Download the PHP package vitexsoftware/ease-html without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package vitexsoftware/ease-html. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Informations about the package ease-html
Ease Framework Html
"My way how to assemble web page using PHP Objects."
Basic Example for HTML5 WebPage:
or use the WebPage class:
Special Classess
Main Glue of Ease\Html is
Container can contain simple text, another object or mix od them.
Is smarter container able to hold Scripts and cascade styles
and finally:
Is Page that include Head and Body elements
Implemented HTML5 tags:
- AddressTag
- ArticleTag
- AsideTag
- ATag
- AudioTag
- BdiTag
- BodyTag
- ButtonTag
- CanvasTag
- DatalistTag
- DdTag
- DetailsTag
- DialogTag
- DivTag
- DlTag
- DtTag
- EmbedTag
- EmTag
- FieldSet
- FigCaptionTag
- FigureTag
- FooterTag
- Form
- HeaderTag
- HeadTag
- HrTag
- HtmlTag
- H1Tag
- H2Tag
- H3Tag
- H4Tag
- CheckboxGroup
- CheckboxTag
- IframeTag
- ImgTag
- InputColorTag
- InputContainer
- InputDateTag
- InputDateTimeLocalTag
- InputDateTimeTag
- InputEmailTag
- InputFileTag
- InputHiddenTag
- InputMonthTag
- InputNumberTag
- InputPasswordTag
- InputRadioTag
- InputRangeTag
- InputSearchTag
- InputSubmitTag
- InputTag
- InputTelTag
- InputTextTag
- InputTimeTag
- InputUrlTag
- InputWeekTag
- JavaScript
- KeygenTag
- LabelTag
- LiTag
- MainTag
- MarkTag
- MenuItemTag
- MetaTag
- MeterTag
- NavTag
- OlTag
- OptionTag
- OutputTag
- PairTag
- ParamTag
- PreTag
- ProgressTag
- PTag
- RadiobuttonGroup
- RpTag
- RtTag
- RubyTag
- ScriptTag
- SectionTag
- Select
- SelectTag
- SimpleHeadTag
- SmallTag
- SourceTag
- Span
- SpanTag
- StrongTag
- SubmitButton
- SummaryTag
- SvgTag
- TableTag
- Tag
- Tbody
- TdTag
- TextareaTag
- Tfoot
- Thead
- ThTag
- TimeTag
- TitleTag
- TrackTag
- TrTag
- UlTag
- VideoTag
- WbrTag
Debian Repository
All versions of ease-html with dependencies
PHP Build Version
Package Version
vitexsoftware/ease-core Version
The package vitexsoftware/ease-html contains the following files
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