PHP code example of atomjump / loop-server

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download atomjump/loop-server library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


atomjump / loop-server example snippets

    class plugin_hide_aargh
        public function on_message($message_forum_id, $message, $message_id, $sender_id, $recipient_id, $sender_name, $sender_email, $sender_phone)
            //Do your thing in here. Here is a sample.
            $api = new cls_plugin_api();
            //e.g. hide the message we have just posted if it 

	$sender_name_str,                           //e.g. 'Fred'
	$message,                                   //Message being sent e.g "Hello world!"
	$recipient_id,                              //User id of recipient e.g. "" 
	$sender_email,                              //Sender's email address e.g. "[email protected]"
	$sender_ip,                                 //Sender's ip address eg. ""
	$message_forum_id,                          //Forum id e.g. 23, which is derived from a forum name e.g. 'aj_test',
	$options									//Options array, see below


	$sender_still_typing = false;               //Set to true if this is a partially completed message
	$known_message_id = null;                   //If received an id from this function in the past
	$sender_phone = null;                       //Include the phone number for configuration purposes
	$javascript_client_msg_id = null;           //Browser id for this message.
	$forum_owner_id = null;                     //User id of forum owner
	$social_post_short_code = null;             //eg 'twt' for twitter, 'fcb' for facebook
	$social_recipient_handle_str = null;        //eg. 'atomjump' for '@atomjump' on Twitter
	$date_override = null;                      //optional string for a custom date (as opposed to now) 
	$latitude = 0.0;                            //for potential future location expansion
	$longitude = 0.0;                            //for potential future location expansion
	$login_as = false;                          //Also login as this user
	$allow_plugins = false;                     //To prevent infinite message sending loops, we don't refer to any other plugins
												//after a message send
	$allowed_plugins = null;                    //Use the standard plugins (null), or an array of approved plugins from the plugin
												//developer. However, plugins that work with before_msg will continue to work 
	$notification = true;						//Set to false to switch off notifications from this message
	$always_send_email = false;					//Set to true to ensure an email will always be sent to the recipient(s). Usually, messages within around 20 minutes won't multiple-email the user (when false).
	$strip_tags = true;							//By default we strip any tags in a new message

    $options = array('notification' => false);		//turn off any notifications from these messages
    $new_message_id = $api->new_message($helper, $new_message, $sender_ip . ":" . $sender_id, $helper_email, $sender_ip, $message_forum_id, $options);

sudo crontab -e  
*/5 * * * *	/usr/bin/php /yourserverpath/typing-cron.php  
sudo crontab -e  
*/5 * * * *	/usr/bin/php /yourserverpath/monitor.php

        echo "Server name:" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];

global $root_server_url;

global $cnf;

global $msg;

global $lang;

global $db_cnf;