Download the PHP package webtourismus/lucide without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package webtourismus/lucide. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about webtourismus/lucide
Files in webtourismus/lucide
Package lucide
Short Description Mirror of as drupal-library.
License ISC
Informations about the package lucide
Lucide Static
This package include the following lucide implementations:
- All svg files
- Javascript library containing strings of svgs.
- Icon fonts
- Svg sprite
What is lucide? Read it here.
Why lucide-static?
This package is suitable for very specific use cases for example if you want to use icon fonts, svg sprites, normal svgs or Common.js Svg strings in your javascript project.
[!WARNING] It is not recommended to use this package for svg sprites or icon fonts for web pages/applications, for prototyping it is ok. We recommend to bundlers for web applications to make sure you only bundle the used icons from this icon library (Threeshaking). Otherwise it will load all the icons, making you webpage loading slower. Threeshaking is only available in the packages: lucide, lucide-react, lucide-vue, lucide-vue-next, lucide-angular, lucide-preact
Package Managers
Checkout the codesandbox examples.
SVG Files
Svg file as image
To use it in for example html:
Make sure you have the correct webpack loaders to make this work. url-loader
Svg file Inline
You can simply import each svg by targeting lucide-static/icons/{icon-name}.svg
To use svgs in your project you can for example use a svg loader.
SVG Sprite
You may need additional loader for this.
If you'd prefer, you can use CSS to hold your base SVG properties
and update the svg as follows
Icon Font
To use lucide icons in your Nodejs project you can import each icon as:
Note: Each icon name is in camelCase.
Example in node.js project
For more info on how to contribute please see the contribution guidelines.
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Lucide is totally free for commercial use and personally use, this software is licensed under the ISC License.