Download the PHP package whoisdoma/domainparser without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package whoisdoma/domainparser. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download whoisdoma/domainparser
More information about whoisdoma/domainparser
Files in whoisdoma/domainparser
Package domainparser
Short Description A domain name parser to parse and to validate a domain name.
License MIT
Informations about the package domainparser
Whoisdoma Domain Parser
A domain name parser to parse and to validate a domain name.
At first it will parse a given string to split it by the hostname and top-level domain name. This will be done with a list from Mozilla and we also added some missing second-level domain names. Afterwards we will convert the domain name to it punycode and unicode notation. If an error occures by doing so, e.g. characters that are not allowed. It will kill these characters and set a flag to false. This flag is used for the validation.
Copyright (c) 2016 XAOS Interactive ( | Whoisdoma (
Licensed under the MIT License (the "License").
Installing using composer: composer require whoisdoma/domainparser
Installing from source: git clone git://
or download the latest release
Move the source code to your preferred project folder.
Include Parser.php
or if using composer:
Create Parser() object
Call parse() method
Please note, if the given string doesn't contain a domain name the default tld .com will be added to the query. You may change this by adding a tld to the parse method call.
- You may choose 5 different return types. the types are array, object, json, serialize and xml. By default it is object. If you want to change that call the format method before calling the parse method or provide to the constructer. If you are not using object and an error occurs, then exceptions will not be trapped within the response and thrown directy.
3rd Party Libraries
Thanks to developers of following used libraries:
- phlyLabs:
- mozilla:
See ChangeLog at
Please report any issues via
Copyright (c) 2016 XAOS Interactive ( | Whoisdoma (