Download the PHP package adadgio/rocket-bundle without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package adadgio/rocket-bundle. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download adadgio/rocket-bundle
More information about adadgio/rocket-bundle
Files in adadgio/rocket-bundle
Package rocket-bundle
Short Description A lot of cool utilities, helpers and connectors
License MIT
Informations about the package rocket-bundle
Install with composer.
Add the bundle to your app kernel.
Table of contents
- Api annotations and auth
- Configuration
- Annotation usage
- NodeRed connector(s) and loops
- Configuration
- Usage
- CSV exporter
- CSV reader
- Entity hydration from data
- Serializer
- [Others]
Api annotations and auth
Its very easy to create API endpoints and secure them through any kind of authentication system.
Annotation usage
Example using custom authenticator service.
NodeRed connector(s) and loops
Then you need to install the flows in your NodeRed app.
You will need to manually import the flows in your NodeRed app (or use flows directory config in NodeRed settings.js).
To trigger a loop (or just a delayed message), you need to create a \Payload
that node red will send back to the AdagagioGearBundle loop controller (see routing.yml
for more info). The controller dispatches an event when it receives back the payload. You can listen to the event and modify the payload to achieve your goal.
The loop will never stop until you change the payload kill property. Now listen to the loop callbacks. Nodered will indefinitaly call it unless you kill
the payload.
CSV exporter
CSV reader
Entity hydration from data
Transform an object in array. Possibilty to transform one object or a collection of objects.
Starting NodeRed with custom settings file in dev environment (with Ngrok in this case).
All versions of rocket-bundle with dependencies
symfony/symfony Version ^2.7|^3.0
sensio/framework-extra-bundle Version ^3.0|^4.0|^5.0