Download the PHP package zero-to-prod/service-model without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package zero-to-prod/service-model. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

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Informations about the package service-model

Service Models

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A modern approach to typesafe Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) with factory support.

This zero-dependency package provides a serialize data into typesafe DTOs.

In the Extract Transform Load (ETL) process, this package assist in the Transformation of data into a model.




If upgrading from v1, see the upgrade guide.

Install Zerotoprod\ServiceModel via Composer:

This will add the package to your project’s dependencies and create an autoloader entry for it.

Use the ServiceModel trait in your model.

Add properties to your model that match the keys of your data.

Pass an associative array or json string to the make() method of your model.

Use the factory() method to make a new model with default values.

See the Factories section for more information.


Create a ServiceModel by passing an associative array or json string to the make() method of your model that uses the ServiceModel trait.

Setting Up Your Model

Define properties in your class to match the keys of your data.

The ServiceModel trait will automatically match the keys, detect the type, and cast the value.

Pass an associative array or json string to the make() method of your model.

Accessing Type Safe Properties

Access your data with arrow syntax.

Factory Support

Use the factory() method to make a new model instance with default values.

See the Factories section for how to set up and use factories.

Basic Implementation

Define properties in your class to match the keys of your data.

The ServiceModel trait will automatically match the keys, detect the type, and cast the value.

IMPORTANT: Use the ServiceModel trait in the child classes.

NOTICE: The details key matches the $details property in Order.

Native Object Support

This package provides native support for the following objects:


Use a value backed enum to automatically cast the value.


Sometimes you may want to cast to a class you cannot use the ServiceModel trait in.

For a simple cast, simply typehint with the property with the class. This will automatically unpack the array into the constructor of the class.

For a one-to-many cast, use the CastToArray attribute to cast an array of classes.

Simple Class Casting

Simply typehint with the property with the class you want to cast to.

Using a Class Method for Parsing

In some cases, you might have a class with a method that accepts a value and returns an instance of the class itself.

The ServiceModel package allows you to leverage such methods for parsing values.

You can specify the method to be used for parsing by applying the CastUsing attribute to the property in your model. The attribute takes the name of the method as its argument.

Here's an example:

In the TimeClass below, the set method accepts a value, assigns it to the value property of a new TimeClass instance, and then returns the instance:

In this exampleWhen the ServiceModel trait processes the time property of the MyModel, it will invoke the set method of the TimeClass, passing the value to be parsed. The method will return a TimeClass instance, which will then be assigned to the time property.

One-to-many Class Casting

Sometimes you may want to cast an array of classes you cannot use the ServiceModel trait in.

Use the ArrayOf attribute to cast an array of classes.

Value Casting

Implement the CanCast interface to make a custom type.

One-to-many Casting

Use the CastToArray attribute to cast an array of classes.

IMPORTANT: The class name passed in the Attribute (View::class) is passed in the constructor of the CollectionOf class.

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to add #[Attribute] to the top of your class.


You can define your own attributes to extend the functionality of the ServiceModel trait.

The property values are passed to the parse() method of the attribute.

The Attribute values are passed to the constructor of the attribute.


Factories provide a convenient way to generate DTOs with default values.

  1. Use the ServiceModel and the HasFactory trait in your model.
  2. Create a class that extends the Factory class for your factory.
  3. Set the public string $model = property in your factory pointing to your model.
  4. Set the public static string $factory = property in your model pointing to your factory.
  5. Return your default values as an array in the definition() method in your factory.

Extending the ServiceModel Trait

You can extend the ServiceModel trait and add your own functionality to your models.

This allows you to access custom methods on the model.


The #[MapFrom] attribute allows you to associate a property from a DTO (Data Transfer Object) with another property that possesses a different name.

This association is achievable using either a "dot" notation property name or an index.


The following example shows how to rename a property using the #[MapFrom] attribute.

Mapping Nested Properties

The following example shows how to map a nested property using the #[MapFrom] attribute.


Sometimes you want to know if required properties are initialized on your model. Validating your model will throw the Zerotoprod\ServiceModel\Exceptions\ValidationException if required properties are uninitialized.

There are two ways to validate your model.

  1. Use the Strict trait in your model.
  2. Or validate manually after making your model: Model::make()->validate().

Using the Strict Trait

When the Strict trait is used, the ServiceModel trait will throw an exception if the model is missing a required property.

You can mix and match the Service Models that uses the Strict trait. Validation will only be called on the class that uses that trait.

Manually Validating

You can call the validate() method on your model to manually validate your model.

Lifecycle Hooks

Use the afterMake() method to run code after the model is instantiated.

The $attributes parameter is the value passed to the make() method.


The ServiceModel trait in this project uses an in-memory caching mechanism to improve performance. The caching is implemented using a Singleton pattern, which ensures that only a single instance of the cache is created and used throughout the application.

The caching mechanism is used in the constructor of the ServiceModel trait. When an object is constructed, the trait checks if a ReflectionClass instance for the current class already exists in the cache. If it doesn't, a new ReflectionClass instance is created and stored in the cache.

The cache is also used when processing the properties of the object. For each property, the trait checks if a ReflectionProperty instance and the property type name are already stored in the cache. If they aren't, they are retrieved using reflection and stored in the cache.

Resource Support

Sometimes you want to convert the case of your key to snake_case.

You can do this by adding the #[MapOutputNames(ToSnakeCase::class)] attribute to your model and using the toResource() method.

Build Your Own Resource Transformer

You can build your own resource transformer by doing this implementing the CanParse interface.

The $values parameter is the value of the object typecast as an array.

You can add this to the top of your model like this:

When you call the toResource() method, it will use your custom resource transformer.

Upgrading to v2

This guide will help you upgrade your existing codebase to use the new features and improvements in the latest version of the Service Models package

  1. Update the Package

  2. Update Attribute Namespaces

The namespaces for the attributes have changed. Update your import statements to reflect these changes:

IMPORTANT: The namespace for attributes have moved from Zerotoprod\ServiceModel to Zerotoprod\ServiceModel\Attributes.



  1. Update Caster Interface

The CanCast interface has been replaced with CanParse. Update your classes that implement this interface:

IMPORTANT: The CanCast interface has been replaced with CanParse. Before:


  1. Update Caster Method Names

The method names in classes implementing the caster interface have changed from set to parse. Update these methods in your classes:

IMPORTANT: The set method has been replaced with parse.





Please test your application thoroughly after making these changes to ensure everything works as expected.


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page if you want to contribute.

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
  3. Commit changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
  5. Create a new Pull Request.

All versions of service-model with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^8.1
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package zero-to-prod/service-model contains the following files

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