Download the PHP package adinan-cenci/radio-browser without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package adinan-cenci/radio-browser. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package radio-browser

Radio Browser

A library to fetch data from the catalog of Internet radio stations by using the project's api.


See examples of how to use in the "examples" directory.

Classes and instantiating

Associative arrays / Objects

The methods of \AdinanCenci\RadioBrowser\RadioBrowser will return either associative arrays or stdObjects, depending on the $associative parameter informed to the constructor.

Parameter Type Default Description
$server string|bool A Radio Browser server, it defaults to "'", if false is informed the object will pick a random server, see the server section for more information.
$associative bool true If true, the methods will return associative arrays, stdObjects otherwise.

Xml, json, csv etc...

If you need the data represented in a specific format, then use \AdinanCenci\RadioBrowser\RarioBrowserApi. The different methods will return data formatted as: json, xml, csv, m3u, pls, xspf and ttl.

Parameter Type Default Description
$server string|bool A Radio Browser server, it defaults to "'", if false is informed, the object will pick a random server, see the server section for more information.
$format string json The format the data must be served, possible values: json, xml, csv, m3u, pls, xspf, ttl.

Radio Stations

Get stations by UUID

The ::getStationsByUuid($uuids) search stations with the specified ids.

Parameter Type Description
$uuids string|array A list of uuids, either an array, or an comma separated string.

Get stations by URL

The ::getStationsByUrl($url)method search stations by their web page.

Get stations by clicks

The ::getStationsByClicks($offset, $limit, $hideBroken) method returns the most sintonized stations.

Get stations by votes

The ::getStationsByVotes($offset, $limit, $hideBroken) method returns the most voted stations.

Get stations by recent clicks

The ::getStationsByRecentClicks($offset, $limit, $hideBroken) method returns the currently most popular stations.

Get stations last changed

The ::getStationsByLastChange($offset, $limit, $hideBroken) method returns the stations last updated.

Get older version of stations

The ::getStationOlderVersions($lastChangeUuid, $limit) method returns old versions of stations from the last 30 days.

Get broken stations

The ::getBrokenStations($offset, $limit) method returns stations that did not pass the connection test.

Get stations by ...

All the methods in this section share the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
$order string 'name' Possible values:
name, url, homepage, favicon, tags, country, state, language, votes, codec, bitrate, lastcheckok, lastchecktime, clicktimestamp, clickcount, clicktrend, random.
$reverse bool false false = Ascending order.
true = Descending order.
$hideBroken bool false Do not list stations that failed the connection test.
$offset int 0
$limit int 100000

Just get all stations

The ::getStations($order, $reverse, $hideBroken, $offset, $limit) method will return all stations.

Get stations by name

The ::getStationsByName($name, $order, $reverse, $hideBroken, $offset, $limit) method returns stations described with $name.

Get stations by exact name

The ::getStationsByExactName($name, $order, $rev...) method returns stations described with an exact match of $name.

Get stations by codec

The ::getStationsByCodec($codec, $order, $rev...) method returns stations described with $codec.

Get stations by exact codec

The ::getStationsByExactCodec($codec, $order, $rev...) method returns stations described with an exact match of $codec.

Get stations by country

::getStationsByCountry($country, $order, $rev...)

Get station by exact country

::getStationsByExactCountry($country, $order, $rev...)

Get stations by state

::getStationsByState($state, $order, $rev...)

Get stations by exact state

::getStationsByExactState($state, $order, $rev...)

Get stations by language

::getStationsByLanguage($language, $order, $rev...)

Get stations by exact language

::getStationsByExactLanguage($language, $order, $rev...).

Get stations by tag

::getStationsByTag($tag, $order, $rev...)

Get stations by exact tag

::getStationsByExactTag($tag, $order, $rev...)

Search station

The ::searchStation($searchTerms) method allow us to fine grain our search. It receives a single associative array with the following keys available, all of which are optional:

Key Type Default Description
name string null
nameExact bool false
country string null
countryExact bool false
countrycode string null
state string null
stateExact bool false
language string null
languageExact bool false
tag string null
tagExact bool false
tagList string|array null A list of tags, either an array or a comma separated string.
codec string null
bitrateMin int 0
bitrateMax int 1000000
order string name Possible values:
name, url, homepage, favicon, tags, country, state, language, votes, codec, bitrate, lastcheckok, lastchecktime, clicktimestamp, clickcount, clicktrend, random.
reverse bool false false = Ascending order.
true = Descending order.
offset int 0
limit int 100000

Get station checks

The ::getStationCheckResults($stationUuid, $lastCheckUuid, $seconds, $limit) method returns a list of station check results. If a station UUID is provided, the whole history will be returned, otherwise a list of all last checks of all stations will be sent (without older check results).

Parameter Type Default Description
$stationUiid 'string' Optional. If set, only list check result of the matching station.
$lastCheckUuid 'string' If set, only list checks after the check with the given check.
$seconds integer 0 if > 0, it will only return history entries from the last $seconds seconds.
$limit integer 999999

Get station clicks

The ::getStationClicks($stationUuid, $lastCheckUuid, $seconds) method returns a list of station clicks. If a station UUID is provided, only clicks of the station will be returned, otherwise a list of all clicks of all stations will be sent (chunksize 10000).

Parameter Type Default Description
$stationUiid 'string' Optional. If set, only list check result of the matching station.
$lastCheckUuid 'string' If set, only list checks after the check with the given check.
$seconds integer 0 if > 0, it will only return history entries from the last $seconds seconds.

Add station

The ::addStation($name, $url, $homePage, $favIcon, $countryCode, $state, $language, $tags, $geoLat, $geoLong) method allow us to insert new stations.

It receives a single associative array with the following keys available, all of which are optional:

Key Type Default Description
$name string MANDATORY, the name of the radio station. Max 400 chars.
$rl string MANDATORY, the URL of the station.
$homePage string null the homepage URL of the station.
$favIcon string null the URL of an image file (jpg or png).
$countryCode string null The 2 letter countrycode of the country where the radio station is located.
$state string null The name of the part of the country where the station is located.
$language string null The main language used in spoken text parts of the radio station.
$tags string null A list of tags separated by commas to describe the station.
$geoLat string null The latitude of the stream location.
$geoLong string null The longitude of the stream location.



The ::clickStation($stationUuid) method must be invoked every time a user starts playing a stream, this helps Radio Browser sort how popular each station is. IMPORTANT: Every call from the same IP address and for the same station only gets counted once per day.


The ::voteStation($stationUuid) method increases the vote count by one. IMPORTANT: it can only be called once every 10 minutes for the same radio stations, from the same IP.

General Information

The methods bellow share the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
$filter string A string to be matched against.
$order string name Possible values: name, stationcount.
$reverse bool false false = Ascending order.
true = Descending order.
$hideBroken bool false Do not count stations that failed the connection test.

Get codecs

The ::getCodecs($filter, $order, $reverse, $hideBroken) method returns a list of codecs and a count of stations using them.

Get languages

The ::getLanguages($filter, $ord...) method returns a list of languages and a count of stations in this language.

Get tags

The ::getTags($filter, $ord...) method returns a list of tags and a count of stations described with them.

Get country codes

The ::getCountryCodes($filter, $ord...) method returns a list of country codes and a count of stations described with them.

Get countries

The ::getCountries($filter, $ord...) method returns a list of countries and a count of stations described with them.

Get states

The ::getStates($filter, $country, $order, $reverse, $hideBroken) return a list of states and a count of stations described with them.

Parameter Type Default Description
$filter string A string to be matched against.
$country string null The country that the state belongs to.
$order string name Possible values: name, stationcount.
$reverse bool false false = Ascending order.
true = Descending order.
$hideBroken bool false Do not count stations that failed the connection test.


Get the server's stats


Get the server's mirrors


Get the server's configurations


Get the server's metrics


Get DNS records

The ::getDnsRecords() static method returns DNS information on available servers.

Get server IPs

The ::getServerIps() static method returns an array of IPs of available servers.

Get servers

The ::getServers() static method returns an array of URLs of available servers.

Pick a server

The ::pickAServer() static method returns a random server's URL.


Use composer.



All versions of radio-browser with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=7.0
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^7.4
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package adinan-cenci/radio-browser contains the following files

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