Download the PHP package acacha/llum without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package acacha/llum. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Package llum
Short Description Llum (light in catalan language) illuminates your Laravel projects.
License MIT
Informations about the package llum
Speed up you Github/Laravel development workflow illuminating packages with llum:
Now supports Laravel 5.4.
See also:
Install notes
Some commands use bash commands like GNU sed and touch.On Windows you can use CygWin or see StackOverflow
On MAC OS use GNU sed instead of default installed BSD sed
To configure your Bithub user and obtain a token to interact with github using llum commands (see github command section below). This command creates file ~/.llumrc
, an example:
You can avoid providing password creating manually this file an putting your personal Github acces token ( on ~/.llumrc
IMPORTANT: Requires previous execution of llum init
command to work.
IMPORTANT: Requires previous execution of llum init
command to work.
This commands initializes a Github repo, create a first commit, create a Github repo and syncs local content with Github repo. The commands executed are:
IMPORTANT: Requires previous execution of llum init
command to work.
Create a new Github repo:
This create a new Github repo called {yourgithubusername}/newrepo
(the current folder name is used) . You can provide a name for the repo with:
Execute commands:
- devtools
- sqlite
- migrate
- serve
And your are ready to go!
Install and configure amazing debug tools Laravel Debugbar and Laravel-ide-helper
You can install only Laravel Debugbar devtool with:
You can install only Laravel-ide-helper devtool with:
Once you've installed a new laravel project use sqlite command to active sqlite
And sqlite is ready to go:
Add a provider to config/app.php file:
Add an alias/Facade to config/app.php file:
Similar to php artisan serve but some enhacements:
- First tyry to use port 8000 but if is already in use (in mi case so many times this occurs because Laravel homestead is up) then tries with following port numbers (8001, 8002, 8003)
- If sensible-browser command is available then starts browser
Runs php artisan migrate
GNU sed on MAC OS
Acacha llum need GNU sed to work so replace BSD sed with GNU sed using:
Check you version of sed with:
sed GNU version path is:
Instead of default path of BSD sed (installed by default on MAC OS):
More info at
Working notes
Update value in .env file with sed:
Comment database entries:
Add sqlite before database entries:
Artisan serve always working:
$continue = true; $port = 8000; do { echo "Testing with port: ". $port; if (check_port($port)) { passthru('php artisan serve --port=' . $port); $continue=false; } $port++; } while ($continue); echo "END"; function check_port($port,$host = '') { $fp = @fsockopen($host, $port,$errno, $errstr, 5); if (!$fp) { return true; } else { // port is open and available return false; fclose($fp); } }
Solution with php preg_replace function:
Insert provider in config/app.php file:
All versions of llum with dependencies
symfony/console Version ^4.0
symfony/process Version ^4.0
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version ^6.3