Download the PHP package xandermar1/xandermar-drupal without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package xandermar1/xandermar-drupal. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package xandermar-drupal

All versions of xandermar-drupal with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires composer/installers Version ^1.9
drupal/admin_toolbar Version 3.x
drupal/adminimal_admin_toolbar Version ^1.11
drupal/adminimal_theme Version ^1.5
drupal/advagg Version ^4.1
drupal/antibot Version ^1.4
drupal/autosave_form Version ^1.0
drupal/backup_migrate Version ^5.0
drupal/bg_image_formatter Version ^1.11
drupal/bigint Version 1.x-dev
drupal/block_class Version ^1.2
drupal/bootstrap5 Version ^1.0.0
drupal/bootstrap_business Version 1.x-dev
drupal/classy_paragraphs Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/color_field Version ^2.2
drupal/components Version ^2.4
drupal/conditional_fields Version 1.x-dev
drupal/config_readonly Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/config_split Version ^1.7
drupal/console Version ^1.9
drupal/contact_storage Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/content_browser Version ^1.0
drupal/core-composer-scaffold Version ^9.2
drupal/core-project-message Version ^9.2
drupal/core-recommended Version ^9.2
drupal/corporate_lite Version ^1.2
drupal/cshs Version ^1.0
drupal/csv_importer Version ^1.5
drupal/date_popup Version ^1.0
drupal/default_content Version ^2.0@alpha
drupal/devel Version 4.x
drupal/devel_mail_logger Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/diff Version ^1.0@RC
drupal/download_statistics Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/easy_breadcrumb Version 1.x-dev
drupal/easy_install Version ^10.1
drupal/encrypt Version ^3.0@RC
drupal/entity_block Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/entity_browser_block Version ^1.0
drupal/entity_clone Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/entity_embed Version ^1.0
drupal/entity_print Version ^2.1
drupal/entity_reference_revisions Version ^1.6
drupal/entity_share Version ^2.0@alpha
drupal/entity_title_length Version ^2.0
drupal/entity_usage Version ^2.0@beta
drupal/environment_indicator Version ^4.0
drupal/extlink Version 1.6
drupal/facets Version ^1.4
drupal/feeds Version 3.x-dev
drupal/feeds_ex Version ^1.0@alpha
drupal/field_group Version ^3.0
drupal/field_states_ui Version ^2.0
drupal/file_browser Version ^1.3
drupal/file_delete Version ^1.0
drupal/file_replace Version ^1.2
drupal/filefield_paths Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/fontawesome Version ^2.14
drupal/ga_login Version ^1.0@alpha
drupal/google_tag Version ^1.4
drupal/govdelivery_bulletins Version ^1.3
drupal/govdelivery_signup-govdelivery_signup Version 2.x-dev
drupal/honeypot Version 2.x
drupal/imageapi_optimize Version ^4.0@beta
drupal/imageapi_optimize_binaries Version ^1.0@alpha
drupal/imageapi_optimize_resmushit Version ^2.0@beta
drupal/inline_entity_form Version ^1.0@RC
drupal/jquery_ui Version ^1.4
drupal/jquery_ui_datepicker Version ^1.0
drupal/jquery_ui_touch_punch Version ^1.0
drupal/libraries Version ^3.0@alpha
drupal/material_icons Version ^1.0
drupal/media_bulk_upload Version 1.x-dev
drupal/menu_block Version 1.x-dev
drupal/menu_link_attributes Version ^1.2
drupal/metatag Version ^1.10
drupal/moderation_dashboard Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/moderation_sidebar Version ^1.2
drupal/openapi_ui Version ^1.0@RC
drupal/optional_end_date Version ^1.0
drupal/page_manager Version ^4.0@beta
drupal/pagerer Version ^2.0
drupal/panels Version ^4.4
drupal/paragraphs Version ^1.9
drupal/paragraphs_edit Version ^2.0@alpha
drupal/paragraphs_ee Version ^1.8
drupal/paragraphs_frontend_ui Version ^2.0@alpha
drupal/password_policy Version ^3.0@beta
drupal/path_redirect_import Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/pathauto Version ^1.4
drupal/qa_accounts Version ^1.0@alpha
drupal/rabbit_hole Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/redirect Version ^1.5
drupal/role_delegation Version ^1.1
drupal/scheduler Version ^1.1
drupal/scheduler_content_moderation_integration Version ^1.3
drupal/schemata Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/schemata_json_schema Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/scrollup Version ^3.0
drupal/search_api Version ^1.15
drupal/search_api_attachments Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/search_api_autocomplete Version ^1.2
drupal/search_api_db Version ^1.17
drupal/search_api_location Version ^1.0@alpha
drupal/search_api_solr Version 4.x
drupal/search_api_sorts Version ^1.0
drupal/search_api_spellcheck Version ^3.0@alpha
drupal/seckit Version 2.x
drupal/sharethis Version ^2.0@beta
drupal/simple_sitemap Version ^3.3
drupal/sitemap Version ^2.0@beta
drupal/slick_entityreference Version dev-2.x
drupal/slick_extras Version ^1.0@RC
drupal/slick_paragraphs Version ^2.0
drupal/slick_views Version ^2.0
drupal/smart_trim Version ^1.3
drupal/stage_file_proxy Version ^1.0
drupal/svg_image Version ^1.9
drupal/swiftmailer Version ^2.0@beta
drupal/telephone_formatter Version 1.x-dev
drupal/telephone_validation Version ^2.2
drupal/tfa Version 1.x-dev
drupal/token Version ^1.5
drupal/token_filter Version ^1.1
drupal/toolbar_menu Version ^2.1
drupal/twig_tweak Version ^2.6
drupal/twigsuggest Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/twitter_api_block Version ^3.0
drupal/upgrade_status Version ^3.10
drupal/uswds Version ^2.1@RC
drupal/vbo_export Version ^3.0
drupal/viewfield Version ^3.0@beta
drupal/views_ajax_history Version ^1.5
drupal/views_block_filter_block Version ^1.0
drupal/views_bulk_edit Version ^2.3
drupal/views_bulk_operations Version ^3.2
drupal/views_conditional Version ^1.0
drupal/views_data_export Version ^1.0@beta
drupal/views_ef_fieldset Version ^1.4
drupal/views_templates Version ^1.1
drupal/webform Version 6.x
drupal/webform_encrypt Version 1.x-dev
drupal/weight Version ^3.1
drush/drush Version ^10.6
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package xandermar1/xandermar-drupal contains the following files

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