Download the PHP package wordrobe/cli without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package wordrobe/cli. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package cli

Wordrobe is a Wordpress development boosting tool that combines the quickness of automated processes with the solidity of a structured workflow.
By taking charge of the most common operations concerning Wordpress themes development and by providing a well organized development model, it allows you to save time and to produce a better quality code with an eye towards modularity and maintainability.
- Composer >= 1.8
- PHP (CLI) >= 7.2
To install Wordrobe just run the following command at the root of your project:
Once installed, Wordrobe requires a simple initial configuration to fit in your project's structure so it can write and handle files at correct paths.
By running
a setup wizard will start and a wordrobe.json file will be automatically created at your project's root. It will look like this:
:bulb: In a standard Wordpress installation, "themes-path" will be "wp-content/themes".
Wordrobe exposes all its power of adding features to your Wordpress based application by the simplest way ever: just run the following command and enjoy the wizard:
Check the complete commands list to discover all supported features.
Adding a new theme
One of the most basic but most important operations you deal with when you start a new Wordpress project, is the creation of a brand new theme. At this stage, many doubts about structure and files organization usually arise, specially when focus about code modularity and maintainability is required.
Wordrobe offers an optimized theme's file system that helps you to keep your code scoped and well organized, encouraging front-end/back-end separation, integration and reusability. For more information, check theme's in-depth documentation.
To create a new theme, simply run the command below and follow the wizard:
:bulb: Wordrobe supports multi-theme development, so if more than one theme will be added to your project, you will be asked which theme you want to deal with each time you'll run the add command.
Adding a page template
Page templates are one of the most commonly used ways to make an association between specific contents and layout. To let Wordrobe to create one for you, just run the following command:
The page template creation process let us to observe the first pillar of Wordrobe architecture: the controller/view pattern implementation. It's entrusted to Twig through the use of [Timber]() plugin by Upstatement and allows a perfect separation between front-end and back-end development.
For more information, check the controller/view pattern's in-depth documentation.
Adding a custom post-type
Another common operation in Wordpress theme development is the creation of custom post-types, aimed to handle project-specif content types. By the following command, Wordrobe comes in support for this goal too:
Along with the post-type registration code and the controller/view pattern implementation, the command above provides the scaffolding that allows Wordrobe to carry out its own architecture through the introduction of its second pillar: the entity/repository/dto framework.
It's inspired by Doctrine and you can learn more about it by reading its in-depth documentation.
Check the example for more details and information about Wordrobe usage.
All versions of cli with dependencies
symfony/console Version ^4.2
composer/composer Version ^1.8
timber/timber Version ^1.9
symfony/polyfill-iconv Version ^1.10