Download the PHP package uncinc/gdpr-dump without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package uncinc/gdpr-dump. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

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  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
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Informations about the package gdpr-dump


A drop-in replacement for mysqldump that optionally sanitizes DB fields for better GDPR conformity.

It is based on the ifsnop/mysqldump-php library, and can in principle dump any database that PDO supports.

How to use

Scroll down a bit for usage with Drush.

There are presently two ways of manipulating data, the first is by manipulating the actual SQL queries that are run on the server (given by the gdpr-expressions path), and the second is by replacing column output before the dump is generated (given by the gdpr-replacements option).

The fields to obfuscate are passed via a --gdpr-expressions parameter. Note that we use uid expression to satisfy unique keys.

The same without obfuscation:

Using gdpr-replacements

This uses Faker for most of the column sanitization.

Presently, the tool searches for the "gdpr-replacements" option, either passed as a command line argument, or as part of a MySql options file.

The "gdpr-replacements" option expects a JSON string with the following format

Where formatterType is one of the following

This will replace the given column's value with Faker output.

You can also save replacements mapping to JSON file and use it with --gdpr-replacements-file option.

Use with drush

As this mimicks mysqldump, it can be use with drush, backup_migrate and any tool that uses mysqldump. Example for your local Docker instance:

On Staging, Accept or Production environments you probably want to do the following (replace

This runs in the docroot, but most repositories have the gdpr-replacements.json in the root folder, hence the ../.

If your project does not have a gdpr-replacements.json please use the template from this project and add one.

To save diskspace, run it like so:

Gitlab-CI copy-x-database-to-x jobs

If your repo has a gdpr-replacements.json, you can manually trigger a job to copy the database do Accept/Staging environment, after a deployment. These jobs will use the gdpr-replacements.json if it's available.

Exclude table content

drush sql-dump takes an argument called --structure-tables-list. From the docs: "A comma-separated list of tables to include for structure, but not data."

The Gitlab-CI copy-x-database-to-x jobs have been extended with a new parameter: STRUCTURE_TABLES_LIST You can configure the parameter in your .gitlab-ci.yml like so: STRUCTURE_TABLES_LIST: "batch,cache_*,cachetags,flood,history,sessions,queue,watchdog,webform_submission,webform_submission_data"

MySqlOptions file

You are able to have your gdpr-expressions/replacement options set in a mysql options file file. It is to appear under the [mysqldump] section.

So, for example, you might have /etc/my.cnf with the following content

Status and further development

Currently this is a proof of concept to spark a community process. Especially the --gdpr-expressions option is neither handy to write for humans, nor does it scale well. Here we might need better options.

Contributors notes

All versions of gdpr-dump with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires symfony/console Version ^6.3
ifsnop/mysqldump-php Version ^2.12
bomoko/mysql-cnf-parser Version ^0.0.3
fakerphp/faker Version ^1.23
symfony/event-dispatcher Version ^6.3
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package uncinc/gdpr-dump contains the following files

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