Download the PHP package authbucket/oauth2 without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package authbucket/oauth2. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

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  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
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Informations about the package oauth2


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The primary goal of AuthBucket\OAuth2 is to develop a standards compliant RFC6749 OAuth2.0 library; secondary goal would be develop corresponding wrapper Symfony2 Bundle and Drupal module.

This library bundle with a Silex based AuthBucketOAuth2ServiceProvider for unit test and demo purpose. Installation and usage can refer as below.


Simply add a dependency on authbucket/oauth2-php to your project's composer.json file if you use Composer to manage the dependencies of your project.

Here is a minimal example of a composer.json:

    "require": {
        "authbucket/oauth2-php": "~5.0"


The bundled AuthBucketOAuth2ServiceProvider come with following parameters:


The bundled AuthBucketOAuth2ServiceProvider come with following services controller which simplify the OAuth2.0 controller implementation overhead:


If you are using Silex, register AuthBucketOAuth2ServiceProvider as below:

$app->register(new AuthBucket\OAuth2\Silex\Provider\AuthBucketOAuth2ServiceProvider());

Moreover, enable following service providers if that's not already the case:

$app->register(new Silex\Provider\MonologServiceProvider());
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\SecurityServiceProvider());
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\ValidatorServiceProvider());


This library seperate the endpoint logic in frontend firewall and backend controller point of view, so you will need to setup both for functioning.

To enable the built-in controller with corresponding routing, you need to mount it manually:

$app->get('/api/oauth2/authorize', 'authbucket_oauth2.authorization_controller:indexAction')

$app->post('/api/oauth2/token', 'authbucket_oauth2.token_controller:indexAction')

$app->match('/api/oauth2/debug', 'authbucket_oauth2.debug_controller:indexAction')

Below is a list of recipes that cover some common use cases.

Authorization Endpoint

We don't provide custom firewall for this endpoint, which you should protect it by yourself, authenticate and capture the user credential, e.g. by SecurityServiceProvider:

$app['security.default_encoder'] = function ($app) {
    return new Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\PlaintextPasswordEncoder();

$app['security.user_provider.default'] = $app['security.user_provider.inmemory._proto']([
    'demousername1' => ['ROLE_USER', 'demopassword1'],
    'demousername2' => ['ROLE_USER', 'demopassword2'],
    'demousername3' => ['ROLE_USER', 'demopassword3'],

$app['security.firewalls'] = [
    'api_oauth2_authorize' => [
        'pattern' => '^/api/oauth2/authorize$',
        'http' => true,
        'users' => $app['security.user_provider.default'],

Token Endpoint

Similar as authorization endpoint, we need to protect this endpoint with our custom firewall oauth2_token:

$app['security.firewalls'] = [
    'api_oauth2_token' => [
        'pattern' => '^/api/oauth2/token$',
        'oauth2_token' => true,

Debug Endpoint

We should protect this endpoint with our custom firewall oauth2_resource:

$app['security.firewalls'] = [
    'api_oauth2_debug' => [
        'pattern' => '^/api/oauth2/debug$',
        'oauth2_resource' => true,

Resource Endpoint

We don't provide other else resource endpoint controller implementation besides above debug endpoint. You should consider implement your own endpoint with custom logic, e.g. fetching user email address or profile image.

On the other hand, you can protect your resource server endpoint with our custom firewall oauth2_resource. Shorthand version (default assume resource server bundled with authorization server, query local model manager, without scope protection):

$app['security.firewalls'] = [
    'api_resource' => [
        'pattern' => '^/api/resource',
        'oauth2_resource' => true,

Longhand version (assume resource server bundled with authorization server, query local model manager, protect with scope demoscope1):

$app['security.firewalls'] = [
    'api_resource' => [
        'pattern' => '^/api/resource',
        'oauth2_resource' => [
            'resource_type' => 'model',
            'scope' => ['demoscope1'],

If authorization server is hosting somewhere else, you can protect your local resource endpoint by query remote authorization server debug endpoint:

$app['security.firewalls'] = [
    'api_resource' => [
        'pattern' => '^/api/resource',
        'oauth2_resource' => [
            'resource_type' => 'debug_endpoint',
            'scope' => ['demoscope1'],
            'options' => [
                'debug_endpoint' => '',
                'cache' => true,


The demo is based on Silex and AuthBucketOAuth2ServiceProvider. Read though Demo for more information.

You may also run the demo locally. Open a console and execute the following command to install the latest version in the oauth2-php directory:

$ composer create-project authbucket/oauth2-php authbucket/oauth2-php "~5.0"

Then use the PHP built-in web server to run the demo application:

$ cd authbucket/oauth2-php
$ ./bin/console server:run

If you get the error There are no commands defined in the "server" namespace., then you are probably using PHP 5.3. That's ok! But the built-in web server is only available for PHP 5.4.0 or higher. If you have an older version of PHP or if you prefer a traditional web server such as Apache or Nginx, read the Configuring a web server article.

Open your browser and access the URL to see the Welcome page of demo application.

Also access to initialize the bundled SQLite database with user account admin:secrete.


OAuth2's documentation is built with Sami and publicly hosted on GitHub Pages.

To built the documents locally, execute the following command:

$ sami.php update .sami.php

Open build/sami/index.html with your browser for the documents.


This project is coverage with PHPUnit test cases; CI result can be found from Travis CI; code coverage report can be found from Coveralls.

To run the test suite locally, execute the following command:

$ phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist

Open build/logs/html with your browser for the coverage report.



All versions of oauth2 with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ~6.2
lib-openssl Version *
php Version >=5.5.9
psr/log Version ~1.0
symfony/http-foundation Version ~3.2
symfony/http-kernel Version ~3.2
symfony/security Version ~3.2
symfony/validator Version ~3.2
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package authbucket/oauth2 contains the following files

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