Download the PHP package voodoophp/voodoo without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package voodoophp/voodoo. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package voodoo

Voodoo 1.x.x

A Simple, Easy, Intuitive PHP Framework for Those Who Keep It Simple

Name: Voodoo

License: MIT

Design: Modular MVC

Requirements: PHP 5.4

Compliance: PSR-2

Author: Mardix

Copyright: This Year - Mardix


This is an overview of Voodoo, please go to for a complete documentation of the framework

About Voodoo!

Voodoo is Modular MVC framework written in PHP. Its main goal is to ensure separation of concerns by keeping your code organized and avoid mixing database calls, HTML tags and business logic in the same script.

Voodoo, first, organize your application into subset of MVC structure which are independent from other one. These subsets are called Modules. Modules can be an admin section, the main site, intranet, or can be used for A/B testing.

Modules improve maintainability by enforcing logical boundaries between components. By being Modular, Voodoo allows developers/designers to work on individual module at the same time, thus making development of program faster. New features or new sections can be implemented quickly without changing other sections. And when it's no longer needed, the module can be deleted and everything is still gravy.

Features Highlight

Install Voodoo with Composer

To install Voodoo, create or edit the composer.json file, and add the code below in the 'require':

"voodoophp/voodoo": "1.*"

Your composer.json file should look something similar to this:

    "name": "voodoophp/myapp",
    "description": "My awesome Voodoo App",
    "require": {
        "voodoophp/voodoo": "1.*"

then run the command below to download Voodoo and its dependencies

composer install

Assuming that your composer installed the packages in your /vendor directory, you should see at least the following when you go inside of /vendor

    +-- composer.json
    +-- vendor/
        +-- composer/
        +-- voodoophp/

Setup & Filesystem

Now the Voodoo is installed, it's time to set it up so it creates the directories for your applications.

Assuming that composer installed packages in your /vendor directory, the Voodoo framework will be in: /vendor/voodoophp/voodoo

Enter the command below

cd vendor/voodoophp/voodoo/src/Voodoo/Voodooist
php ./setup.php

Once the setup is done, you should have a filesystem similar to this:

+-- App/
    +-- .htaccess
    +-- _conf/          
    +-- Www/
        +-- Config.conf.php
        +-- Main/
            +-- Controller/
            +-- Model/
            +-- Views/
+-- assets/
    +-- bootstrap/
    +-- css/
    +-- img/
    +-- js/
    +-- jquery/
+-- vendor
        +-- composer/
        +-- voodoophp/
+-- composer.json
+-- .htaccess
+-- index.php
+-- robots.txt

/App : Contains your application's Modular MVC

/App/_conf : Contains the configurations, ie: DB.conf.php for database settings, System.conf.php for system wide settings, app.json your application schema to create your MVC files on the fly.

/App/Www: That's your default application which contains your MVC files. When someone accesses your application that's where he/she will land, unless you change it to another application. You can also have /App/Site1, /App/Site2, /App/Api and so on to create multi applications which share the same Voodoo code base.

/assets/: That's your application shared assets. For your convenience, we added Bootstrap and JQuery.

/vendor/: Where composer installed the packages

/composer.json: The composer file

/index.php: The front-controller file which redirect everything to Voodoo to do its magic!

The Voodooist

The Voodooist is our servant, it will help us create directories and files properly namespaced per PSR-0 in our Voodoo application.

Once our application has been setup, Voodooist requires: /App/_conf/app.json and /App/voodooist.php. These files were created during the initial setup.

- App/_conf/app.json

App/_conf/app.json is a JSON file that contains the layout of your application, including modules, controllers, controller's action etc. It is ran by Voodooist to setup your application. Below is a basic app.json

    "createPublicAssets" : true,
    "applications" : [
            "name" : "www",
            "modules" : [
                    "name" : "Main",
                    "template" : "Default",
                    "isApi" : false,
                    "omitViews" : false,

                    "controllers" : [
                            "name" : "Index",
                            "actions" : ["index", "login", "logout", "about-us"]
                            "name" : "Account",
                            "actions" : ["index", "info", "preferences"]

                    "models" : [
                            "name" : "User",
                            "dbAlias" : "MyDB",
                            "table" : "user",
                            "primaryKey" : "id",
                            "foreignKey" : "%s_id"
                            "name" : "User/Preference",
                            "dbAlias" : "MyDB",
                            "table" : "user_preference",
                            "primaryKey" : "id",
                            "foreignKey" : "%s_id"

- /App/Voodoist.php

Once Voodoo is setup, you won't need to go the /vendor/voodoophp/voodoo/src/Voodoo/Voodooist/setup.php to create your application's files. Voodoo created /App/voodooist.php to serve the same purpose. You will need it to create your application's files on the fly based on your /App/_conf/app.json. All files will be properly namespaced per PSR-0, and placed inside of /App under their respective application.

Running the code below, will execute the /App/_conf/app.json set above:

cd /App
php ./voodooist.php

Upon execution of /App/voodooist.php you will should see a filesystem similar to this:

+-- App/
    +-- .htaccess
    +-- Www
        +-- Config.conf.php
        +-- Main
            +-- Controller/
                +-- BaseController.php (extends Voodoo\Core\Controller)
                +-- Index.php (extends BaseController)
                +-- Account.php (extends BaseController)
            +-- Model/
                +-- User.php
                +-- User/Preference.php
            +-- Views/
                +-- Index/
                    +-- Index.html
                    +-- Login.html
                    +-- Logout.html
                    +-- AboutUs.html
                +-- Account/
                    +-- Index.html
                    +-- Info.html
                    +-- Preferences.html
                +-- _assets/
                    +-- js/
                    +-- css/
                    +-- img/
                +-- _components/
                    +-- flash-message.html
                    +-- pagination.html
                +-- _layouts/
                    +-- default.html
                    +-- head-tag.html
                    +-- footer.html
                    +-- header.html
+-- assets/ [+]
+-- vendor/ [+]
+-- index.php
+-- .htaccess

Application (Multi-Applications)

Application is the upper level of your program. Everything must be in an application. An application can be another site sharing the same Voodoo code base of other application. Hence making Voodoo multi-sites , multi-applications ready.

You can have,, all under the same environment sharing the same front controller, same Voodoo code base. And since your application is namespaced PSR-0, it's easy to re-use code from other applications.

Inside of each applications are the applications modules. By default Voodoo creates the WWW which is the default entry point of your site. In large, Applications are sets of Modules. A more advance app.json looks like that with three applications: Www, AnotherApp, Api


    "createPublicAssets" : true,
    "applications" : [
            "name" : "www",
            "modules" : [
                    "name" : "Main",
                    "template" : "Default",
                    "isApi" : false,
                    "omitViews" : false,

                    "controllers" : [
                            "name" : "Index",
                            "actions" : ["index", "login", "logout", "about-us"]
                            "name" : "Account",
                            "actions" : ["index", "info", "preferences"]

                    "models" : [
                            "name" : "User",
                            "dbAlias" : "MyDB",
                            "table" : "user",
                            "primaryKey" : "id",
                            "foreignKey" : "%s_id"
                            "name" : "User/Preference",
                            "dbAlias" : "MyDB",
                            "table" : "user_preference",
                            "primaryKey" : "id",
                            "foreignKey" : "%s_id"
            "name" : "AnotherApp",
            "modules" : [
                    "name" : "Main",
                    "template" : "Default",
                    "isApi" : false,
                    "omitViews" : false,

                    "controllers" : [
                            "name" : "Index",
                            "actions" : ["index", "info"]
                    "name" : "Admin",
                    "template" : "Default",
                    "isApi" : false,
                    "omitViews" : false,

                    "controllers" : [
                            "name" : "Index",
                            "actions" : ["index", "login"]
            "name" : "Api",
            "modules" : [
                    "name" : "Main",
                    "template" : "",
                    "isApi" : true,
                    "omitViews" : true,

                    "controllers" : [
                            "name" : "Index",
                            "actions" : ["index", "status"]

After running /App/voodooist.php you will get the following structure

+-- App/
    +-- .htaccess
    +-- Www
        +-- Config.conf.php
        +-- Main
            +-- Controller/
                +-- BaseController.php (extends Voodoo\Core\Controller)
                +-- Index.php (extends BaseController)
                +-- Account.php (extends BaseController)
            +-- Model/
                +-- User.php
                +-- User/Preference.php
            +-- Views/
                +-- Index/
                    +-- Index.html
                    +-- Login.html
                    +-- Logout.html
                    +-- AboutUs.html
                +-- Account/
                    +-- Index.html
                    +-- Info.html
                    +-- Preferences.html
                +-- _assets/
                    +-- js/
                    +-- css/
                    +-- img/
                +-- _components/
                    +-- flash-message.html
                    +-- pagination.html
                +-- _layouts/
                    +-- default.html
                    +-- head-tag.html
                    +-- footer.html
                    +-- header.html
    +-- AnotherApp
        +-- Config.conf.php
        +-- Main
            +-- Controller/
                +-- BaseController.php (extends Voodoo\Core\Controller)
                +-- Index.php (extends BaseController)
            +-- Views/
                +-- Index/
                    +-- Index.html
                    +-- Info.html
                +-- _assets/[+]
                +-- _components/ [+]
                +-- _layouts/ [+]
        +-- Admin
            +-- Controller/
                +-- BaseController.php (extends Voodoo\Core\Controller)
                +-- Index.php (extends BaseController)
            +-- Views/
                +-- Index/
                    +-- Index.html
                    +-- Login.html
                +-- _assets/[+]
                +-- _components/ [+]
                +-- _layouts/ [+]
    +-- Api
        +-- Config.conf.php
        +-- Main
            +-- Controller/
                +-- BaseController.php (extends Voodoo\Core\Controller\Api)
                +-- Index.php (extends BaseController)
+-- assets/ [+]
+-- vendor/ [+]
+-- index.php
+-- .htaccess


Modules are the second level of your application. Application are sets of Modules and Modules are set of MVC application.

Each module contains one set of MVC. By default Voodoo will fall back to Main module if a module is not specified.

That's how the module Main looks like in the Www application.

+-- App/
    +-- .htaccess
    +-- Www
        +-- Config.conf.php
        +-- Main
            +-- Controller/
                +-- Index.php
            +-- Model/
                +-- MySampleModel.php
            +-- View/
                +-- Index/
                    +-- Index.html
                    +-- About.html
                +-- _assets/
                    +-- js/
                    +-- css/
                    +-- img/
                +-- _components/
                    +-- flash-message.html
                    +-- pagination.html
                +-- _layouts/
                    +-- default.html
                    +-- head-tag.html
                    +-- footer.html
                    +-- header.html
+-- assets/ [+]
+-- vendor/ [+]
+-- index.php
+-- .htaccess

All classes are namespaced per PSR-0. So the main namespace for Www/Main are as follow:


Substitute Www for any other application name you would have the same structure.

What can modules be used for?

Modules can be other sections of your site separated from the main site, let's say App\Www\Admin for an admin section or App\Www\Api to serve an API. It can be anything you want it. It can be used for A/B testing... etc...

Now you understand how Voodoo is structured let's get to know about how everything works

Front-Controller: /index.php

At the root of your application there is the index.php. Its job, as a front-controller, is to encapsulate the typical request/route/dispatch/response for the Voodoo application, by invoking Voodoo\Core\Application


</title>` , well my friend, I'm not sure Voodoo is the right tool for you. Anyway...

That's how a template file looks like with mustache template:


            {{#each articles}}
            {{/each articles}}


By default, all models based on our app.json will reside under the namespace: App\Www\Main\Model

Also by default, Voodoo uses VoodOrm, a micro-ORM which functions as both a fluent select query API and a CRUD model class. It is extended in \Voodoo\Core\Model.

When models are created in the app.json for example


    "models" : [
            "name" : "User",
            "dbAlias" : "MyDB",
            "table" : "user",
            "primaryKey" : "id",
            "foreignKey" : "%s_id"

When the model is created, these settings will be added in the class so it can connect to the DB via PDO

/App/Cong/DB.conf.php and dbAlias

Voodoo requires that you store your DB settings (dbname, username, password, host) in /App/_conf/DB.conf.php . Each settings is associated to an alias.

Database connections are managed by Voodoo\Core\ConnectionManager() which makes sure the connection is connected once per alias, even if it's called 20 billions times (I hope not, lol).

This is how the /App/_conf/DB.conf.php looks like:

    type       = "mysql"
    host       = "localhost" 
    port       = 3306
    user       = "root" 
    password   = "my_password" 
    dbname     = "my_db_name"  

Where MyDB is the alias name.

So in the app.json "dbAlias" : "MyDB" refers to the the above settings, and the ConnectionManager will use it to connect to the DB.

So having the dbAlias, allows you to have your settings in one place, and if you change anything in it, like host or dbName, all the classes that use MyDB will still work fine.

By extending the model to Voodoo\Core\Model the connection is cleverly handled by Voodoo, you don't need to do jack.

So once our App/_conf/app.json is ran by App/voodooist.php you should have a model class similar to this:



namespace App\Www\Main\Model;

use Voodoo;

class User extends Voodoo\Core\Model
    protected $tableName = "user";

    protected $primaryKeyName = "id";

    protected $foreignKeyName = "%s_id";

    protected $dbAlias = "MyDB";


Since Voodoo uses VoodOrm, so automatically we can use all of VoodOrm methods like, App\Www\Main\Model\User::find(), App\Www\Main\Model\User::count() etc...

As you can see, Voodoo avoids mixing database calls, HTML tags and business logic in the same script. That is why we separate each part of our application, and this practice is called Separation of Concerns.

First Voodoo App

Now that you have learned how Voodoo works, let's create a simple application: Hello World at the path: and

To do so, we will use Voodooist to setup our files.

Edit the file: App/_conf/app.json

    "createPublicAssets" : true,
    "applications" : [
            "name" : "www",
            "modules" : [
                    "name" : "Main",
                    "template" : "Default",
                    "isApi" : false,
                    "omitViews" : false,

                    "controllers" : [
                            "name" : "Index",
                            "actions" : ["index", "hello-world", "articles"]

                    "models" : [
                            "name" : "Articles",
                            "dbAlias" : "MyDB",
                            "table" : "articles",
                            "primaryKey" : "id",
                            "foreignKey" : "%s_id"

Run this below

    cd /App
    php ./voodooist.php

And you should get the following filesystem:

+-- App/
    +-- .htaccess
    +-- Www
        +-- Config.conf.php
        +-- Main
            +-- Controller/
                +-- Index.php
            +-- View/
                +-- Index/
                    +-- Index.html
                    +-- HelloWorld.html
                    +-- Articles.html
                +-- _assets/
                    +-- js/
                    +-- css/
                    +-- img/
                +-- _components/
                    +-- flash-message.html
                    +-- pagination.html
                +-- _layouts/
                    +-- default.html
                    +-- head-tag.html
                    +-- footer.html
                    +-- header.html
+-- assets/ [+]
+-- vendor/ [+]
+-- index.php
+-- .htaccess



namespace App\Www\Main\Controller;

use App\Ww\Main\Model;

class Index extends BaseController

     * The default action.
    public function actionIndex(){
        $this->view()->setPageTitle("Welcome to my Site");

    * @action hello-world
    public function actionHelloWorld(){
        $this->view()->setPageTitle("Hello World");

    * @action articles
    public function actionArticles(){

        $this->view()->setPageTitle("Latest Articles");

        $articles = (new Model\Articles)->find();

        $articlesData = [];
        foreach ($articles as $article) {
            $articlesData[] = [
                "id" => $article->getPK(),
                "title" => $article->title,
                "date" => $this->formatDate($article->published_date)

        $this->view()->assign("articles", $articlesData);




namespace App\Www\Main\Model;

use Voodoo;

class Articles extends Voodoo\Core\Model

    protected $tableName = "articles";

    protected $primaryKeyName = "id";

    protected $foreignKeyName = "%s_id";

    protected $dbAlias = "MyDB";


Create the Views:


    <h3>Welcome to my site</h3>

    Blah blah blah


    <h3>Hello World</h3>

    Blah blah blah


    <h3>Latest Articles</h3>

        {{#each articles}}
            <li><a href='{{../_app.controller_url}}/read/{{id}}'>{{title}}</a></li>



Voodoo requires a container template file. The container is a place holder for the action's view. The container may contain header, footer, sidebar etc.. but must include the tag below to include the action's view page

    {{!include @action_view}}

Technically, the container is the layout of your application, and your action files are files to be included in the layout.

So let's create the container. It is placed at:



        {{%include _layouts/header}}

            {{!include @action_view}}

        {{> _layouts/footer}}

Now everything is setup and ready to go.

If someone accesses, he/she will see the list of all articles.

That's pretty much it.

Go to for a more in depth documentation.

VoodooPHP was created by Mardix and released under the MIT License.


(c) This Year Mardix

(oof! that was a lot of writing, June 9 2013)

All versions of voodoo with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.4.0
voodoophp/voodorm Version 2.*
voodoophp/paginator Version 2.*
voodoophp/handlebars Version 2.*
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package voodoophp/voodoo contains the following files

Loading the files please wait ....