeApi getNumberRangeList GET /number-range List with basic information of Number Range resources.
NumberRangeApi updateNumberRange PATCH /number-range/{id} Partially update information about a Number Range resource.
NumberRangeSalesChannelApi createNumberRangeSalesChannel POST /number-range-sales-channel Create a new Number Range Sales Channel resources.
NumberRangeSalesChannelApi deleteNumberRangeSalesChannel DELETE /number-range-sales-channel/{id} Delete a Number Range Sales Channel resource.
NumberRangeSalesChannelApi getNumberRangeSalesChannel GET /number-range-sales-channel/{id} Detailed information about a Number Range Sales Channel resource.
NumberRangeSalesChannelApi getNumberRangeSalesChannelList GET /number-range-sales-channel List with basic information of Number Range Sales Channel resources.
NumberRangeSalesChannelApi updateNumberRangeSalesChannel PATCH /number-range-sales-channel/{id} Partially update information about a Number Range Sales Channel resource.
NumberRangeStateApi createNumberRangeState POST /number-range-state Create a new Number Range State resources.
NumberRangeStateApi deleteNumberRangeState DELETE /number-range-state/{id} Delete a Number Range State resource.
NumberRangeStateApi getNumberRangeState GET /number-range-state/{id} Detailed information about a Number Range State resource.
NumberRangeStateApi getNumberRangeStateList GET /number-range-state List with basic information of Number Range State resources.
NumberRangeStateApi updateNumberRangeState PATCH /number-range-state/{id} Partially update information about a Number Range State resource.
NumberRangeTypeApi createNumberRangeType POST /number-range-type Create a new Number Range Type resources.
NumberRangeTypeApi deleteNumberRangeType DELETE /number-range-type/{id} Delete a Number Range Type resource.
NumberRangeTypeApi getNumberRangeType GET /number-range-type/{id} Detailed information about a Number Range Type resource.
NumberRangeTypeApi getNumberRangeTypeList GET /number-range-type List with basic information of Number Range Type resources.
NumberRangeTypeApi updateNumberRangeType PATCH /number-range-type/{id} Partially update information about a Number Range Type resource.
OrderApi createOrder POST /order Create a new Order resources.
OrderApi deleteOrder DELETE /order/{id} Delete a Order resource.
OrderApi getOrder GET /order/{id} Detailed information about a Order resource.
OrderApi getOrderList GET /order List with basic information of Order resources.
OrderApi updateOrder PATCH /order/{id} Partially update information about a Order resource.
OrderAddressApi createOrderAddress POST /order-address Create a new Order Address resources.
OrderAddressApi deleteOrderAddress DELETE /order-address/{id} Delete a Order Address resource.
OrderAddressApi getOrderAddress GET /order-address/{id} Detailed information about a Order Address resource.
OrderAddressApi getOrderAddressList GET /order-address List with basic information of Order Address resources.
OrderAddressApi updateOrderAddress PATCH /order-address/{id} Partially update information about a Order Address resource.
OrderCustomerApi createOrderCustomer POST /order-customer Create a new Order Customer resources.
OrderCustomerApi deleteOrderCustomer DELETE /order-customer/{id} Delete a Order Customer resource.
OrderCustomerApi getOrderCustomer GET /order-customer/{id} Detailed information about a Order Customer resource.
OrderCustomerApi getOrderCustomerList GET /order-customer List with basic information of Order Customer resources.
OrderCustomerApi updateOrderCustomer PATCH /order-customer/{id} Partially update information about a Order Customer resource.
OrderDeliveryApi createOrderDelivery POST /order-delivery Create a new Order Delivery resources.
OrderDeliveryApi deleteOrderDelivery DELETE /order-delivery/{id} Delete a Order Delivery resource.
OrderDeliveryApi getOrderDelivery GET /order-delivery/{id} Detailed information about a Order Delivery resource.
OrderDeliveryApi getOrderDeliveryList GET /order-delivery List with basic information of Order Delivery resources.
OrderDeliveryApi updateOrderDelivery PATCH /order-delivery/{id} Partially update information about a Order Delivery resource.
OrderDeliveryPositionApi createOrderDeliveryPosition POST /order-delivery-position Create a new Order Delivery Position resources.
OrderDeliveryPositionApi deleteOrderDeliveryPosition DELETE /order-delivery-position/{id} Delete a Order Delivery Position resource.
OrderDeliveryPositionApi getOrderDeliveryPosition GET /order-delivery-position/{id} Detailed information about a Order Delivery Position resource.
OrderDeliveryPositionApi getOrderDeliveryPositionList GET /order-delivery-position List with basic information of Order Delivery Position resources.
OrderDeliveryPositionApi updateOrderDeliveryPosition PATCH /order-delivery-position/{id} Partially update information about a Order Delivery Position resource.
OrderLineItemApi createOrderLineItem POST /order-line-item Create a new Order Line Item resources.
OrderLineItemApi deleteOrderLineItem DELETE /order-line-item/{id} Delete a Order Line Item resource.
OrderLineItemApi getOrderLineItem GET /order-line-item/{id} Detailed information about a Order Line Item resource.
OrderLineItemApi getOrderLineItemList GET /order-line-item List with basic information of Order Line Item resources.
OrderLineItemApi updateOrderLineItem PATCH /order-line-item/{id} Partially update information about a Order Line Item resource.
OrderLineItemDownloadApi createOrderLineItemDownload POST /order-line-item-download Create a new Order Line Item Download resources.
OrderLineItemDownloadApi deleteOrderLineItemDownload DELETE /order-line-item-download/{id} Delete a Order Line Item Download resource.
OrderLineItemDownloadApi getOrderLineItemDownload GET /order-line-item-download/{id} Detailed information about a Order Line Item Download resource.
OrderLineItemDownloadApi getOrderLineItemDownloadList GET /order-line-item-download List with basic information of Order Line Item Download resources.
OrderLineItemDownloadApi updateOrderLineItemDownload PATCH /order-line-item-download/{id} Partially update information about a Order Line Item Download resource.
OrderManagementApi orderDeliveryStateTransition POST /_action/order_delivery/{orderDeliveryId}/state/{transition} Transition an order delivery to a new state
OrderManagementApi orderStateTransition POST /_action/order/{orderId}/state/{transition} Transition an order to a new state
OrderManagementApi orderTransactionCaptureRefund POST /_action/order_transaction_capture_refund/{refundId} Refund an order transaction capture
OrderManagementApi orderTransactionStateTransition POST /_action/order_transaction/{orderTransactionId}/state/{transition} Transition an order transaction to a new state
OrderTransactionApi createOrderTransaction POST /order-transaction Create a new Order Transaction resources.
OrderTransactionApi deleteOrderTransaction DELETE /order-transaction/{id} Delete a Order Transaction resource.
OrderTransactionApi getOrderTransaction GET /order-transaction/{id} Detailed information about a Order Transaction resource.
OrderTransactionApi getOrderTransactionList GET /order-transaction List with basic information of Order Transaction resources.
OrderTransactionApi updateOrderTransaction PATCH /order-transaction/{id} Partially update information about a Order Transaction resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureApi createOrderTransactionCapture POST /order-transaction-capture Create a new Order Transaction Capture resources.
OrderTransactionCaptureApi deleteOrderTransactionCapture DELETE /order-transaction-capture/{id} Delete a Order Transaction Capture resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureApi getOrderTransactionCapture GET /order-transaction-capture/{id} Detailed information about a Order Transaction Capture resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureApi getOrderTransactionCaptureList GET /order-transaction-capture List with basic information of Order Transaction Capture resources.
OrderTransactionCaptureApi updateOrderTransactionCapture PATCH /order-transaction-capture/{id} Partially update information about a Order Transaction Capture resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundApi createOrderTransactionCaptureRefund POST /order-transaction-capture-refund Create a new Order Transaction Capture Refund resources.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundApi deleteOrderTransactionCaptureRefund DELETE /order-transaction-capture-refund/{id} Delete a Order Transaction Capture Refund resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundApi getOrderTransactionCaptureRefund GET /order-transaction-capture-refund/{id} Detailed information about a Order Transaction Capture Refund resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundApi getOrderTransactionCaptureRefundList GET /order-transaction-capture-refund List with basic information of Order Transaction Capture Refund resources.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundApi updateOrderTransactionCaptureRefund PATCH /order-transaction-capture-refund/{id} Partially update information about a Order Transaction Capture Refund resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundPositionApi createOrderTransactionCaptureRefundPosition POST /order-transaction-capture-refund-position Create a new Order Transaction Capture Refund Position resources.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundPositionApi deleteOrderTransactionCaptureRefundPosition DELETE /order-transaction-capture-refund-position/{id} Delete a Order Transaction Capture Refund Position resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundPositionApi getOrderTransactionCaptureRefundPosition GET /order-transaction-capture-refund-position/{id} Detailed information about a Order Transaction Capture Refund Position resource.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundPositionApi getOrderTransactionCaptureRefundPositionList GET /order-transaction-capture-refund-position List with basic information of Order Transaction Capture Refund Position resources.
OrderTransactionCaptureRefundPositionApi updateOrderTransactionCaptureRefundPosition PATCH /order-transaction-capture-refund-position/{id} Partially update information about a Order Transaction Capture Refund Position resource.
PaymentMethodApi createPaymentMethod POST /payment-method Create a new Payment Method resources.
PaymentMethodApi deletePaymentMethod DELETE /payment-method/{id} Delete a Payment Method resource.
PaymentMethodApi getPaymentMethod GET /payment-method/{id} Detailed information about a Payment Method resource.
PaymentMethodApi getPaymentMethodList GET /payment-method List with basic information of Payment Method resources.
PaymentMethodApi updatePaymentMethod PATCH /payment-method/{id} Partially update information about a Payment Method resource.
PluginApi createPlugin POST /plugin Create a new Plugin resources.
PluginApi deletePlugin DELETE /plugin/{id} Delete a Plugin resource.
PluginApi getPlugin GET /plugin/{id} Detailed information about a Plugin resource.
PluginApi getPluginList GET /plugin List with basic information of Plugin resources.
PluginApi updatePlugin PATCH /plugin/{id} Partially update information about a Plugin resource.
ProductApi createProduct POST /product Create a new Product resources.
ProductApi deleteProduct DELETE /product/{id} Delete a Product resource.
ProductApi getProduct GET /product/{id} Detailed information about a Product resource.
ProductApi getProductList GET /product List with basic information of Product resources.
ProductApi updateProduct PATCH /product/{id} Partially update information about a Product resource.
ProductConfiguratorSettingApi createProductConfiguratorSetting POST /product-configurator-setting Create a new Product Configurator Setting resources.
ProductConfiguratorSettingApi deleteProductConfiguratorSetting DELETE /product-configurator-setting/{id} Delete a Product Configurator Setting resource.
ProductConfiguratorSettingApi getProductConfiguratorSetting GET /product-configurator-setting/{id} Detailed information about a Product Configurator Setting resource.
ProductConfiguratorSettingApi getProductConfiguratorSettingList GET /product-configurator-setting List with basic information of Product Configurator Setting resources.
ProductConfiguratorSettingApi updateProductConfiguratorSetting PATCH /product-configurator-setting/{id} Partially update information about a Product Configurator Setting resource.
ProductCrossSellingApi createProductCrossSelling POST /product-cross-selling Create a new Product Cross Selling resources.
ProductCrossSellingApi deleteProductCrossSelling DELETE /product-cross-selling/{id} Delete a Product Cross Selling resource.
ProductCrossSellingApi getProductCrossSelling GET /product-cross-selling/{id} Detailed information about a Product Cross Selling resource.
ProductCrossSellingApi getProductCrossSellingList GET /product-cross-selling List with basic information of Product Cross Selling resources.
ProductCrossSellingApi updateProductCrossSelling PATCH /product-cross-selling/{id} Partially update information about a Product Cross Selling resource.
ProductCrossSellingAssignedProductsApi createProductCrossSellingAssignedProducts POST /product-cross-selling-assigned-products Create a new Product Cross Selling Assigned Products resources.
ProductCrossSellingAssignedProductsApi deleteProductCrossSellingAssignedProducts DELETE /product-cross-selling-assigned-products/{id} Delete a Product Cross Selling Assigned Products resource.
ProductCrossSellingAssignedProductsApi getProductCrossSellingAssignedProducts GET /product-cross-selling-assigned-products/{id} Detailed information about a Product Cross Selling Assigned Products resource.
ProductCrossSellingAssignedProductsApi getProductCrossSellingAssignedProductsList GET /product-cross-selling-assigned-products List with basic information of Product Cross Selling Assigned Products resources.
ProductCrossSellingAssignedProductsApi updateProductCrossSellingAssignedProducts PATCH /product-cross-selling-assigned-products/{id} Partially update information about a Product Cross Selling Assigned Products resource.
ProductDownloadApi createProductDownload POST /product-download Create a new Product Download resources.
ProductDownloadApi deleteProductDownload DELETE /product-download/{id} Delete a Product Download resource.
ProductDownloadApi getProductDownload GET /product-download/{id} Detailed information about a Product Download resource.
ProductDownloadApi getProductDownloadList GET /product-download List with basic information of Product Download resources.
ProductDownloadApi updateProductDownload PATCH /product-download/{id} Partially update information about a Product Download resource.
ProductExportApi createProductExport POST /product-export Create a new Product Export resources.
ProductExportApi deleteProductExport DELETE /product-export/{id} Delete a Product Export resource.
ProductExportApi getProductExport GET /product-export/{id} Detailed information about a Product Export resource.
ProductExportApi getProductExportList GET /product-export List with basic information of Product Export resources.
ProductExportApi updateProductExport PATCH /product-export/{id} Partially update information about a Product Export resource.
ProductFeatureSetApi createProductFeatureSet POST /product-feature-set Create a new Product Feature Set resources.
ProductFeatureSetApi deleteProductFeatureSet DELETE /product-feature-set/{id} Delete a Product Feature Set resource.
ProductFeatureSetApi getProductFeatureSet GET /product-feature-set/{id} Detailed information about a Product Feature Set resource.
ProductFeatureSetApi getProductFeatureSetList GET /product-feature-set List with basic information of Product Feature Set resources.
ProductFeatureSetApi updateProductFeatureSet PATCH /product-feature-set/{id} Partially update information about a Product Feature Set resource.
ProductKeywordDictionaryApi createProductKeywordDictionary POST /product-keyword-dictionary Create a new Product Keyword Dictionary resources.
ProductKeywordDictionaryApi deleteProductKeywordDictionary DELETE /product-keyword-dictionary/{id} Delete a Product Keyword Dictionary resource.
ProductKeywordDictionaryApi getProductKeywordDictionary GET /product-keyword-dictionary/{id} Detailed information about a Product Keyword Dictionary resource.
ProductKeywordDictionaryApi getProductKeywordDictionaryList GET /product-keyword-dictionary List with basic information of Product Keyword Dictionary resources.
ProductKeywordDictionaryApi updateProductKeywordDictionary PATCH /product-keyword-dictionary/{id} Partially update information about a Product Keyword Dictionary resource.
ProductManufacturerApi createProductManufacturer POST /product-manufacturer Create a new Product Manufacturer resources.
ProductManufacturerApi deleteProductManufacturer DELETE /product-manufacturer/{id} Delete a Product Manufacturer resource.
ProductManufacturerApi getProductManufacturer GET /product-manufacturer/{id} Detailed information about a Product Manufacturer resource.
ProductManufacturerApi getProductManufacturerList GET /product-manufacturer List with basic information of Product Manufacturer resources.
ProductManufacturerApi updateProductManufacturer PATCH /product-manufacturer/{id} Partially update information about a Product Manufacturer resource.
ProductMediaApi createProductMedia POST /product-media Create a new Product Media resources.
ProductMediaApi deleteProductMedia DELETE /product-media/{id} Delete a Product Media resource.
ProductMediaApi getProductMedia GET /product-media/{id} Detailed information about a Product Media resource.
ProductMediaApi getProductMediaList GET /product-media List with basic information of Product Media resources.
ProductMediaApi updateProductMedia PATCH /product-media/{id} Partially update information about a Product Media resource.
ProductPriceApi createProductPrice POST /product-price Create a new Product Price resources.
ProductPriceApi deleteProductPrice DELETE /product-price/{id} Delete a Product Price resource.
ProductPriceApi getProductPrice GET /product-price/{id} Detailed information about a Product Price resource.
ProductPriceApi getProductPriceList GET /product-price List with basic information of Product Price resources.
ProductPriceApi updateProductPrice PATCH /product-price/{id} Partially update information about a Product Price resource.
ProductReviewApi createProductReview POST /product-review Create a new Product Review resources.
ProductReviewApi deleteProductReview DELETE /product-review/{id} Delete a Product Review resource.
ProductReviewApi getProductReview GET /product-review/{id} Detailed information about a Product Review resource.
ProductReviewApi getProductReviewList GET /product-review List with basic information of Product Review resources.
ProductReviewApi updateProductReview PATCH /product-review/{id} Partially update information about a Product Review resource.
ProductSearchConfigApi createProductSearchConfig POST /product-search-config Create a new Product Search Config resources.
ProductSearchConfigApi deleteProductSearchConfig DELETE /product-search-config/{id} Delete a Product Search Config resource.
ProductSearchConfigApi getProductSearchConfig GET /product-search-config/{id} Detailed information about a Product Search Config resource.
ProductSearchConfigApi getProductSearchConfigList GET /product-search-config List with basic information of Product Search Config resources.
ProductSearchConfigApi updateProductSearchConfig PATCH /product-search-config/{id} Partially update information about a Product Search Config resource.
ProductSearchConfigFieldApi createProductSearchConfigField POST /product-search-config-field Create a new Product Search Config Field resources.
ProductSearchConfigFieldApi deleteProductSearchConfigField DELETE /product-search-config-field/{id} Delete a Product Search Config Field resource.
ProductSearchConfigFieldApi getProductSearchConfigField GET /product-search-config-field/{id} Detailed information about a Product Search Config Field resource.
ProductSearchConfigFieldApi getProductSearchConfigFieldList GET /product-search-config-field List with basic information of Product Search Config Field resources.
ProductSearchConfigFieldApi updateProductSearchConfigField PATCH /product-search-config-field/{id} Partially update information about a Product Search Config Field resource.
ProductSearchKeywordApi createProductSearchKeyword POST /product-search-keyword Create a new Product Search Keyword resources.
ProductSearchKeywordApi deleteProductSearchKeyword DELETE /product-search-keyword/{id} Delete a Product Search Keyword resource.
ProductSearchKeywordApi getProductSearchKeyword GET /product-search-keyword/{id} Detailed information about a Product Search Keyword resource.
ProductSearchKeywordApi getProductSearchKeywordList GET /product-search-keyword List with basic information of Product Search Keyword resources.
ProductSearchKeywordApi updateProductSearchKeyword PATCH /product-search-keyword/{id} Partially update information about a Product Search Keyword resource.
ProductSortingApi createProductSorting POST /product-sorting Create a new Product Sorting resources.
ProductSortingApi deleteProductSorting DELETE /product-sorting/{id} Delete a Product Sorting resource.
ProductSortingApi getProductSorting GET /product-sorting/{id} Detailed information about a Product Sorting resource.
ProductSortingApi getProductSortingList GET /product-sorting List with basic information of Product Sorting resources.
ProductSortingApi updateProductSorting PATCH /product-sorting/{id} Partially update information about a Product Sorting resource.
ProductStreamApi createProductStream POST /product-stream Create a new Product Stream resources.
ProductStreamApi deleteProductStream DELETE /product-stream/{id} Delete a Product Stream resource.
ProductStreamApi getProductStream GET /product-stream/{id} Detailed information about a Product Stream resource.
ProductStreamApi getProductStreamList GET /product-stream List with basic information of Product Stream resources.
ProductStreamApi updateProductStream PATCH /product-stream/{id} Partially update information about a Product Stream resource.
ProductStreamFilterApi createProductStreamFilter POST /product-stream-filter Create a new Product Stream Filter resources.
ProductStreamFilterApi deleteProductStreamFilter DELETE /product-stream-filter/{id} Delete a Product Stream Filter resource.
ProductStreamFilterApi getProductStreamFilter GET /product-stream-filter/{id} Detailed information about a Product Stream Filter resource.
ProductStreamFilterApi getProductStreamFilterList GET /product-stream-filter List with basic information of Product Stream Filter resources.
ProductStreamFilterApi updateProductStreamFilter PATCH /product-stream-filter/{id} Partially update information about a Product Stream Filter resource.
ProductVisibilityApi createProductVisibility POST /product-visibility Create a new Product Visibility resources.
ProductVisibilityApi deleteProductVisibility DELETE /product-visibility/{id} Delete a Product Visibility resource.
ProductVisibilityApi getProductVisibility GET /product-visibility/{id} Detailed information about a Product Visibility resource.
ProductVisibilityApi getProductVisibilityList GET /product-visibility List with basic information of Product Visibility resources.
ProductVisibilityApi updateProductVisibility PATCH /product-visibility/{id} Partially update information about a Product Visibility resource.
PromotionApi createPromotion POST /promotion Create a new Promotion resources.
PromotionApi deletePromotion DELETE /promotion/{id} Delete a Promotion resource.
PromotionApi getPromotion GET /promotion/{id} Detailed information about a Promotion resource.
PromotionApi getPromotionList GET /promotion List with basic information of Promotion resources.
PromotionApi updatePromotion PATCH /promotion/{id} Partially update information about a Promotion resource.
PromotionDiscountApi createPromotionDiscount POST /promotion-discount Create a new Promotion Discount resources.
PromotionDiscountApi deletePromotionDiscount DELETE /promotion-discount/{id} Delete a Promotion Discount resource.
PromotionDiscountApi getPromotionDiscount GET /promotion-discount/{id} Detailed information about a Promotion Discount resource.
PromotionDiscountApi getPromotionDiscountList GET /promotion-discount List with basic information of Promotion Discount resources.
PromotionDiscountApi updatePromotionDiscount PATCH /promotion-discount/{id} Partially update information about a Promotion Discount resource.
PromotionDiscountPricesApi createPromotionDiscountPrices POST /promotion-discount-prices Create a new Promotion Discount Prices resources.
PromotionDiscountPricesApi deletePromotionDiscountPrices DELETE /promotion-discount-prices/{id} Delete a Promotion Discount Prices resource.
PromotionDiscountPricesApi getPromotionDiscountPrices GET /promotion-discount-prices/{id} Detailed information about a Promotion Discount Prices resource.
PromotionDiscountPricesApi getPromotionDiscountPricesList GET /promotion-discount-prices List with basic information of Promotion Discount Prices resources.
PromotionDiscountPricesApi updatePromotionDiscountPrices PATCH /promotion-discount-prices/{id} Partially update information about a Promotion Discount Prices resource.
PromotionIndividualCodeApi createPromotionIndividualCode POST /promotion-individual-code Create a new Promotion Individual Code resources.
PromotionIndividualCodeApi deletePromotionIndividualCode DELETE /promotion-individual-code/{id} Delete a Promotion Individual Code resource.
PromotionIndividualCodeApi getPromotionIndividualCode GET /promotion-individual-code/{id} Detailed information about a Promotion Individual Code resource.
PromotionIndividualCodeApi getPromotionIndividualCodeList GET /promotion-individual-code List with basic information of Promotion Individual Code resources.
PromotionIndividualCodeApi updatePromotionIndividualCode PATCH /promotion-individual-code/{id} Partially update information about a Promotion Individual Code resource.
PromotionSalesChannelApi createPromotionSalesChannel POST /promotion-sales-channel Create a new Promotion Sales Channel resources.
PromotionSalesChannelApi deletePromotionSalesChannel DELETE /promotion-sales-channel/{id} Delete a Promotion Sales Channel resource.
PromotionSalesChannelApi getPromotionSalesChannel GET /promotion-sales-channel/{id} Detailed information about a Promotion Sales Channel resource.
PromotionSalesChannelApi getPromotionSalesChannelList GET /promotion-sales-channel List with basic information of Promotion Sales Channel resources.
PromotionSalesChannelApi updatePromotionSalesChannel PATCH /promotion-sales-channel/{id} Partially update information about a Promotion Sales Channel resource.
PromotionSetgroupApi createPromotionSetgroup POST /promotion-setgroup Create a new Promotion Setgroup resources.
PromotionSetgroupApi deletePromotionSetgroup DELETE /promotion-setgroup/{id} Delete a Promotion Setgroup resource.
PromotionSetgroupApi getPromotionSetgroup GET /promotion-setgroup/{id} Detailed information about a Promotion Setgroup resource.
PromotionSetgroupApi getPromotionSetgroupList GET /promotion-setgroup List with basic information of Promotion Setgroup resources.
PromotionSetgroupApi updatePromotionSetgroup PATCH /promotion-setgroup/{id} Partially update information about a Promotion Setgroup resource.
PropertyGroupApi createPropertyGroup POST /property-group Create a new Property Group resources.
PropertyGroupApi deletePropertyGroup DELETE /property-group/{id} Delete a Property Group resource.
PropertyGroupApi getPropertyGroup GET /property-group/{id} Detailed information about a Property Group resource.
PropertyGroupApi getPropertyGroupList GET /property-group List with basic information of Property Group resources.
PropertyGroupApi updatePropertyGroup PATCH /property-group/{id} Partially update information about a Property Group resource.
PropertyGroupOptionApi createPropertyGroupOption POST /property-group-option Create a new Property Group Option resources.
PropertyGroupOptionApi deletePropertyGroupOption DELETE /property-group-option/{id} Delete a Property Group Option resource.
PropertyGroupOptionApi getPropertyGroupOption GET /property-group-option/{id} Detailed information about a Property Group Option resource.
PropertyGroupOptionApi getPropertyGroupOptionList GET /property-group-option List with basic information of Property Group Option resources.
PropertyGroupOptionApi updatePropertyGroupOption PATCH /property-group-option/{id} Partially update information about a Property Group Option resource.
RuleApi createRule POST /rule Create a new Rule resources.
RuleApi deleteRule DELETE /rule/{id} Delete a Rule resource.
RuleApi getRule GET /rule/{id} Detailed information about a Rule resource.
RuleApi getRuleList GET /rule List with basic information of Rule resources.
RuleApi updateRule PATCH /rule/{id} Partially update information about a Rule resource.
RuleConditionApi createRuleCondition POST /rule-condition Create a new Rule Condition resources.
RuleConditionApi deleteRuleCondition DELETE /rule-condition/{id} Delete a Rule Condition resource.
RuleConditionApi getRuleCondition GET /rule-condition/{id} Detailed information about a Rule Condition resource.
RuleConditionApi getRuleConditionList GET /rule-condition List with basic information of Rule Condition resources.
RuleConditionApi updateRuleCondition PATCH /rule-condition/{id} Partially update information about a Rule Condition resource.
SalesChannelApi createSalesChannel POST /sales-channel Create a new Sales Channel resources.
SalesChannelApi deleteSalesChannel DELETE /sales-channel/{id} Delete a Sales Channel resource.
SalesChannelApi getSalesChannel GET /sales-channel/{id} Detailed information about a Sales Channel resource.
SalesChannelApi getSalesChannelList GET /sales-channel List with basic information of Sales Channel resources.
SalesChannelApi updateSalesChannel PATCH /sales-channel/{id} Partially update information about a Sales Channel resource.
SalesChannelAnalyticsApi createSalesChannelAnalytics POST /sales-channel-analytics Create a new Sales Channel Analytics resources.
SalesChannelAnalyticsApi deleteSalesChannelAnalytics DELETE /sales-channel-analytics/{id} Delete a Sales Channel Analytics resource.
SalesChannelAnalyticsApi getSalesChannelAnalytics GET /sales-channel-analytics/{id} Detailed information about a Sales Channel Analytics resource.
SalesChannelAnalyticsApi getSalesChannelAnalyticsList GET /sales-channel-analytics List with basic information of Sales Channel Analytics resources.
SalesChannelAnalyticsApi updateSalesChannelAnalytics PATCH /sales-channel-analytics/{id} Partially update information about a Sales Channel Analytics resource.
SalesChannelDomainApi createSalesChannelDomain POST /sales-channel-domain Create a new Sales Channel Domain resources.
SalesChannelDomainApi deleteSalesChannelDomain DELETE /sales-channel-domain/{id} Delete a Sales Channel Domain resource.
SalesChannelDomainApi getSalesChannelDomain GET /sales-channel-domain/{id} Detailed information about a Sales Channel Domain resource.
SalesChannelDomainApi getSalesChannelDomainList GET /sales-channel-domain List with basic information of Sales Channel Domain resources.
SalesChannelDomainApi updateSalesChannelDomain PATCH /sales-channel-domain/{id} Partially update information about a Sales Channel Domain resource.
SalesChannelTypeApi createSalesChannelType POST /sales-channel-type Create a new Sales Channel Type resources.
SalesChannelTypeApi deleteSalesChannelType DELETE /sales-channel-type/{id} Delete a Sales Channel Type resource.
SalesChannelTypeApi getSalesChannelType GET /sales-channel-type/{id} Detailed information about a Sales Channel Type resource.
SalesChannelTypeApi getSalesChannelTypeList GET /sales-channel-type List with basic information of Sales Channel Type resources.
SalesChannelTypeApi updateSalesChannelType PATCH /sales-channel-type/{id} Partially update information about a Sales Channel Type resource.
SalutationApi createSalutation POST /salutation Create a new Salutation resources.
SalutationApi deleteSalutation DELETE /salutation/{id} Delete a Salutation resource.
SalutationApi getSalutation GET /salutation/{id} Detailed information about a Salutation resource.
SalutationApi getSalutationList GET /salutation List with basic information of Salutation resources.
SalutationApi updateSalutation PATCH /salutation/{id} Partially update information about a Salutation resource.
ScheduledTaskApi createScheduledTask POST /scheduled-task Create a new Scheduled Task resources.
ScheduledTaskApi deleteScheduledTask DELETE /scheduled-task/{id} Delete a Scheduled Task resource.
ScheduledTaskApi getScheduledTask GET /scheduled-task/{id} Detailed information about a Scheduled Task resource.
ScheduledTaskApi getScheduledTaskList GET /scheduled-task List with basic information of Scheduled Task resources.
ScheduledTaskApi updateScheduledTask PATCH /scheduled-task/{id} Partially update information about a Scheduled Task resource.
ScriptApi createScript POST /script Create a new Script resources.
ScriptApi deleteScript DELETE /script/{id} Delete a Script resource.
ScriptApi getScript GET /script/{id} Detailed information about a Script resource.
ScriptApi getScriptList GET /script List with basic information of Script resources.
ScriptApi updateScript PATCH /script/{id} Partially update information about a Script resource.
SeoUrlApi createSeoUrl POST /seo-url Create a new Seo Url resources.
SeoUrlApi deleteSeoUrl DELETE /seo-url/{id} Delete a Seo Url resource.
SeoUrlApi getSeoUrl GET /seo-url/{id} Detailed information about a Seo Url resource.
SeoUrlApi getSeoUrlList GET /seo-url List with basic information of Seo Url resources.
SeoUrlApi updateSeoUrl PATCH /seo-url/{id} Partially update information about a Seo Url resource.
SeoUrlTemplateApi createSeoUrlTemplate POST /seo-url-template Create a new Seo Url Template resources.
SeoUrlTemplateApi deleteSeoUrlTemplate DELETE /seo-url-template/{id} Delete a Seo Url Template resource.
SeoUrlTemplateApi getSeoUrlTemplate GET /seo-url-template/{id} Detailed information about a Seo Url Template resource.
SeoUrlTemplateApi getSeoUrlTemplateList GET /seo-url-template List with basic information of Seo Url Template resources.
SeoUrlTemplateApi updateSeoUrlTemplate PATCH /seo-url-template/{id} Partially update information about a Seo Url Template resource.
ShippingMethodApi createShippingMethod POST /shipping-method Create a new Shipping Method resources.
ShippingMethodApi deleteShippingMethod DELETE /shipping-method/{id} Delete a Shipping Method resource.
ShippingMethodApi getShippingMethod GET /shipping-method/{id} Detailed information about a Shipping Method resource.
ShippingMethodApi getShippingMethodList GET /shipping-method List with basic information of Shipping Method resources.
ShippingMethodApi updateShippingMethod PATCH /shipping-method/{id} Partially update information about a Shipping Method resource.
ShippingMethodPriceApi createShippingMethodPrice POST /shipping-method-price Create a new Shipping Method Price resources.
ShippingMethodPriceApi deleteShippingMethodPrice DELETE /shipping-method-price/{id} Delete a Shipping Method Price resource.
ShippingMethodPriceApi getShippingMethodPrice GET /shipping-method-price/{id} Detailed information about a Shipping Method Price resource.
ShippingMethodPriceApi getShippingMethodPriceList GET /shipping-method-price List with basic information of Shipping Method Price resources.
ShippingMethodPriceApi updateShippingMethodPrice PATCH /shipping-method-price/{id} Partially update information about a Shipping Method Price resource.
SnippetApi createSnippet POST /snippet Create a new Snippet resources.
SnippetApi deleteSnippet DELETE /snippet/{id} Delete a Snippet resource.
SnippetApi getSnippet GET /snippet/{id} Detailed information about a Snippet resource.
SnippetApi getSnippetList GET /snippet List with basic information of Snippet resources.
SnippetApi updateSnippet PATCH /snippet/{id} Partially update information about a Snippet resource.
SnippetSetApi createSnippetSet POST /snippet-set Create a new Snippet Set resources.
SnippetSetApi deleteSnippetSet DELETE /snippet-set/{id} Delete a Snippet Set resource.
SnippetSetApi getSnippetSet GET /snippet-set/{id} Detailed information about a Snippet Set resource.
SnippetSetApi getSnippetSetList GET /snippet-set List with basic information of Snippet Set resources.
SnippetSetApi updateSnippetSet PATCH /snippet-set/{id} Partially update information about a Snippet Set resource.
StateMachineApi createStateMachine POST /state-machine Create a new State Machine resources.
StateMachineApi deleteStateMachine DELETE /state-machine/{id} Delete a State Machine resource.
StateMachineApi getStateMachine GET /state-machine/{id} Detailed information about a State Machine resource.
StateMachineApi getStateMachineList GET /state-machine List with basic information of State Machine resources.
StateMachineApi updateStateMachine PATCH /state-machine/{id} Partially update information about a State Machine resource.
StateMachineHistoryApi createStateMachineHistory POST /state-machine-history Create a new State Machine History resources.
StateMachineHistoryApi deleteStateMachineHistory DELETE /state-machine-history/{id} Delete a State Machine History resource.
StateMachineHistoryApi getStateMachineHistory GET /state-machine-history/{id} Detailed information about a State Machine History resource.
StateMachineHistoryApi getStateMachineHistoryList GET /state-machine-history List with basic information of State Machine History resources.
StateMachineHistoryApi updateStateMachineHistory PATCH /state-machine-history/{id} Partially update information about a State Machine History resource.
StateMachineStateApi createStateMachineState POST /state-machine-state Create a new State Machine State resources.
StateMachineStateApi deleteStateMachineState DELETE /state-machine-state/{id} Delete a State Machine State resource.
StateMachineStateApi getStateMachineState GET /state-machine-state/{id} Detailed information about a State Machine State resource.
StateMachineStateApi getStateMachineStateList GET /state-machine-state List with basic information of State Machine State resources.
StateMachineStateApi updateStateMachineState PATCH /state-machine-state/{id} Partially update information about a State Machine State resource.
StateMachineTransitionApi createStateMachineTransition POST /state-machine-transition Create a new State Machine Transition resources.
StateMachineTransitionApi deleteStateMachineTransition DELETE /state-machine-transition/{id} Delete a State Machine Transition resource.
StateMachineTransitionApi getStateMachineTransition GET /state-machine-transition/{id} Detailed information about a State Machine Transition resource.
StateMachineTransitionApi getStateMachineTransitionList GET /state-machine-transition List with basic information of State Machine Transition resources.
StateMachineTransitionApi updateStateMachineTransition PATCH /state-machine-transition/{id} Partially update information about a State Machine Transition resource.
SystemConfigApi createSystemConfig POST /system-config Create a new System Config resources.
SystemConfigApi deleteSystemConfig DELETE /system-config/{id} Delete a System Config resource.
SystemConfigApi getSystemConfig GET /system-config/{id} Detailed information about a System Config resource.
SystemConfigApi getSystemConfigList GET /system-config List with basic information of System Config resources.
SystemConfigApi updateSystemConfig PATCH /system-config/{id} Partially update information about a System Config resource.
SystemInfoHealthcheckApi apiInfo GET /_info/openapi3.json Get OpenAPI Specification
SystemInfoHealthcheckApi businessEvents GET /_info/events.json Get Business events
SystemInfoHealthcheckApi config GET /_info/config Get API information
SystemInfoHealthcheckApi flowActions GET /_info/flow-actions.json Get actions for flow builder
SystemInfoHealthcheckApi healthCheck GET /_info/health-check Check that the Application is running
SystemInfoHealthcheckApi infoShopwareVersion GET /_info/version Get the Shopware version
SystemOperationsApi clearCache DELETE /_action/cache Clear caches
SystemOperationsApi clearCacheAndScheduleWarmUp DELETE /_action/cache_warmup Clear and warm up caches
SystemOperationsApi clearContainerCache DELETE /_action/container_cache Clear container caches
SystemOperationsApi clearOldCacheFolders DELETE /_action/cleanup Clear old cache folders
SystemOperationsApi consumeMessages POST /_action/message-queue/consume Consume messages from the message queue.
SystemOperationsApi getMinRunInterval GET /_action/scheduled-task/min-run-interval Get the minimum schedules task interval
SystemOperationsApi index POST /_action/index Run indexer
SystemOperationsApi indexing POST /_action/indexing Run indexer
SystemOperationsApi info GET /_action/cache_info Get cache information
SystemOperationsApi iterate POST /_action/indexing/{indexer} Iterate an indexer
SystemOperationsApi productIndexing POST /_action/index-products Send product indexing message
SystemOperationsApi runScheduledTasks POST /_action/scheduled-task/run Run scheduled tasks.
TagApi createTag POST /tag Create a new Tag resources.
TagApi deleteTag DELETE /tag/{id} Delete a Tag resource.
TagApi getTag GET /tag/{id} Detailed information about a Tag resource.
TagApi getTagList GET /tag List with basic information of Tag resources.
TagApi updateTag PATCH /tag/{id} Partially update information about a Tag resource.
TaxApi createTax POST /tax Create a new Tax resources.
TaxApi deleteTax DELETE /tax/{id} Delete a Tax resource.
TaxApi getTax GET /tax/{id} Detailed information about a Tax resource.
TaxApi getTaxList GET /tax List with basic information of Tax resources.
TaxApi updateTax PATCH /tax/{id} Partially update information about a Tax resource.
TaxProviderApi createTaxProvider POST /tax-provider Create a new Tax Provider resources.
TaxProviderApi deleteTaxProvider DELETE /tax-provider/{id} Delete a Tax Provider resource.
TaxProviderApi getTaxProvider GET /tax-provider/{id} Detailed information about a Tax Provider resource.
TaxProviderApi getTaxProviderList GET /tax-provider List with basic information of Tax Provider resources.
TaxProviderApi updateTaxProvider PATCH /tax-provider/{id} Partially update information about a Tax Provider resource.
TaxRuleApi createTaxRule POST /tax-rule Create a new Tax Rule resources.
TaxRuleApi deleteTaxRule DELETE /tax-rule/{id} Delete a Tax Rule resource.
TaxRuleApi getTaxRule GET /tax-rule/{id} Detailed information about a Tax Rule resource.
TaxRuleApi getTaxRuleList GET /tax-rule List with basic information of Tax Rule resources.
TaxRuleApi updateTaxRule PATCH /tax-rule/{id} Partially update information about a Tax Rule resource.
TaxRuleTypeApi createTaxRuleType POST /tax-rule-type Create a new Tax Rule Type resources.
TaxRuleTypeApi deleteTaxRuleType DELETE /tax-rule-type/{id} Delete a Tax Rule Type resource.
TaxRuleTypeApi getTaxRuleType GET /tax-rule-type/{id} Detailed information about a Tax Rule Type resource.
TaxRuleTypeApi getTaxRuleTypeList GET /tax-rule-type List with basic information of Tax Rule Type resources.
TaxRuleTypeApi updateTaxRuleType PATCH /tax-rule-type/{id} Partially update information about a Tax Rule Type resource.
ThemeApi createTheme POST /theme Create a new Theme resources.
ThemeApi deleteTheme DELETE /theme/{id} Delete a Theme resource.
ThemeApi getTheme GET /theme/{id} Detailed information about a Theme resource.
ThemeApi getThemeList GET /theme List with basic information of Theme resources.
ThemeApi updateTheme PATCH /theme/{id} Partially update information about a Theme resource.
UnitApi createUnit POST /unit Create a new Unit resources.
UnitApi deleteUnit DELETE /unit/{id} Delete a Unit resource.
UnitApi getUnit GET /unit/{id} Detailed information about a Unit resource.
UnitApi getUnitList GET /unit List with basic information of Unit resources.
UnitApi updateUnit PATCH /unit/{id} Partially update information about a Unit resource.
UserApi createUser POST /user Create a new User resources.
UserApi deleteUser DELETE /user/{id} Delete a User resource.
UserApi getUser GET /user/{id} Detailed information about a User resource.
UserApi getUserList GET /user List with basic information of User resources.
UserApi updateUser PATCH /user/{id} Partially update information about a User resource.
UserAccessKeyApi createUserAccessKey POST /user-access-key Create a new User Access Key resources.
UserAccessKeyApi deleteUserAccessKey DELETE /user-access-key/{id} Delete a User Access Key resource.
UserAccessKeyApi getUserAccessKey GET /user-access-key/{id} Detailed information about a User Access Key resource.
UserAccessKeyApi getUserAccessKeyList GET /user-access-key List with basic information of User Access Key resources.
UserAccessKeyApi updateUserAccessKey PATCH /user-access-key/{id} Partially update information about a User Access Key resource.
UserConfigApi createUserConfig POST /user-config Create a new User Config resources.
UserConfigApi deleteUserConfig DELETE /user-config/{id} Delete a User Config resource.
UserConfigApi getUserConfig GET /user-config/{id} Detailed information about a User Config resource.
UserConfigApi getUserConfigList GET /user-config List with basic information of User Config resources.
UserConfigApi updateUserConfig PATCH /user-config/{id} Partially update information about a User Config resource.
UserRecoveryApi createUserRecovery POST /user-recovery Create a new User Recovery resources.
UserRecoveryApi deleteUserRecovery DELETE /user-recovery/{id} Delete a User Recovery resource.
UserRecoveryApi getUserRecovery GET /user-recovery/{id} Detailed information about a User Recovery resource.
UserRecoveryApi getUserRecoveryList GET /user-recovery List with basic information of User Recovery resources.
UserRecoveryApi updateUserRecovery PATCH /user-recovery/{id} Partially update information about a User Recovery resource.
WebhookApi createWebhook POST /webhook Create a new Webhook resources.
WebhookApi deleteWebhook DELETE /webhook/{id} Delete a Webhook resource.
WebhookApi getWebhook GET /webhook/{id} Detailed information about a Webhook resource.
WebhookApi getWebhookList GET /webhook List with basic information of Webhook resources.
WebhookApi updateWebhook PATCH /webhook/{id} Partially update information about a Webhook resource.
WebhookEventLogApi createWebhookEventLog POST /webhook-event-log Create a new Webhook Event Log resources.
WebhookEventLogApi deleteWebhookEventLog DELETE /webhook-event-log/{id} Delete a Webhook Event Log resource.
WebhookEventLogApi getWebhookEventLog GET /webhook-event-log/{id} Detailed information about a Webhook Event Log resource.
WebhookEventLogApi getWebhookEventLogList GET /webhook-event-log List with basic information of Webhook Event Log resources.
WebhookEventLogApi updateWebhookEventLog PATCH /webhook-event-log/{id} Partially update information about a Webhook Event Log resource.






To run the tests, use:


About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

All versions of shopware-admin-api-client with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=7.2
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^6.2
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package cdma-numiscorner/shopware-admin-api-client contains the following files

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