Download the PHP package vncore/core without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package vncore/core. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Package core
Short Description Core laravel admin for all systems (ecommerce, cms, pmo...)
License MIT
Informations about the package core
Core Laravel admin for all systems (ecommerce, cms, pmo...)
composer require vncore/core
Installation and documentation
About Vncore
Vncore is a compact source code built with Laravel, helping users quickly build a powerful admin website. Whether your system is simple or complex, Vncore will help you operate and scale it easily.
What can Vncore do?
- Provides a powerful and flexible role management and user group solution.
- Offers a synchronous authentication API, enhancing API security with additional layers.
- Build and manage Plugins/Templates that work in the system
- Comprehensive access log monitoring system.
- Continuously updates security vulnerabilities.
- Supports multiple languages, easy management.
- Vncore is FREE
And more:
- Vncore builds a large, open ecosystem (plugin, template), helping users quickly build CMS, PMO, eCommerce, etc., according to your needs.
Laravel core:
Vncore 1.x
Core laravel framework 11.x
Website structure using Vncore
├── app
│ └── Vncore
│ ├── Core(+) //Customize controller of Core
│ ├── Front(+) //Customize controller of Front (`if vncore/front installed`)
│ ├── Helpers(+) //Auto load Helpers/*.php
│ ├── Blocks(+) // The list of blades will be used to display on the admin homepage.
│ ├── Templates(+) //Use `php artisan vncore:make template --name=NameOfTempate`
│ └── Plugins(+) //Use `php artisan vncore:make plugin --name=NameOfPlugin`
├── public
│ └── Vncore
│ ├── Admin(+)
│ ├── Templates(+)
│ └── Plugins(+)
├── resources
│ └── views/vendor
│ └── vncore-admin(+) //Customize view admin
├── vendor
│ └── vncore/core
├── .env
│ └── VNCORE_ACTIVE=1 //ON|OFF vncore
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Quick Installation Guide
Step 1: Prepare the Laravel source
Refer to the command:
composer create-project laravel/laravel website-folder
Step 2: Install the vncore/core package
Move to Laravel directory (in this example is
), and run the command:composer require vncore/core
Step 3: Check the configuration in the .env file
Ensure that the database configuration and APP_KEY information in the .env file are complete.
If the APP_KEY is not set, use the following command to generate it:
php artisan key:generate
Step 4: Initialize vncore
Run the command:
php artisan vncore:install
Useful information:
To view Vncore version
php artisan vncore:info
Update vncore
Update the package using the command:
composer update vncore/core
Then, run the command:
php artisan vncore:update
To create a plugin:
php artisan vncore:make plugin --name=PluginName
To create a zip file plugin:
php artisan vncore:make plugin --name=PluginName --download=1
To create a template:
php artisan vncore:make template --name=TemplateName
To create a zip file template:
php artisan vncore:make template --name=TemplateName --download=1
Customize vncore-config and functions
php artisan vncore:customize config
Customize view admin
php artisan vncore:customize view
*Overwrite vncore_ helper functions**
Step 1: Use the command
php artisan vncore:customize config
to copy the fileapp/config/vncore_functions_except.php
Step 2: Add the list of functions you want to override to
Step 3: Create a new function in the
app/Vncore/Helpers folder
Overwrite vncore controller files
Step 1: Copy the controller files you want to override in vendor/vncore/core/src/Admin/Controllers -> app/Vncore/Core/Admin/Controllers
Step 2: Change
namespace Vncore\Core\Admin\Controllers
tonamespace App\Vncore\Core\Admin\Controllers
Overwrite vncore API controller files
Step 1: Copy the controller files you want to override in vendor vendor/vncore/core/src/Api/Controllers -> app/Vncore/Core/Api/Controllers
Step 2: Change
namespace Vncore\Core\Api\Controllers
tonamespace App\Vncore\Core\Api\Controllers
Add route
Use prefix and middleware constants VNCORE_ADMIN_PREFIX
in route declaration.
Environment variables in .env file
Quickly disable Vncore and plugins
// To disable, set value 0
Disable APIs
// To disable, set value 0
Data table prefixes
//Cannot change after install vncore
Path prefix to admin
All versions of core with dependencies
unisharp/laravel-filemanager Version ^2.8
intervention/image-laravel Version ^1.3
spatie/laravel-pjax Version ^2.4
spatie/laravel-json-api-paginate Version ^1.14
phpoffice/phpspreadsheet Version ^2.0
jenssegers/agent Version ^2.6
barryvdh/laravel-dompdf Version ^v2.1
laravel/framework Version ^11.0
laravel/helpers Version ^1.7
laravel/legacy-factories Version ^1.4
laravel/sanctum Version ^4.0
laravel/tinker Version ^2.9
laravel/ui Version ^4.5