Download the PHP package uecode/daemon-bundle without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package uecode/daemon-bundle. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download uecode/daemon-bundle
More information about uecode/daemon-bundle
Files in uecode/daemon-bundle
Package daemon-bundle
Short Description Symfony2 Daemon Bundle
License MIT
Informations about the package daemon-bundle
Uecode DaemonBundle
Its now pretty easy to daemonize php commands using upstart, or init.d. Please use those instead of this, as you will get a lot more support.
DaemonBundle is a wrapper for the PEAR library System_Daemon which was created by Kevin Vanzonneveld.
This will enable you to install the symfony bundle and easily convert your Symfony2 console scripts into system daemons.
pcntl is required to be configured in your PHP binary to use this. On my Ubuntu server I was able to install pcntl easily with the following command:
sudo apt-get install php-5.3-pcntl-zend-server
System_Daemon PEAR package
System_Daemon is a PHP class that allows developers to create their own daemon applications on Linux systems. The class is focussed entirely on creating & spawning standalone daemons
More info at:
DaemonBundle Config
THIS BUNDLE REQUIRES THE Uecode\Bundle\UecodeBundle (
Place Uecode\Bundle\Daemonbundle in your src directory and do the following:
"uecode/daemon-bundle": "dev-master",
Add The DaemonBundle to your kernel bootstrap sequence
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Uecode\Bundle\DaemonBundle\DaemonBundle(),
return $bundles;
By Default, system daemons have a sensible configuration. If you need to change any configuration setting , you could do it by adding this configuration to your project config. Only the values that need to be changed should be added, the bundle extension will merge your daemon configs into its defaults. YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST THIS PIECE TO WORK
#Uecode DaemonBundle Config
config.yml - Extras
#UecodeDaemonBundle Configuration Example
#creates a daemon using default options
example: ~
#an example of all the available options
appName: example
appDir: %kernel.root_dir%
appDescription: Example of how to configure the DaemonBundle
logDir: %kernel.logs_dir%
authorName: Aaron Scherer
authorEmail: [email protected]
appPidDir: %kernel.cache_dir%/daemons/
sysMaxExecutionTime: 0
sysMaxInputTime: 0
sysMemoryLimit: 1024M
appUser: apache
appGroup: apache
appRunAsGID: 1000
appRunAsUID: 1000
Creating a Daemon
Make sure you extend \Uecode\Bundle\DaemonBundle\Command\ExtendCommand
namespace Uecode\Bundle\DaemonBundle\Command;
use \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command\ContainerAwareCommand;
use \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput;
use \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container;
use \Uecode\Bundle\DaemonBundle\System\Daemon\Exception;
use \Uecode\Bundle\DaemonBundle\Service\DaemonService;
* Example Command class
class ExampleCommand extends ExtendCommand
* Configures the Command
protected function configure()
->setName( 'example' )
->setDescription( 'Starts an example Daemon' )
->setHelp( 'Usage: <info>php app/console example start|stop|restart</info>' )
->addArgument( 'method', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'start|stop|restart' );
* Sample Daemon Logic. Logs `Daemon is running!` every 5 seconds
* @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input
* @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output
protected function daemonLogic( InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output )
// Do a little logging
$this->container->get( 'logger' )->info( 'Daemon is running!' );
// And then sleep for 5 seconds
$this->daemon->iterate( 5 );
Once you have Daemonized your symfony Console Commands, you can simply run them from the command line like so:
aequasi@ue:~/example$ php app/console queue:start
aequasi@ue:~/example$ php app/console queue:stop
aequasi@ue:~/example$ php app/console queue:restart
All versions of daemon-bundle with dependencies
ext-json Version *
uecode/daemon Version ~1.0.2
uecode/uecode-bundle Version ~1.0.0