Download the PHP package ahmedd-ibrahim/zohobooks without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package ahmedd-ibrahim/zohobooks. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Table of contents
Download ahmedd-ibrahim/zohobooks
More information about ahmedd-ibrahim/zohobooks
Files in ahmedd-ibrahim/zohobooks
Download ahmedd-ibrahim/zohobooks
More information about ahmedd-ibrahim/zohobooks
Files in ahmedd-ibrahim/zohobooks
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Informations about the package zohobooks
ZohoBooks API - PHP SDK library
ZohoBooks PHP library
This package is an upgrade of official package
Most important feature is switch from old auth to Oauth
composer require ahmedd-ibrahim/zohobooks
0.x versions - full API with array processing
- [ ] Implement all API v3 methods:
- [ ] Cover code with unit tests
- [x] Setup CI (Travis)
1.x version - ORM-like layer implementation
- [ ] Implement ORM layer for API
- [ ] Integrations with popular frameworks
All versions of zohobooks with dependencies
PHP Build Version
Package Version
The package ahmedd-ibrahim/zohobooks contains the following files
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