Download the PHP package amandiobm/rustici-engine-api-v2-client-php without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package amandiobm/rustici-engine-api-v2-client-php. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Informations about the package rustici-engine-api-v2-client-php
Rustici Engine API
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 2.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost/api/v2/
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AboutApi | getAbout | GET /about | Get back the version and platform of the running instance of Engine |
AboutApi | getRegistrationCount | GET /about/registrationCount | Gets the number of created or launched registrations for the specified tenant or across all tenants when none is specified |
AboutApi | getUserCount | GET /about/userCount | Gets the number of users for the specified tenant or across all tenants when none is specified |
AppManagementApi | createCredential | POST /appManagement/credentials | Create credential |
AppManagementApi | createOrUpdateTenant | PUT /appManagement/tenants/{tenantName} | Create or update tenant |
AppManagementApi | createSubscription | POST /appManagement/subscriptions | Create subscription |
AppManagementApi | createSubscriptionAuth | POST /appManagement/subscriptions/authConfigurations | Create subscription authentication configurations |
AppManagementApi | createToken | POST /appManagement/token | Create token |
AppManagementApi | deleteApplicationConfigurationSetting | DELETE /appManagement/configuration/{settingId} | Clears the `settingId` value for this level |
AppManagementApi | deleteCredential | DELETE /appManagement/credentials/{credentialId} | Removes `credentialId` credentials |
AppManagementApi | deleteSubscription | DELETE /appManagement/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} | Delete subscription |
AppManagementApi | deleteSubscriptionAuth | DELETE /appManagement/subscriptions/authConfigurations/{subscriptionAuthId} | Delete subscription authentication configuration. Any subscription using this authentication configuration will be disabled. |
AppManagementApi | deleteTenant | DELETE /appManagement/tenants/{tenantName} | Delete a tenant. Warning: If tenant data is not deleted first, this will leave orphaned rows that can only be deleted manually. Does not remove any data, but does remove mapping between name and key used to store data. Consider deactivating instead. |
AppManagementApi | deleteTenantData | DELETE /appManagement/tenants/{tenantName}/data | Delete all of a tenant's data. |
AppManagementApi | getApplicationConfiguration | GET /appManagement/configuration | Returns all configuration settings for this level |
AppManagementApi | getAuthenticatedCredential | GET /appManagement/authenticatedCredential | Get information about the credential used to authenticate this request. |
AppManagementApi | getCredential | GET /appManagement/credentials/{credentialId} | Get information on `credentialId` credential |
AppManagementApi | getCredentials | GET /appManagement/credentials | List of credentials |
AppManagementApi | getPIIDeletionJob | GET /appManagement/PII/deletionJob/{jobId} | Check the status of a PII deletion job with the provided job id. |
AppManagementApi | getSubscription | GET /appManagement/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} | Returns a specific subscription |
AppManagementApi | getSubscriptionAuth | GET /appManagement/subscriptions/authConfigurations/{subscriptionAuthId} | Returns a specific subscription authentication configuration. |
AppManagementApi | getSubscriptionAuths | GET /appManagement/subscriptions/authConfigurations | Returns list of subscription authentication configurations |
AppManagementApi | getSubscriptions | GET /appManagement/subscriptions | Returns list of subscriptions |
AppManagementApi | getTenantList | GET /appManagement/tenants | Get list of all tenants |
AppManagementApi | inspectToken | GET /appManagement/token | Inspect token |
AppManagementApi | postPIIDeletionJob | POST /appManagement/PII/deletionJob | Initiate a job to delete a user's Personal Identifying Information from the system. |
AppManagementApi | postUpdateEncryptedSetting | POST /appManagement/configuration/updateEncryptedSettings | Re-write settings, and statement pipe passwords using the current encryption settings. For password rotation. |
AppManagementApi | resetCredentialSecret | POST /appManagement/credentials/{credentialId}/resetSecret | Reset credential secret |
AppManagementApi | setApplicationConfiguration | POST /appManagement/configuration | Set configuration settings for this level. |
AppManagementApi | updateCredential | PUT /appManagement/credentials/{credentialId} | Update `credentialId` credentials |
AppManagementApi | updateSubscription | PUT /appManagement/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} | Update subscription. Partial updates not supported. |
AppManagementApi | updateSubscriptionAuth | PUT /appManagement/subscriptions/authConfigurations/{subscriptionAuthId} | Update subscription authentication configuration. Partial updates not supported. |
ContentConnectorsApi | createConnector | POST /contentConnectors | Create a connector |
ContentConnectorsApi | getConnectorContentList | GET /contentConnectors/availableContent | Get list of available content |
ContentConnectorsApi | getConnectorsList | GET /contentConnectors | Get content connectors |
ContentConnectorsApi | getRefreshJobStatus | GET /contentConnectors/availableContent/refreshJobs/{refreshJobId} | Check the status of a refresh job. |
ContentConnectorsApi | refreshConnectorContentListJob | POST /contentConnectors/availableContent/refreshJobs | Start a job to refresh the list of available content |
ContentConnectorsApi | searchRemoteConnectorContent | POST /contentConnectors/remoteSearch | search remote content |
ContentConnectorsApi | updateConnector | PUT /contentConnectors/{connectorId} | Update a connector |
CourseApi | buildCoursePreviewLaunchLink | POST /courses/{courseId}/preview | Returns the link to use to preview this course |
CourseApi | buildCoursePreviewLaunchLinkWithVersion | POST /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/preview | Returns the link to use to preview this course |
CourseApi | createFetchAndImportCourseJob | POST /courses/importJobs | Start a job to fetch and import a course. |
CourseApi | createUploadAndImportCourseJob | POST /courses/importJobs/upload | Upload a course and start an import job for it. |
CourseApi | deleteCourse | DELETE /courses/{courseId} | Delete `courseId` |
CourseApi | deleteCourseAsset | DELETE /courses/{courseId}/asset | Delete the specified asset in the current version of the specified course |
CourseApi | deleteCourseConfigurationSetting | DELETE /courses/{courseId}/configuration/{settingId} | Clears the `settingId` value for this course |
CourseApi | deleteCourseVersion | DELETE /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId} | Delete version `versionId` of `courseId` |
CourseApi | deleteCourseVersionAsset | DELETE /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/asset | Delete the specified asset in the current version of the specified course |
CourseApi | deleteCourseVersionConfigurationSetting | DELETE /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/configuration/{settingId} | Clears the `settingId` value for this course and version. |
CourseApi | deleteCourseVersionsConfigurationSetting | DELETE /courses/{courseId}/versions/configuration/{settingId} | Clears the `settingId` value for all versions of this course. |
CourseApi | deleteCourseZip | DELETE /courses/{courseId}/zip | Deletes the exported zip for the latest version of the specified course |
CourseApi | deleteVersionedCourseZip | DELETE /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/zip | Deletes the exported zip for the specified course version |
CourseApi | getCourse | GET /courses/{courseId} | Get information about `courseId` |
CourseApi | getCourseAsset | GET /courses/{courseId}/asset | Get the specified asset in the current version of the specified course |
CourseApi | getCourseConfiguration | GET /courses/{courseId}/configuration | Returns all configuration settings for this course |
CourseApi | getCourseFileList | GET /courses/{courseId}/asset/list | Get the list of files in the current version of the specified course |
CourseApi | getCourseStatements | GET /courses/{courseId}/xAPIStatements | Get xAPI statements for `courseId` |
CourseApi | getCourseVersionAsset | GET /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/asset | Get the specified asset for this course version |
CourseApi | getCourseVersionConfiguration | GET /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/configuration | Returns all configuration settings for this course and version. |
CourseApi | getCourseVersionFileList | GET /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/asset/list | Get the list of files in the specified version of the specified course |
CourseApi | getCourseVersionInfo | GET /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId} | Get version `versionId` of `courseId` |
CourseApi | getCourseVersionStatements | GET /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/xAPIStatements | Get xAPI statements for version `versionId` of `courseId` |
CourseApi | getCourseVersions | GET /courses/{courseId}/versions | Get all versions of `courseId` |
CourseApi | getCourseZip | GET /courses/{courseId}/zip | Get the zip package for the latest course version |
CourseApi | getCourses | GET /courses | Get a list of all courses for the specified tenant |
CourseApi | getImportJobStatus | GET /courses/importJobs/{importJobId} | Check the status of an import job. |
CourseApi | getVersionedCourseZip | GET /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/zip | Get the zip package for the specified course version |
CourseApi | importCourseAssetFile | POST /courses/{courseId}/asset | Import an asset file for this course. |
CourseApi | importCourseVersionAssetFile | POST /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/asset | Import an asset file for this course version. |
CourseApi | importCourseWithoutUpload | POST /courses | Create a course |
CourseApi | setCourseConfiguration | POST /courses/{courseId}/configuration | Set configuration settings for this course. |
CourseApi | setCourseTitle | PUT /courses/{courseId}/title | Sets the course title for `courseId` |
CourseApi | setCourseVersionConfiguration | POST /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/configuration | Set configuration settings for this course and version. |
CourseApi | setCourseVersionsConfiguration | POST /courses/{courseId}/versions/configuration | Set configuration settings for all versions of this course. |
CourseApi | uploadAndImportCourse | POST /courses/upload | Upload a course to import |
CourseApi | uploadCourseAssetFile | POST /courses/{courseId}/asset/upload | Upload an asset file for this course. |
CourseApi | uploadCourseVersionAssetFile | POST /courses/{courseId}/versions/{versionId}/asset/upload | Upload an asset file for this course version. |
PingApi | ping | GET /ping | Get back a message indicating that the API is working. |
PlayerApi | buildPlayerConfiguration | POST /player/configuration | Returns player configuration |
PlayerApi | deletePlayerZip | DELETE /player/zip | Deletes the current exported player zip |
PlayerApi | getPlayerZip | GET /player/zip | Gets the customized player files for this system |
PlayerApi | postPlayerResults | POST /player/results | Endpoint for player to send results |
RegistrationApi | abandonRegistrationSessions | POST /registrations/{registrationId}/abandon | Abandon all sessions for `registrationId`. Currently only cmi5 session abandon is supported. For cmi5, section 9.3.6 of the specification allows for an activity to indicate an abnormal termination by a learner's action or due to a system failure. This endpoint thus allows for an activity to mark the session belonging to the specified registration as abandoned. |
RegistrationApi | buildRegistrationLaunchLink | POST /registrations/{registrationId}/launchLink | Returns the link to use to launch this registration |
RegistrationApi | createNewRegistrationInstance | POST /registrations/{registrationId}/instances | Create a new instance for this registration specified by the registration ID |
RegistrationApi | createRegistration | POST /registrations | Create a registration. |
RegistrationApi | createRegistrationWithLaunchLink | POST /registrations/withLaunchLink | Creates a registration and returns the link to use to launch it |
RegistrationApi | deleteRegistration | DELETE /registrations/{registrationId} | Delete `registrationId` |
RegistrationApi | deleteRegistrationConfigurationSetting | DELETE /registrations/{registrationId}/configuration/{settingId} | Clears the `settingId` value for this registration |
RegistrationApi | deleteRegistrationGlobalData | DELETE /registrations/{registrationId}/globalData | delete global data associated with `registrationId` |
RegistrationApi | deleteRegistrationInstance | DELETE /registrations/{registrationId}/instances/{instanceId} | Delete instance `instanceId` of `registrationId` |
RegistrationApi | deleteRegistrationInstanceConfigurationSetting | DELETE /registrations/{registrationId}/instances/{instanceId}/configuration/{settingId} | Clears the `settingId` value for this registration instance |
RegistrationApi | deleteRegistrationProgress | DELETE /registrations/{registrationId}/progress | delete registration progress (clear registration) |
RegistrationApi | finalizeRegistrationInstanceProgress | POST /registrations/{registrationId}/instances/{instanceId}/finalize | Set registration final progress for instance `instanceId` of `registrationId`. Registration or activity will be placed in review mode to prevent any more changes to this progress. This endpoint may be used for any learning standard, but in cmi5 it has the meaning of \"waive\" (see section 9.3.7 of the cmi5 specification for details on the Waived statement). In the case of cmi5, this endpoint requires `isCompleted` and `isPassed` to both be set to `true` for the waive operation. |
RegistrationApi | finalizeRegistrationProgress | POST /registrations/{registrationId}/finalize | Set registration's or activity's final progress for `registrationId`. Registration or activity will be placed in review mode to prevent any more changes to this progress. This endpoint may be used for any learning standard, but in cmi5 it has the meaning of \"waive\" (see section 9.3.7 of the cmi5 specification for details on the Waived statement). In the case of cmi5, this endpoint requires `isCompleted` and `isPassed` to both be set to `true` for the waive operation. |
RegistrationApi | getRegistration | HEAD /registrations/{registrationId} | Does this registration exist? |
RegistrationApi | getRegistrationConfiguration | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/configuration | Returns all configuration settings for this registration |
RegistrationApi | getRegistrationInstanceConfiguration | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/instances/{instanceId}/configuration | Returns all configuration settings for this registration instance |
RegistrationApi | getRegistrationInstanceLaunchHistory | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/instances/{instanceId}/launchHistory | Returns history of this registration's launches |
RegistrationApi | getRegistrationInstanceProgress | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/instances/{instanceId} | Get registration progress for instance `instanceId` of `registrationId` |
RegistrationApi | getRegistrationInstanceStatements | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/instances/{instanceId}/xAPIStatements | Get xAPI statements for instance `instanceId` of `registrationId` |
RegistrationApi | getRegistrationInstances | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/instances | Get all the instances of this the registration specified by the registration ID |
RegistrationApi | getRegistrationLaunchHistory | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/launchHistory | Returns history of this registration's launches |
RegistrationApi | getRegistrationProgress | GET /registrations/{registrationId} | Get registration progress for `registrationId` |
RegistrationApi | getRegistrationStatements | GET /registrations/{registrationId}/xAPIStatements | Get xAPI statements for `registrationId` |
RegistrationApi | getRegistrations | GET /registrations | Gets a list of registrations including a summary of the status of each registration. |
RegistrationApi | ltiBasicOutcomes | POST /registrations/ltiBasicOutcomes | Endpoint for LTI basic outcomes |
RegistrationApi | setRegistrationConfiguration | POST /registrations/{registrationId}/configuration | Set configuration settings for this registration. |
RegistrationApi | setRegistrationInstanceConfiguration | POST /registrations/{registrationId}/instances/{instanceId}/configuration | Set configuration settings for this registration instance. |
XapiApi | createStatementPipe | POST /xapi/statementPipes | Create an xAPI statement pipe. |
XapiApi | createXapiCredential | POST /xapi/credentials | Create an xAPI credential |
XapiApi | deleteStatementPipe | DELETE /xapi/statementPipes/{statementPipeId} | Deletes the xAPI statement pipe specified with the id `statementPipeId` |
XapiApi | deleteXapiCredential | DELETE /xapi/credentials/{xapiCredentialId} | Deletes the xAPI credential specified with the id `xapiCredentialId` |
XapiApi | getStatementPipe | GET /xapi/statementPipes/{statementPipeId} | Retrieves xAPI statement pipe specified by id `statementPipeId.` |
XapiApi | getStatementPipes | GET /xapi/statementPipes | Get a list of all xAPI statement pipes |
XapiApi | getXapiCredential | GET /xapi/credentials/{xapiCredentialId} | Retrieves the xAPI credential specified by id `xapiCredentialId` |
XapiApi | getXapiCredentials | GET /xapi/credentials | Get a list of all xAPI credentials |
XapiApi | setStatementPipe | PUT /xapi/statementPipes/{statementPipeId} | Either edits an existing xAPI statement pipe or creates a new one, specified by id `statementPipeId` |
XapiApi | setXapiCredential | PUT /xapi/credentials/{xapiCredentialId} | Either edits an existing xAPI credential or creates a new one, specified by id `xapiCredentialId` |
Documentation For Models
- AboutPlayerSchema
- AboutSchema
- ActivityResultSchema
- AssetFileSchema
- CommentSchema
- CompletionAmountSchema
- ConnectorContentItemSchema
- ConnectorContentListEntrySchema
- ConnectorContentListSchema
- ConnectorContentSearchContextSchema
- ConnectorContentSearchSchema
- ConnectorImportRequestSchema
- ConnectorListSchema
- ConnectorSchema
- ConnectorTypeSchema
- CourseActivitySchema
- CourseConnectorSchema
- CourseListNonPagedSchema
- CourseListSchema
- CourseReferenceSchema
- CourseResourceSchema
- CourseSchema
- CreateConnectorSchema
- CreateDestinationListSchema
- CreateDispatchIdSchema
- CreateDispatchListSchema
- CreateDispatchSchema
- CreateRegistrationSchema
- CreateRegistrationWithLaunchLinkSchema
- CredentialCreatedSchema
- CredentialListSchema
- CredentialRequestSchema
- CredentialSchema
- DestinationIdSchema
- DestinationListSchema
- DestinationSchema
- DispatchIdListSchema
- DispatchIdSchema
- DispatchListSchema
- DispatchLti13InfoSchema
- DispatchLtiInfoSchema
- DispatchRegistrationCountSchema
- DispatchSchema
- EnabledSchema
- EventMessage
- FileListItemSchema
- FileListSchema
- FinalizeRegistrationProgressSchema
- IdListSchema
- ImportAdHocReferenceRequestSchema
- ImportAssetRequestSchema
- ImportConnectorRequestSchema
- ImportFetchRequestSchema
- ImportJobResultSchema
- ImportLti11LinkReferenceRequestSchema
- ImportLti13LinkReferenceRequestSchema
- ImportMediaFileReferenceRequestSchema
- ImportReferenceRequestSchema
- ImportRequestSchema
- ImportResultSchema
- IntegerResultSchema
- ItemValuePairSchema
- JsonWebKeySetSchema
- JsonWebKeySetSchemaKeys
- LaunchHistoryListSchema
- LaunchHistorySchema
- LaunchLinkRequestSchema
- LaunchLinkSchema
- LaunchPageResponseSchema
- LearnerPreferenceSchema
- LearnerSchema
- LinkSchema
- Lti13PlatformConfigurationSchema
- Lti13ToolConfigurationSchema
- LtiLinkMetadataSchema
- LtiLinkMetadataSchemaContext
- LtiReporterIdSchema
- LtiReporterSchema
- MediaFileMetadataSchema
- MessageSchema
- MetadataSchema
- NotificationFailedBody
- OAuthCredentialsSchema
- ObjectiveSchema
- PIIDeletionRequestResultSchema
- PIIDeletionRequestSchema
- PIIDeletionResultSchema
- PermissionsSchema
- PingSchema
- PlayerConfigurationResultsSchema
- PlayerConfigurationSchema
- PlayerInfoSchema
- PlayerResultsSchema
- PluginInformationSchema
- PluginVersionSchema
- PostBackSchema
- RefreshConnectorResultListSchema
- RefreshConnectorResultSchema
- RegistrationCountDetailSchema
- RegistrationCountSummarySchema
- RegistrationInstancingSchema
- RegistrationListSchema
- RegistrationResourceSchema
- RegistrationSchema
- ResourcesSchema
- ResponseErrorSchema
- RotateKeysSchema
- RuntimeInteractionSchema
- RuntimeObjectiveSchema
- RuntimeSchema
- ScoreSchema
- SettingItem
- SettingListSchema
- SettingMetadata
- SettingValidValue
- SettingsIndividualSchema
- SettingsPostSchema
- SharedDataEntrySchema
- StaticPropertiesSchema
- StringResultSchema
- SubscriptionAuthDefinitionSchema
- SubscriptionAuthEntrySchema
- SubscriptionAuthListSchema
- SubscriptionDefinitionSchema
- SubscriptionDefinitionSchemaFilters
- SubscriptionEntrySchema
- SubscriptionListSchema
- TenantListSchema
- TenantProperties
- TenantSchema
- TitleSchema
- TokenInfoSchema
- TokenRequestSchema
- UpdateConnectorSchema
- UpdateDispatchSchema
- UserCountDetailSchema
- UserCountSummarySchema
- XapiAccount
- XapiActivity
- XapiActivityDefinition
- XapiAgentGroup
- XapiAttachment
- XapiContext
- XapiContextActivity
- XapiCredentialAuthTypeSchema
- XapiCredentialPermissionsLevelSchema
- XapiCredentialPostSchema
- XapiCredentialPutSchema
- XapiCredentialSchema
- XapiCredentialsListSchema
- XapiEndpointSchema
- XapiGetAuthorityBody
- XapiGetAuthorityResponseSchema
- XapiInteractionComponent
- XapiResult
- XapiScore
- XapiSelfSourcedPipeSchema
- XapiStatement
- XapiStatementPipeListSchema
- XapiStatementPipePostSchema
- XapiStatementPipePutSchema
- XapiStatementPipeSchema
- XapiStatementReference
- XapiStatementResult
- XapiVerb
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: implicit
- Authorization URL: /authorize
- Scopes:
- read: Grants read access
- write: Grants write access
- delete: Grants deletion access
- admin: Grants read, write, and account management access
- admin:read: Grants read-only admin access
- admin:createTenant: Grants tenant creation access
- admin:deleteData: Grants ability to delete an entire tenants data or do PII deletion
- admin:writeConfiguration: Grants write administrative configuration settings
- admin:writeCredential: Grants ability to create a credential
- admin:connector: Grants access to administer content connectors
- read:connectorContent: Grants access to read content connector list of available content
- read:course: Grants read access to course resources
- write:course: Grants write access to course resources
- delete:course: Grants deletion access to course resources
- read:dispatch: Grants read access to dispatch resources
- write:dispatch: Grants write access to dispatch resources
- delete:dispatch: Grants deletion access to dispatch resources
- read:ping: Grants read access to the ping resource
- read:about: Grants read access to about resource
- read:registration: Grants read access to registration resources
- write:registration: Grants write access to registration resources
- delete:registration: Grants deletion access to registration resources
- read:xapicredential: Grants read access to xapi credential resources
- write:xapicredential: Grants write access to xapi credential resources
- delete:xapicredential: Grants deletion access to xapi credential resources
- read:xapipipe: Grants read access to xapi pipe resources
- write:xapipipe: Grants write access to xapi pipe resources
- delete:xapipipe: Grants deletion access to xapi pipe resources
- configure:server: Includes server administrator settings when managing configuration
- request:secrets: Grants read access to encrypted configuration settings
- write:player: Grants write access to the player resources
- read:player: Grants read access to the player resources
- read:contentVault: Grants read access to the content vault resources
- pens:collect: Grants access to make PENS collect requests
All versions of rustici-engine-api-v2-client-php with dependencies
PHP Build Version
Package Version
php Version
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^6.2||^7.0
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^6.2||^7.0
The package amandiobm/rustici-engine-api-v2-client-php contains the following files
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