PHP code example of adadgio / rocket-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download adadgio/rocket-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


adadgio / rocket-bundle example snippets

new Adadgio\GearBundle\AdadgioGearBundle();

use Adadgio\GearBundle\Component\Api\ApiRequest;
use Adadgio\GearBundle\Component\Api\ApiResponse;
use Adadgio\GearBundle\Component\Api\Annotation\Api;

 * @Route("/test/gear/api", name="test_gear_api")
 * @Api(method={"POST","GET"}, enabled=true)
public function myApiEndpointAction(Request $request, ApiRequest $apiRequest)
    return new ApiResponse(array('yes' => 'sir'));

use Adadgio\GearBundle\Component\Api\Authenticator\AuthProvider;
use Adadgio\GearBundle\Component\Api\Authenticator\AuthProviderInterface;

class ExampleAuthProviderService extends AuthProvider implements AuthProviderInterface
     * Build your service like you build services every day!
    public function __construct()
        // inject anything in here, like doctrien.orm.entity_manager, or whatever.

     * Checks auth. You could get request headers key and check that
     * the secret key and client id are in your database for example...
     * @return boolean
    public function authenticate()
        // your owns logic here
        $request = $this->getRequest();
        $headers = $request->getHeaders();

        return true;

use Adadgio\GearBundle\Connector\NodeRed\Payload;

// payload contains 3 initial params you cannot override (pid, kill, iteration)
// and they change automatically during the loop lifecycle
$payload = new Payload();

// add more params
$payload->setParameter('my_name', 'Romain'); // nb: 3 params are here by default

// use the connector to start (trigger) the loop
$this->get('adadgio_gear.nodered.connector')->send('POST', '/adadgio/gear/loop/start', $payload); // @todo pass this more transparently

// in some listener, far, far away, a long long time ago
// the listener must listen to "adadgio_gear.nodered.payload_received"
public function onPayloadReceived(\Adadgio\GearBundle\Connector\NodeRed\Event\PayloadEvent $event)
    // you might need the request, who knows
    $request = $event->getRequest();

    $payload = $event->Payload();
    // notice iteration changed to +1, pid always stays the same (unless you trigger another process)
    // otherwise you get back the parameters you defined earlier

    // if you wanna stop the flow
    if ($payload->getIteration() > 3) {

    // process... something, or modify your input params at runtime
    $name = $payload->getParameter('my_name');
    $name = ... // change your name!
    $payload->setParameter('my_name', $name);

use Adadgio\GearBundle\Component\Reader\CsvExporter;

$exporter = $this->get('adadgio_gear.csv_exporter')
    ->setColumns(array('label', 'views'))

use Adadgio\GearBundle\Component\Reader\CsvReader;

$csv = new CsvReader('data/test.csv');

$data = $csv
    ->read(5, 15) // reads rows from 5 to 15 

use Adadgio\GearBundle\Component\Hydration\EntityHydrator;

$hydrator = new EntityHydrator();

// $data = ... data from the previous example
    ->map(0, 'id') // map array column index to entity property
    ->map(1, 'name');

$entities = $hydrator->getEntities();

use Adadgio\GearBundle\Component\Serialization\EntitySerializer;

$entities = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Product')->findAll();

$serializer = $this->get('adadgio_gear.entity_serializer');
$dataSerialized = $serializer->serialize($entitiesÂ);