Download the PHP package zofe/rapyd-admin without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package zofe/rapyd-admin. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in zofe/rapyd-admin
Package rapyd-admin
Short Description rapyd admin
License MIT
Informations about the package rapyd-admin
Rapyd Admin: Simplifying Laravel Development
Create new laravel app then install rapyd-admin package.
(answer “y” to the question about writes "allow-plugins" to composer.json)
Then you can customize roles & permissions in app/Modules/Auth/permissions.php then run
Now you can login with a default admin user:
Rapyd Admin
Rapyd Admin enhances Laravel by offering essential admin features with modular approach:
BALL Stack Environment: Bundles Bootstrap CSS, Alpine.js, Laravel, and Livewire for a quick boilerplate.
Layout Module: Classic sidebar/navbar design based on SBAdmin 3, updated to Bootstrap 5.3 with customizable SCSS and a variety of blade anonymous components for standardized, extendable frontends.
Auth Module: Robust authentication with socialite integration, Fortify, 2FA, and role/permission management.
- Custom Modules: Structured handling of components and modules, REST API endpoints, and more, with an emphasis on reusable, encapsulated code for cleaner organization and maintainability.
Rapyd has some commands to generate models, components, modules (bundled components & views isolated in a folder) via artisan command line:
generate a model (via command line)
Livewire components
will generate
Modules & Generators
example of out of the box module structure you can use after installing rapyd-admin.
- Will create
folder in you app/Modules directory. - Three livewire components in the
subfolder (ArticlesEdit, ArticlesTable, ArticlesView) - Three blade components in the
subfolder (articles_edit, articles_table, articles_view) - Inside your Module folder you can reply (if needed) the laravel application folder structure (controllers, migrations, jobs, etc..)
Blade views and Components
A Table is a "listing component" with these features:
- "input filters" to search in a custom data set
- "buttons" (for example "add" record or "reset" filters)
- "pagination links"
- "sort links"
you can generate a Table component with:
or and entire crud (Table/View/Edit) in a module named Blog with;
Generated & Customized view can be something like:
html <x-rpd::table title="Article List" :items="$items"
<x-slot name="filters">
<x-rpd::input col="col-8" debounce="350" model="search" placeholder="search..." />
<x-rpd::select col="col-4" model="author_id" :options="$authors" placeholder="author..." addempty />
<table class="table">
<x-rpd::sort model="id" label="id" />
@foreach ($items as $article)
<a href="{{ route('articles.view',$article->id) }}">{{ $article->id }}</a>
<td>{{ $article->title }}</td>
<td>{{ $article->author->firstname }}</td>
<td>{{ Str::limit($article->body,50) }}</td>
</x-rpd::table> html
All versions of rapyd-admin with dependencies
illuminate/config Version ^11.0
illuminate/contracts Version ^11.0
laravel/serializable-closure Version ^2.0
livewire/livewire Version ^3.0
touhidurabir/laravel-stub-generator Version ^1.0
zofe/rapyd-module-installer Version ^0.11
zofe/layout-module Version dev-main|^0.11
zofe/auth-module Version dev-main|^0.11