Download the PHP package atomjump/loop-server without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package atomjump/loop-server. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package loop-server

WARNING: this project has now moved to

AtomJump Messaging Server

This acts as a server to the AtomJump Messaging front-end at


Recommended pre-installation steps

Modify the upload size in php.ini (found in e.g. /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini)

Imagemagick can be used to handle image uploads (Ubuntu command):

To keep timing in-sync (Ubuntu command):

MySQL >= 5.7 users: add this 'SQL mode' into your my.cnf MySQL configuration file (found in e.g. /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf)

and restart the MySQL server with

Optional Components


On your Linux server, download and unzip the latest release of the loop-server from

Or git clone

Or using composer see

We will refer to paths as being from the root of the loop-server folder.

  1. /server folder. You can refer to some example server configuration files. Replace atomjump with your own domain, and put any relevant files into your Apache 'sites available' setup. You may need to restart Apache.

  2. /config/configORIGINAL.json. Copy this file to /config/config.json. Replace the options with your own accounts and paths. Copy /config/messagesORIGINAL.json to /config/messages.json. Replace these options with your own words or languages.

  3. Allow image uploads, and image caching by the browser

  4. Copy /SET_AS_htaccess to /.htaccess and replace with your domain in this file.

  5. Customer defined themes must be on a secure server if the server is on ssl.

  6. To the ajFeedback object in your index.html, add a parameter

  7. In a MySQL prompt, run 'create database atomjump'. Then from the command line:

Optional Installation

Add three cron tasks to your server:

On your internet server, first install NodeJS and npm. See Ubuntu install notes at, but there are several ways to do this depending on your platform e.g. MacOSX may vary slightly.

This will update the production database message sentiments once every minute (or remove the -production to go to staging).

Windows installation

Running on Windows has currently not been tested, but you can use a Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machine from

Messaging Client

(sometimes called the 'loop' project)

Is available from or you can add this to your site from

This tool provides a 'WhatsApp-like' group discussion forum from a popup on your website. It is good for general messaging, either within a company or family, in either a private or public setting.

The client software is entirely Javascript and CSS, but it refers to an AtomJump Messaging server to store messages. This is freely available as a separate project at, or you can use the server, by default.

Private forums on the hosted hosted platform are purchased for US$10 / year to cover the (non-profit) Foundation's costs, but public forums are free, within reason.

Supported client platforms: IE8 upwards, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Android Native, Android Chrome, Android Firefox, iPad, iPhone, Opera. There may be other supported platforms we haven't tested on.

See the demo at AtomJump

You can adjust the styling by making changes to the CSS file for your project.

Client Installation

With bower from within the root of your project path:

bower install atomjump

(Or without bower, unpack into your project, edit index.html, and replace bootstrap css and javascript paths as mentioned)

Run atomjump/index.html in your browser. You should see a 'Click me for comments' link. Click this to see the pop-up. For Wordpress instructions, see below.

Client Setup

Look carefully at the index.html example.

The code between <!-- AtomJump Feedback Starts -->

and <!-- AtomJump Feedback Ends -->

should be put into your page's <head> section.

Links can be added to the comments with <a class="comment-open" href="javascript:">Click me for comments</a>

The code <div id="comment-holder"></div> must be placed anywhere in the <body> section.

Note: jQuery ver 1.9.1 is used. Other jQuery versions will likely work also.

  1. Adjust 'uniqueFeedbackId' value to a unique value to suit your forum's name. This can be unique per page or the same throughout the whole site.

  2. For messaging usage, refer to the Messaging guide at

To have more than one messaging forum on a single page

You can do this three different ways. The simplest is to set the link's href to '"#comment-open-' followed by the forum name:

Or, you can add the 'comment-open' class to a link with an 'id' referring to the forum name (you also need a 'data-useid' tag):

Or, for further control over the owner of the forum, you can add the following data tags, and enter your own names/ips:

To open custom URLs within notifications

When the app or email setup sends notifications, it provides a clickable address for the user to go to in order to see the forum. If the usual current web address is behind a token or password, this link needs a lead-up page to allow for client-side logins. You can set this address with the 'data-notifyurl' token.

To open a Shortmail enabled forum

You can add the 'shortmail' data tag e.g.

Or, you can use an href "#shortmail-open-" class:

To change the theme





to the ajFeedback object.

Note: your css file must be on an https server, if your server is using https.

To download a forum's messages programmatically


or for's web-service:


  1. email Your AtomJump Loop email address from the standard interface
  2. pass
    Your AtomJump Loop password
  3. uniqueFeedbackId
    The particular forum to view. Note: include 'ajps_' at the start of this string for forums.
  4. from_id
    There is a limit of 2000 records per request. To download more, include the 'id' of the last record, from the previous download request, in this field.

Which returns a JSON object. Included for reporting is a 'sentiment' field which measures how positive the comment is (< 0 negative, 0= neutral, > 0 positive).

Getting a live sentiment

Include the following parameters along with 1,2, and 3 above.

  1. format

    Set to 'avg'

  2. duration

    Period over which to average in seconds.

The response will be an average over the last period of all the message sentiment values. This will be expressed as a single number eg. 5.324. Note: it can take up to 1 minute before any new message's sentiment will be calculated.

Wordpress Setup

  1. Install the ‘Header and Footer’ plugin.
  2. Go into ‘Settings->Header and Footer’, and enter the two sections from The main block should be entered into the ‘SECTION INJECTION’ section, and the ‘comment holder’ div should be entered into the ‘BEFORE THE CLOSING TAG (FOOTER)’ section.
  3. Any link’s address (i.e. the ‘href’) on the page can now start with ‘#comment-open-‘, followed by the forum name and it will open a popup.

For more details see

Server Options

Staging: To ensure you are set to staging, set the 'usingStaging' param to 'true'.

To test the web domain, use the following small PHP script:

warningDiskUsage: After this certain percentage (0-100) of the current disk space is used, we provide an external service, such as Nagios, with the ability to provide a warning that the server is nearing it's disk capacity. It does this by creating a folder in the main directory /images/im/capacity/ and putting a file 'within-disk-capacity-warning.html' into this folder. If the file is visible externally, the server's drive space is normal, but if this file is not visible (and therefore returns a 404 http error message, typically) then the server's disk space is beyond this threshold and is nearing it's capacity. Ver >= 2.8.4

warningCPUUsage: After this certain percentage (0-100) of the CPU load is used, we provide an external service, such as Nagios, with the ability to provide a warning that the server is nearing it's capacity of CPU usage. It does this by creating a folder in the main directory /images/im/capacity/ and putting a file 'within-cpu-capacity-warning.html' into this folder. If the file is visible externally, the server's CPU is normal, but if this file is not visible (and therefore returns a 404 http error message, typically) then the server's CPU is beyond this threshold and is nearing it's capacity. Ver >= 2.8.4

db hosts: there can be any number of db hosts, but some services do not allow multiple write hosts, and if this case the first one is the only write host, while the others are read. You can configure this with the 'singleWriteDb' option.

db maxConcurrentUsers: Caps the number of users at a certain number of concurrent connections, and does not try to open the forum if there are too many users, providing a warning to come back later. The actual number of users supported will be many more than this figure as they will not all be requesting from the database at once, and many will only be reading rather than writing, but this level roughly indicates a situation where everyone is typing at the same time. Ver >= 2.8.1

db warningConcurrentUsers: After a certain number of concurrent connections (this number is usually less than maxConcurrentUsers), we provide an external service, such as Nagios, with the ability to provide a warning that the server is nearing it's capacity of concurrent users. It does this by creating a folder in the directory /images/im/capacity/ and putting a file 'within-db-capacity-warning.html' into this folder. If the file is visible externally, the server is within capacity, but if this file is not visible (and therefore returns a 404 http error message, typically) then the server is nearing it's capacity, and will shortly produce a warning to users that the forum has too many users. Ver >= 2.8.4

db singleWriteDb: optional. 'true' for a single write database cluster, and 'false' for a multiple write database cluster. This option is only applicable if there is more than one database host. Ver >= 1.8.9

db scaleUp: For different forums you can refer to completely different databases, to remove the heavy write usage in a multi-read/single write database server farm. This is an array of alternative db/hosts, which are used if a given regular expression is detected in the forum's name.

db scaleUp labelRegExp: This is a javascript/PHP regular expression that changes the database used for this forum. E.g. "^hello", would detect the forums 'hello_there', 'hello_anything' etc. Then the standard db details can be entered for this case i.e. 'name','hosts','user','pass','port','deleteDeletes','timezone','serviceHome'. You can also have different set of plugins with a unique 'plugins' array (Ver >= 1.9.5).

(Ver >= 2.9.0) You can optionally run the sentiment script on another database in your configuration file, for example for forums starting with "api1" by using:

db ssl: Makes the connection to the database encrypted. Ver >= 1.9.5

db ssl use: Set to 'true' to use SSL, or 'false' to ignore the SSL settings and transfer data to the database unencrypted. Ver >= 1.9.5

db ssl key: The file path of the server's key file. Ver >= 1.9.5

db ssl cert: The file path of the server's certificate file. Ver >= 1.9.5

db ssl cacert: The file path of the CA Certificate file. Ver >= 1.9.5

db ssl capath: The path to the folder that contains the CA Certificate file. Ver >= 1.9.5

db ssl protocol: A list of the supported ssl protocols (separated by semi-colons). Ver >= 1.9.5. Here are some common protocols:

db ssl verify: Whether to require verification of the certificates. We strongly recommend this is set to 'true'. 'false' requires PHP ver >= 5.6. Ver >= 1.9.5

ips: any number of PHP machines with the server software on it.

webRoot: Web path including http/https of the server. Don't include trailing slash.

fileRoot: Local file system server's file path. Don't include trailing slash.

serviceHome: The homepage of the service as a URL. This is used particularly after resetting a password.

serverTimezone: Change this to the location of the physical server eg. Pacific/Auckland

delayFeeds: Delays any API or feed download access for this number of seconds. The default is 1200 seconds or 20 minutes.

titleReplace regex replaceWith: To create an automatic visual title for a forum based off the forum's actual database name, you should add in any regular expression replacements. This should be an array of { regex, replaceWith } objects, which are processed sequentially on the forum's database name. For example, pages are given a forum database name ajpsXyz . The regex to replace the "ajps" part of this to create a title "Xyz" you should should use { "regex": "/ajps_(.+)/", "replaceWith": "$1" } Where $1 is the entry in (.+). Note: you should include the /expression/ around your expressions, and can optionally include case insensitive modifiers, e.g. /expression/i. More information on the supported expressions is available at You can switch automatic titles on or off with 'showAutomaticTitle' below.

showAutomaticTitle can be 'true' or 'false' depending on whether you wish to auto-generate titles for the forum headers. You can also modify the title using the 'titleReplace' options above.

deleteDeletes: Set to true by default, this means any user action to delete a message removes it completely from the database. If for your records you are required to keep hidden messages, set to false.

loadbalancer: Required for a production setup - any number of machines. Can be blank in a staging setup.

phpPath: Path to externally run any parallel PHP processes. Ver >= 0.5.5

chatInnerJSFilename: Path from the server that refers to the server-side Javascript. E.g. "/js/chat-inner-1.3.29.js". This will override the system default, if the file exists, but otherwise the default version is used, which is specified at the top of the search-secure.php script.

logoutPort: Depreciated ver 0.6.3. Port which a logout is supported on. Default 1444. Use in an ssh situation, whereby this is a non-ssh port. Ver >= 0.5.5, ver <= 0.6.2

adminMachineUser: once your server has been set up, and you have saved your first user (yourself typically), find this user in the interface Advanced settings, and write this into the config. This user is allowed to set forum passwords and limit the subscribers for a particular forum.

analytics use: Can be 'none'. Include a 'url' entry. The 'image' field is currently only needed for retrieving unique backgrounds for subdomains of

social use: Can be 'none' or 'all'. 'none' switches off all social media interaction, while 'all' enables all of them.

social twitter: optional. Retrieves tweets from twitter related to this subdomain, and allows for replying to the tweets (posts a message via twitter).

readPort: optional. The port to put the plugin 'loop-server-fast' daemon on, if it is different to 3277, see Ver >= 0.5.22.

readURL: optional. The full URL including ports that the plugin 'loop-server-fast' daemon is on, see, if this is different to the standard URL followed by 'readPort'. Note: if you use a non-standard port, some machines behind proxy servers, particularly corporates, or some public PCs may have the address filtered out. One approach here, at a slight loss of speed, is to use the standard port 80 for http and 443 for https, and ProxyPass in Apache. Ver >= 1.5.5.

httpsKey: optional. If you are serving from an https address, you will need this local file path, for the plugin 'loop-server-fast', see See also 'httpsCert', which is needed too. Ver >= 0.5.22

httpsCert: optional. If you are serving from an https address, you will need this local file path, for the plugin 'loop-server-fast', see See also 'httpsKey', which is needed too. Ver >= 0.5.22

uploads use: This can be one of 'none', 'same', 'generic', 'amazonAWS'. 'none' means uploads are switched off. 'same' means the upload stays on the same server in the '/images/im/' folder. 'generic' means uploads.genericUploadURL should be set to a remote URL, which the image file will be uploaded to via a POST request. 'amazonAWS' refers to the use of an Amazon S3 AWS bucket for remote storage. You will need an Amazon 'accessKey', 'secretKey' and 'imageURL', in this case.

Note: You should make sure your server provides a caching response to image files, or Safari will continue to refresh the images every 5 seconds.

uploads hiRes width (height): width in pixels of uploaded images, in their hi-res version. The low-res version is displayed to the whole group, and the hi-res version is only used when a user taps on that one photo.

uploads lowRes width (height): width in pixels of uploaded images, in their low-res version. The low-res version is displayed to the whole group, and the hi-res version is only used when a user taps on that one photo.

uploads replaceHiResURLMatch: set to a string in your uploaded images URL path that identifies that the photo is on your server, and not copied from a different server e.g. 'atomjump' would identify for "". Images which include this string, will show the hi-res uploaded version when clicked e.g. "".

uploads imagesShare: If there are multiple PHP nodes, this defines which port to write uploaded images to, so that they are shared between nodes. 'port' is a port such as 80, and 'https' is either true or false. 'checkCode' is a unique code to your server, which you should change, for security purposes, to allow access from your nodes, only, Ver >= 2.5.7. If you are setting up an expandable cluster, you should also modify images/im/.htaccess and enter your subfolder path where it says CHANGE THIS BELOW, to provide a 'missing images' handler that allows expanding clusters, Ver >= 2.5.7.

uploads vendor amazonAWS: optional. This is for S3 storage of uploaded images. You will need an Amazon 'accessKey', 'secretKey' and 'imageURL', in this case.

email adminEmail: Administrator's email address.

email webmasterEmail: The webmaster's email address.

email noReplyEmail: An email address for when you do not want a reply.

email sending use: This can be 'none', 'smtp' or 'mailgun'. 'none' means there are no emails sent as notifications. 'smtp' means a standard SMTP server is used, and you should enter the 'smtp' which is the host, 'user' which is the username, typically the email address, 'pass' which is the password, 'encryption' which can be 'tls', 'ssl' or left blank, and the 'port' which is the SMTP port number used. 'mailgun' means the service is used and you will need a 'key' and 'url' from Mailgun.

For example, uses, who provide an excellent email sending service:

email sending vendor mailgun: optional. You need a mailgun account which has about 10,000 free emails per month, but costs after that. You will need a 'key' and 'url' from Mailgun.

sms use: This can be 'none' or 'twilioSMS'. None switches off SMS.

sms twilioSMS: optional. Required for sending off SMSes via Twilio.

sms USDollarsPerSMS: for reporting purposes only. This is what is shown to users if they choose to use the SMS notifications. Since there is a cost to you for each SMS, you will likely set this slightly higher than the actual cost of an SMS, to account for fluctuations in price.

Changing language packs

Please see the /config/language-packs/ file for instructions on changing which languages are available to your users.


Plugins can be installed in the /plugins directory. See for a list of plugins available.

Plugin API

For a sample plugin called 'hide_aargh':


Add the entry "hide_aargh" to the "plugins" array in config/config.json to activate the plugin.

Reading functions


Parameters ($table, $insert_field_names_str, $insert_field_data_str)
Server: >= 0.5.0


Parameters ($sql)
Server: >= 0.5.0

An ordinary SELECT SQL query.


Parameters ($table, $update_set)
Server: >= 0.5.0

Update_set is the SQL after an 'UPDATE table SET' e.g. "var_title = 'test' WHERE var_title = 'test2'" - can have multiple fields


Parameters ($results)
Server: >= 0.5.21

Get an array of rows from a database query.


Parameters ($string)
Server: >= 0.5.21

Ensure the string is escaped for input into the database.


No parameters Server: >= 0.5.21

Returns the database error text.


No parameters Server: >= 0.5.21

Get the last database inserted id field value.


Parameters ($message_forum_name)
Server: >= 0.5.0


No parameters
Server: > 0.5.0

Get the user's ip address, although this is now an artificial ip address, actually a unique 'ip' based off their user id.


No parameters
Server: >= 0.5.0

Returns the integer user id value of the current user.


Required Parameters ($user_id) Server: >= 3.2.2

Returns: true/false


Required Parameters ($check_forum_id)
Server: >= 2.3.4

Check if a layer (numerical ID) has been granted access (i.e. the password has been specifically entered by the current user). If there is no need for access to be granted (i.e. on a public forum - see get_forum_id() and 'requires_password' return param) you should ignore any 'false' values.

Returns: true/false



Output parameters ($message_forum_id, $message, $message_id, $sender_id, $recipient_id, $sender_name, $sender_email, $sender_phone, $message_forum_name)
Plugin function returns
Server: >= 0.5.1 ($message_forum_name >= 0.7.6)

Occurs after a message being posted.


Output parameters ($message)
Plugin function returns
Server: >= 0.5.0

Occurs just before a message is posted, allowing changes to the message text.


Output parameters ($message)
Plugin function writes HTML inside ordinary PHP tags e.g.

Server: >= 0.5.9


Output parameters ($user_id, $full_request: array of options, $type: NEW or SAVE) Plugin function returns

Called when the settings are saved. $user_id is the integer user's id being saved. $full_request is the $_REQUEST array with the user's entered values. $type can be 'NEW' if it is a new record, or 'SAVE' to save an existing record.


Output parameters ($message)
Plugin function writes HTML inside ordinary PHP tags e.g.

Server: >= 0.5.9


Output parameters ($message_id) Plugin function should return ($html)

When a particular message is clicked, a screen with more options (e.g. deleting the message) appears. This plugin function should return the HTML for the new custom button directly, including a javascript onclick="" event, and code, such as a server 'get' request to handle that event.

Server: >= 2.2.8


Output parameters ($stage, $message, $message_details, $message_id, $sender_id, $recipient_id, $in_data)
Plugin function should return ($ret, $ret_data) where $ret is true, unless a recipient is not to get a message, when your plugin function should return $ret = false

$ret_data should be used to forward the data on to the next stage function, in the $in_data parameter.

Server: >= 0.7.7

This hook allows you to embed custom code into a notification e.g. the plugin 'notifications' uses this function to send messages to the AtomJump phone app.

Used at 3 stages of the notification process, defined by $stage. Stages are:

$message_details will be an array in the following format:

Writing functions


Required Parameters ($sender_name_str, $message, $recipient_ip_colon_id, $sender_email, $sender_ip, $message_forum_id, $options)
Server: >= 0.5.0

Optional Parameters in an $options object: ($sender_still_typing, $known_message_id, $sender_phone, $javascript_client_msg_id, $forum_owner_id, $social_post_short_code, $social_recipient_handle_str, $date_override, $latitude, $longitude, $login_as, $allow_plugins, $allowed_plugins, $notification, $always_send_email)
Server: >= 0.5.0

Additions: ($login_as), server >= 0.5.1
($allow_plugins, $allowed_plugins), server >= 0.5.5 ($notification, $always_send_email), server >= 1.0.4 ($strip_tags), server >= 3.2.3

Output parameters ($message_id)

Usage example:

Warning: if your plugin is a standalone script (as opposed to being called from the main server), you will need to also call

if you want the notifications to be sent, as these happen in parallel.


Required Parameters ($message_id)
Server: >= 0.5.0

Optional Parameters ($warn_admin)
Server: >= 0.5.0

Hides a message from view, where $message_id is an integer. $warn_admin can be true/false to warn the owner of the forum of the message being hidden.

Sending Emails

Although this is not yet a part of the plugin API, you can include the config/db_config.php file in your own script and use either the cc_mail_direct() or cc_mail() functions. The direct() version will immediately send an email (with an execution pause of a few seconds), while the regular version will log the request in parallel.

You should set a global variable $notify beforehand

See the 'Notifications' plugin at, script register.php for an example.

If you use the regular cc_mail() version, you will need to also call

if you want the notifications to be sent, at the end of the script.

Global Variables

$root_server_url The AtomJump Messaging Server's URL. Make the variable available to your function with:

$cnf The global configuration file as an array. This can be accessed with e.g. $cnf['webRoot']. Make the variable available to your function with:

$msg The global messages configuration file as an array. This can be accessed with e.g. $msg['msgs'][$lang]['description']. Make the variable available to your function with:

$lang The current selected language e.g. "en" for English. Make the variable available to your function with:

$db_cnf The current selected database configuration. This can be accessed with e.g. $db_cnf['user']. Make the variable available to your function with:

$notify Allow email notifications to be sent if 'true'. You should set this within your own script. Please see the section 'Writing Functions > Sending Emails'.

$_REQUEST['uniqueFeedbackId'] / $_REQUEST['passcode'] Either of these can be the current forum's name as a string. You should check for both.

$_SESSION['logged-email'] Set on sign in. This is the email of the signed in user.

$_SESSION['user-ip'] The logged-in user's artificial ip address.

$_SESSION['temp-user-name'] This username is used potentially before another name is set e.g. 'Anon 55'

$_SESSION['authenticated-layer'] The current user has the authority to read and write to this layer ID (applies to any forum, not just password protected forums).



Required Parameters ($command)
Server: >= 0.5.5

Optional Parameters ($platform:'linux'/'windows' default:'linux')

Run a unix shell command in a parallel process. This allows e.g. a process to run in the background and after a period of time do some action. Also see complete_parallel_calls().


No parameters.

Server: >= 0.9.0

This should be called at the end of your script to complete all of the parallel_system_call() commands, if your script is a standalone script (i.e. not called via a hook). It will hard exit the script after completion, and close down the sessions.


Required parameters ($number, $lang)

Server: >= 2.6.7

Input, ideally an integer between 0 - 60 (60 seconds in a minute means this is usually the largest number we need for most things, i.e. 59 seconds ago), and a language e.g. "en", "ch" from the messages.json translation list. However, any number can be used and the default is to return the English number if there is no matching number in the messages array "number" conversion for the input language.


All of the AtomJump-built plugins serve as good example code. But here are some particular cases:

Adding your own buttons

For customising the buttons that are visible when you tap on a single message, and for including a specific type of export of a forum, see this shell project, which can be modified to suit your own.


Performance depends on a number of factors. In general, since the AtomJump Server can be configured with a load balancer, multiple PHP servers and multiple database servers, the number of users supported can scale almost by adding more servers to the cluster. The basic PHP script on one server should handle (in the order of) one hundred simultaneous users, but this will vary considerably on the hardware used, the amount of usage and the type of usage by these users.

However, to extend performance into larger scale environments, we have released the NodeJS 'loop-server-fast' plugin at This aims to scale to thousands, or tens of thousand, simultaneous users per server. You can start by installing the PHP version, and then install the NodeJS version as you expand (you can revert back to the PHP version, also, if you have any issues).

AtomJump Messaging can work in a single write/ multiple read MySQL cluster, or a multi-write / multi-read cluster. The latter should be scalable to millions of simultaneous users.


Contributions are welcome, and they can take the shape of:

  1. Core: Submit github pull requests. We will need to consider whether the feature should be in core, or externally as a plugin. It is generally a good idea to get in touch with us via our homepage at to ensure we are not already working on a similar feature.
  2. Plugins: Develop to the API above, and then publish on the 'available plugins' link. You are free to write or publish (or keep private) any number of plugins.
  3. Translations: We are looking for any translations of the conf/messages.json file from English into your language. We have machine translated Spanish as a first step, but we need help in ensuring this is a good translation, and applying other languages.


This software is open source under the MIT license. Copyright is with the AtomJump Foundation (New Zealand), a non-profit society. You can use this software for any commercial purposes.

Other credits

Ear and Help Icons designed by Roundicons from, and the other ear icon by Freepik from the same site.

All versions of loop-server with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.3.0
ext-mysqli Version *
ext-xml Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
ext-zip Version *
lib-curl Version *
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package atomjump/loop-server contains the following files

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