Download the PHP package aeliot/todo-registrar without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package aeliot/todo-registrar. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in aeliot/todo-registrar
Package todo-registrar
Short Description Register TODOs from source code in issue tracker
License MIT
Informations about the package todo-registrar
It takes TODO/FIXME and other comments from your php-code and register them as issues in Issue Trackers like JIRA. With all necessary labels, linked issues and so on.
Time to time developers left notes in code to not forget to do something. And they forget to do it. One of the main reason is that it is difficult to manage them.
Why do developers left comment in code instead of registering of issues? It is convenient. You don't need to deal with UI of Issue Tracker and to fill lots of field. And lots of times to register each issue. It takes time. The second reason, comment in code permit to mark exact place which have to be modified. And many other reasons. No matter why they do it. They do it and leave this comments for years.
Somebody have to manage it.
So, we need in tool which will be responsible for registering of issues and save time of developers. After that you may use all power of management to plan solving of lacks of your code.
This script do it for you. It registers issues with all necessary params. Then injects IDs/Keys of created issues into comment in code. This prevents creating of issues twice and injected marks helps to find proper places in code quickly.
There are few ways of installation:
- Phive
- Composer
- Downloading of PHAR directly
You can install this package with Phive. It permits you to install package by one console command without extending dependencies in your composer-files.
Sometimes you may need to update database of package-aliases of PHIVE. See issue #3 So, just call console command for it:
To upgrade this package use the following command:
You can install this package with Composer:
Downloading of PHAR directly
Download PHAR directly to root directory of the project or in another place as you wish.
Call script:
You may pass option with path to config
. Otherwise, it tries to use one of default paths to config file. - Commit updated files. You may config your pipeline/job on CI which commits updates.
Integration on CI
The main idea is monitoring of new TODOs on single branch of repository to avoid creation of duplicated issues and
merge conflicts. The branch should be quite stable. At least, without development directly in it. And should be
near development as close as possible for earlier catching of tech-debt. Soon of all, it is called development
So, you have to configure you integration depending on used git-server:
- GitLab pipelines
- GitHub Actions
Configuration file
Configuration file can either in YAML format (see documentation about config YAML-file)
or PHP format (see documentation about config PHP-file). You may define custom path
to config with option --config=/custom/path/to/cofig
. When option --config
is omitted then script tries to find
default config file in the root directory of project (exactly in directory from which the script was called).
It ties to find one of files:
Inline Configuration
Script supports inline configuration of each TODO-comment. It helps flexibly configure different aspects of created issues. Like relations to other issues, labels, components and so on. So, it becomes very powerful instrument. 😊
See documentation about inline config
Supported todo-tags
It detects TODO
by default. But you may config your custom set of tags in config file.
Whey will be detected case insensitively.
Supported formats of comments:
It detects TODO-tags in single-line comments started with both //
and #
and multiple-line comments /* ... */
and phpDoc /** ... **/
Comments can be formatted differently:
And others. See all supported formats.
Supported Issue Trackers
Currently, todo-registrar supports the following issue trackers:
Issue Tracker | Description |
Jira | Supported via API tokens. See description of configuration |
Github issues | Supported via API tokens. See description of configuration |
All versions of todo-registrar with dependencies
ext-mbstring Version *
ext-tokenizer Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.9
http-interop/http-factory-guzzle Version ^1.2
knplabs/github-api Version ^3.14
lesstif/php-jira-rest-client Version ^5.8
symfony/finder Version ^5.4|^6.0|^7.0
symfony/yaml Version ^3.4|^4.0|^5.0|^6.0|^7.0