Download the PHP package wakeonweb/message-bus-publisher without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package wakeonweb/message-bus-publisher. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download wakeonweb/message-bus-publisher
More information about wakeonweb/message-bus-publisher
Files in wakeonweb/message-bus-publisher
Package message-bus-publisher
Short Description WakeOnWeb MessageBus publisher
License private
Informations about the package message-bus-publisher
WakeOnWeb MessageBusPublisher
important, we don't ensure BC compatibility in 0.x tags, we'll ensure it from 1.x only
If you use Symfony, you can load the bundle WakeOnWeb\MessageBusPublisher\App\Bundle\WakeonwebMessageBusPublisherBundle
Define the prooph buses this publisher will listen to. Once an message is dispatched in theses buses, it'll dispatch messages to targets.
Define the prooph buses this publisher will listen to.
Once an message is dispatched in theses buses, it'll guess route then dispatch this message
in a dedicated queue called my_queue_name.{target}
where {target} is the target name.
Then consume theses messages to dispatch them to targets:
This library can audit listened messages and targeted messages:
You can have as many drivers as you want.
To go further in configuration, look at documentation below.
- Monolog
- DoctrineORM
- Service
Drivers implemented
- Symfony configuration
- DoctrineORM
Other documentation
- How to add a normalizer