Download the PHP package yiisoft/di without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package yiisoft/di. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
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  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package di

Yii Dependency Injection

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Build status Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage Mutation testing badge static analysis type-coverage

PSR-11 compatible dependency injection container that's able to instantiate and configure classes resolving dependencies.




You could install the package with composer:

Using the container

Usage of the DI container is simple: You first initialize it with an array of definitions. The array keys are usually interface names. It will then use these definitions to create an object whenever the application requests that type. This happens, for example, when fetching a type directly from the container somewhere in the application. But objects are also created implicitly if a definition has a dependency to another definition.

Usually one uses a single container for the whole application. It's often configured either in the entry script such as index.php or a configuration file:

You could store the definitions in a .php file that returns an array:

You can define an object in several ways:

See yiisoft/definitions for more information.

After you configure the container, you can obtain a service can via get():

Note, however, that it's bad practice using a container directly. It's much better to rely on auto-wiring as provided by the Injector available from the yiisoft/injector package.

Using aliases

The DI container supports aliases via the Yiisoft\Definitions\Reference class. This way you can retrieve objects by a more handy name:

Composite containers

A composite container combines many containers in a single container. When using this approach, you should fetch objects only from the composite container.

Note, that containers attached earlier override dependencies of containers attached later.

Using service providers

A service provider is a special class that's responsible for providing complex services or groups of dependencies for the container and extensions of existing services.

A provider should extend from Yiisoft\Di\ServiceProviderInterface and must contain a getDefinitions() and getExtensions() methods. It should only provide services for the container and therefore should only contain code that's related to this task. It should never implement any business logic or other functionality such as environment bootstrap or applying changes to a database.

A typical service provider could look like:

Here you created a service provider responsible for bootstrapping of a car factory with all its dependencies.

An extension is callable that returns a modified service object. In this case you get existing Garage service and put a car into the garage by calling the method setCar(). Thus, before applying this provider, you had an empty garage and with the help of the extension you fill it.

To add this service provider to a container, you can pass either its class or a configuration array in the extra config:

When you add a service provider, DI calls its getDefinitions() and getExtensions() methods immediately and both services and their extensions get registered into the container.

Container tags

You can tag services in the following way:

Now you can get tagged services from the container in the following way:

The result is an array that has two instances: BlueCarService and RedCarService.

Another way to tag services is setting tags via container constructor:

Resetting services state

Despite stateful services isn't a great practice, these are often inevitable. When you build long-running applications with tools like Swoole or RoadRunner you should reset the state of such services every request. For this purpose you can use StateResetter with resetters callbacks:

The callback has access to the private and protected properties of the service instance, so you can set initial state of the service efficiently without creating a new instance.

You should trigger the reset itself after each request-response cycle. For RoadRunner, it would look like the following:

Setting resetters in definitions

You define the reset state for each service by providing "reset" callback in the following way:

Note: resetters from definitions work only if you don't set StateResetter in definition or service providers.

Configuring StateResetter manually

To manually add resetters or in case you use Yii DI composite container with a third party container that doesn't support state reset natively, you could configure state resetter separately. The following example is PHP-DI:

Specifying metadata for non-array definitions

To specify some metadata, such as in cases of "resetting services state" or "container tags," for non-array definitions, you could use the following syntax:

Now you've explicitly moved the definition itself to "definition" key.


Each delegate is a callable returning a container instance that's used in case DI can't find a service in a primary container:

To configure delegates use extra config:

Tuning for production

By default, the container validates definitions right when they're set. In the production environment, it makes sense to turn it off:

Strict mode

Container may work in a strict mode, that's when you should define everything in the container explicitly. To turn it on, use the following code:

Further reading


To run benchmarks execute the next command

Result example

Warning! These summary statistics can be misleading. You should always verify the individual subject statistics before drawing any conclusions.


  • μ: Mean time taken by all iterations in variant.
  • Mo: Mode of all iterations in variant.
  • μSD: μ standard deviation.
  • μRSD: μ relative standard deviation.
  • best: Maximum time of all iterations (minimal of all iterations).
  • mean: Mean time taken by all iterations.
  • mode: Mode of all iterations.
  • worst: Minimum time of all iterations (minimal of all iterations).

Command examples

$ ./vendor/bin/phpbench run --report=default --progress=dots --output=csv_file

Generated MD-file example

DI benchmark report

suite: 1343b1dc0589cb4e985036d14b3e12cb430a975b, date: 2020-02-21, stime: 16:02:45

benchmark subject set revs iter mem_peak time_rev comp_z_value comp_deviation
ContainerBench benchConstructStupid 0 1000 0 1,416,784b 210.938μs -1.48σ -1.1%
ContainerBench benchConstructStupid 0 1000 1 1,416,784b 213.867μs +0.37σ +0.27%
ContainerBench benchConstructStupid 0 1000 2 1,416,784b 212.890μs -0.25σ -0.18%
ContainerBench benchConstructStupid 0 1000 3 1,416,784b 215.820μs +1.60σ +1.19%
ContainerBench benchConstructStupid 0 1000 4 1,416,784b 212.891μs -0.25σ -0.18%
ContainerBench benchConstructSmart 0 1000 0 1,426,280b 232.422μs -1.03σ -0.5%
ContainerBench benchConstructSmart 0 1000 1 1,426,280b 232.422μs -1.03σ -0.5%
ContainerBench benchConstructSmart 0 1000 2 1,426,280b 233.398μs -0.17σ -0.08%
ContainerBench benchConstructSmart 0 1000 3 1,426,280b 234.375μs +0.69σ +0.33%
ContainerBench benchConstructSmart 0 1000 4 1,426,280b 235.351μs +1.54σ +0.75%
... skipped ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
ContainerMethodHasBench benchPredefinedExisting 0 1000 0 1,216,144b 81.055μs -0.91σ -1.19%
ContainerMethodHasBench benchPredefinedExisting 0 1000 1 1,216,144b 83.985μs +1.83σ +2.38%
ContainerMethodHasBench benchPredefinedExisting 0 1000 2 1,216,144b 82.032μs 0.00σ 0.00%
ContainerMethodHasBench benchPredefinedExisting 0 1000 3 1,216,144b 82.031μs 0.00σ 0.00%
ContainerMethodHasBench benchPredefinedExisting 0 1000 4 1,216,144b 81.055μs -0.91σ -1.19%
... skipped ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


  • benchmark: Benchmark class.
  • subject: Benchmark class method.
  • set: Set of data (provided by ParamProvider).
  • revs: Number of revolutions (represent the number of times that the code is executed).
  • iter: Number of iteration.
  • mem_peak: (mean) Peak memory used by iteration as retrieved by memory_get_peak_usage.
  • time_rev: Mean time taken by all iterations in variant.
  • comp_z_value: Z-score.
  • comp_deviation: Relative deviation (margin of error).

$ ./vendor/bin/phpbench run --report=aggregate --progress=dots --output=csv_file --output=console --group=lookup


Available groups: construct lookup has

Generated MD-file example

DI benchmark report

suite: 1343b1d2654a3819c72a96d236302b70a504dac7, date: 2020-02-21, stime: 13:27:32

benchmark subject set revs its mem_peak best mean mode worst stdev rstdev diff
ContainerBench benchSequentialLookups 0 1000 5 1,454,024b 168.945μs 170.117μs 169.782μs 171.875μs 0.957μs 0.56% 1.00x
ContainerBench benchSequentialLookups 1 1000 5 1,445,296b 3,347.656μs 3,384.961μs 3,390.411μs 3,414.062μs 21.823μs 0.64% 19.90x
ContainerBench benchSequentialLookups 2 1000 5 1,445,568b 3,420.898μs 3,488.477μs 3,447.260μs 3,657.227μs 85.705μs 2.46% 20.51x
ContainerBench benchRandomLookups 0 1000 5 1,454,024b 169.922μs 171.875μs 171.871μs 173.828μs 1.381μs 0.80% 1.01x
ContainerBench benchRandomLookups 1 1000 5 1,445,296b 3,353.515μs 3,389.844μs 3,377.299μs 3,446.289μs 31.598μs 0.93% 19.93x
ContainerBench benchRandomLookups 2 1000 5 1,445,568b 3,445.313μs 3,587.696μs 3,517.823μs 3,749.023μs 115.850μs 3.23% 21.09x
ContainerBench benchRandomLookupsComposite 0 1000 5 1,454,032b 297.852μs 299.610μs 298.855μs 302.734μs 1.680μs 0.56% 1.76x
ContainerBench benchRandomLookupsComposite 1 1000 5 1,445,880b 3,684.570μs 3,708.984μs 3,695.731μs 3,762.695μs 28.297μs 0.76% 21.80x
ContainerBench benchRandomLookupsComposite 2 1000 5 1,446,152b 3,668.946μs 3,721.680μs 3,727.407μs 3,765.625μs 30.881μs 0.83% 21.88x


  • benchmark: Benchmark class.
  • subject: Benchmark class method.
  • set: Set of data (provided by ParamProvider).
  • revs: Number of revolutions (represent the number of times that the code is executed).
  • its: Number of iterations (one measurement for each iteration).
  • mem_peak: (mean) Peak memory used by each iteration as retrieved by memory_get_peak_usage.
  • best: Maximum time of all iterations in variant.
  • mean: Mean time taken by all iterations in variant.
  • mode: Mode of all iterations in variant.
  • worst: Minimum time of all iterations in variant.
  • stdev: Standard deviation.
  • rstdev: The relative standard deviation.
  • diff: Difference between variants in a single group.


Unit testing

The package is tested with PHPUnit. To run tests:

Mutation testing

The package tests are checked with Infection mutation framework with Infection Static Analysis Plugin. To run it:

Static analysis

The code is statically analyzed with Psalm. To run static analysis:


The Yii Dependency Injection is free software. It's released under the terms of the BSD License. Please see LICENSE for more information.

Maintained by Yii Software.

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All versions of di with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^8.0
ext-mbstring Version *
psr/container Version ^1.1|^2.0
yiisoft/definitions Version ^3.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package yiisoft/di contains the following files

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