Download the PHP package buzut/steroids without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package buzut/steroids. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package steroids

Steroid's logo

WordPress's most powerful framework

WordPress starter theme packed with modern tooling to make your life easier and your code more efficient. Steroids is an opinionated WordPress starter theme built for frontend & JS developers: one command install, Less styles, ESNext, ES modules, dynamic imports, linting, npm deploy command and much more…

What's in it?

Getting Started

Node.js and npm are used to lint, compile and minify your code (CSS & JS), so make sure they are installed. Make sure also that you have PHP and MySQL/MariaDB installed as well (could be usefull for WordPress!).

If you already have composer installed globally, you're all set up, otherwise you can install it locally in one command:

Then you can set up your WordPress installation with composer.

You then have a working WordPress install with Steroids theme into your my-new-project directory. If you have downloaded composer locally, move it at the root of my-new-project directory.

If you haven't created a database yet, you can do it now, then head over to .env for the final config. At last, head to the theme directory: themes/steroids/, run the usual npm install, you're all set up!



All the main WordPress configuration happens in the dotenv .env file in the public directory. These configuration constants are then transposed to the usual wp-config.php.

This way of doing allows us to version our wp-config file and easily switch our configs based on the current environment (dev, staging, prod…). If you ever need new options in the wp-config file, no worries, just add it to wp-config.php, add the correspondig value to .env and commit.

You also have various theme-related options that you can easily set up via the theme config.php config file.

Dev commands

Processed CSS will be outputed to styles/build/ and processed JavaScript to scripts/build/ in the theme's directory. The version number is defined via native npm versioning (set via command line npm version [major|minor|patch] or in package.json) for easy cache invalidation.

If you want to use a module from npm in your scripts, just install it with npm install xxx --save and require it using either commonJS or ESM syntax. npm run wach/build will do the rest!

Also, livereload is ready to be used. Just set the IS_DEV constant to true in the .env file.

Last but not least, if you want to take advantage of linting from stylelint and eslint, you'll have to install their respective plugins in your code editor.


Installing dependencies

All of your work lays as usual in the theme's directory (themes/steroids). When you need an external library or a new plugin, just install it with composer: composer require what_you_need.

If it's a library: you just need to include the autoloader before calling a library and it'll take care of the rest.

If it's a plugin: it's listed in the plugins in your admin dashboard and you just need to activate it.

Steroids namespace

To avoid collisions, Steroids uses its own namespace in its functions (inc/*) files. Nothing fancy here, just prefix functions with Steroids\, like so Steroids\function_name.

If you need a reminder about namespace and how to use it, a quick read of the official docs will set you up.


Out of the box, you get:

Using JS conditional loading

You know that speed is everything for the UX and SEO of your site. So why load one big JS file on all pages when you can target just the amount of JS required on a given page? That's exactly the feature unlocked by our JS router.

The modules that you'll want to be loaded dynmically are to be placed into scripts/routes/, then simply initialise the router, telling it which modules should load on what pages.

Under the hood, conditional loading are nothing less than ESModule dynamic imports. Therefore, they are compatible with all major browsers. For those older browsers such as IE11 (if you ever want to support them), all imports will be bundled in the nomodule script – main.iife.js – that's automatically available for older browsers.

The only downside is that the file contains all the code, as these browers don't support dynamic imports, so the first download is bigger.


Styles use Less by default, but it should be pretty straightforward to use Sass instead. Let me know if you want to maintain a Sass version.

In addition to offering time saving utils for responsive utilities, you benefit from all the Less awesomeness.

The real killer feature though, is the conditional loading of styles. You can target on which templates your styles are loading.

The styles/ directory structure is as follows:

The files imported by either critical.less or lazy.less are to be located into critical/ or lazy/ respectively. All these files will inherit the functions and variables defined in utils.less so you won't need to @import it before using its functions.

The third folder named routes/ contains all the files that are conditionally loaded.

Subfolders can obviously be created to better sort your styles but files in these subfolders are compiled only if imported by files of their parent folder (routes/*.less), otherwise, they serve no purpose.

Finaly, to dynamically load stylesheets on a given template, you'll pass the stylesheet(s) slug(s) in the shape of an array as the second parameter of the get_header function: get_header(null, ['stylesheets' => ['slug']]).

For instance, let's say we need to import our stylesheet styles/routes/blog.less on our blog posts. The template responsible for these blog posts is single.php. So the file will start like this:

Now let's say that we also want to import a second stylesheet that is dedicated to comments, creatively named comments.less (that's also used on product pages). We'll do something like the following.

We might realise that comments.less contains a lot of styles and that they are at the end of the article, far under the fold. We therefore would rather have these styles loaded asynchronously. Fair enough.

This way, the blog stylesheet will load right away, but the comments stylesheet will load after initial pageload.

Note that 'lazy' => false is the default and can be omitted, so the following is correct and has the same effect.

Apart from the stylesheets, the options array allows you to define aditional classes you'd want to add to the html body. This is very usefull for when you need to apply styles in specific areas of a given page.

Assets pre-compression

CSS, JavaScript and SVG files are pre-compressed in both Brotli and Gzip so that your webserver will be able to server better compressed files even faster!

Performance & junk removal

This theme used to do a lot to remove "junk" WordPress defaults. It still does a few things but in the end, this is better managed by a third party plugin.

In addition to remove useless stylesheets, JavaScript files and markup added by WordPress and plugins alike, one thing that can really boost load times & general performance is to unload plugins alltogether when they are not needed. You save MySQL queries, PHP processing time and polar bears 🐻‍❄️ at the same time!

Seriously, a lot of plugins are of no use on most pages:

WTF don't you think?

For that very reason, I use Asset CleanUp Pro on every site I build. It allows you to unload any core, theme and plugin CSS/JS site-wide or on a per-page basis. It also allows you to completely control when a plugin executes its PHP code.

There's more, it allows you to remove all useless WordPress styles, assets and markup (like image emojis, comments RSS feed etc). Also, there is a free version that's nice too if you don't need the features of the Pro version.


You can initialise git with composer composer run-script gitinit. This will initialise a Git repo with Git Emojis hooks.


There's sure room for improvement, so feel free to hack around and submit PRs!

That would be cool for instance if we could have proper HTML emails. So if you have the skills to code HTML emails, don't hesitate to give me a helping hand!

Please just follow the style of the existing code, which is Airbnb's style with minor modifications.

To maintain things clear and visual, please follow the Git commit template.

All versions of steroids with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=7.3
erusev/parsedown Version ^1.7
johnpbloch/wordpress Version ^5.8
vlucas/phpdotenv Version ^5.3
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package buzut/steroids contains the following files

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