Download the PHP package trilobit-gmbh/contao-databaseformfieldoptions-bundle without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package trilobit-gmbh/contao-databaseformfieldoptions-bundle. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download trilobit-gmbh/contao-databaseformfieldoptions-bundle
More information about trilobit-gmbh/contao-databaseformfieldoptions-bundle
Files in trilobit-gmbh/contao-databaseformfieldoptions-bundle
Package contao-databaseformfieldoptions-bundle
Short Description Contao 4 / Contao 5 database formfield options bundle
License LGPL-3.0-or-later
Informations about the package contao-databaseformfieldoptions-bundle
Mit dem DatabaseFormFieldOptions Bundle werden dem Contao Formulargenerator neue Eingabefeld-Typen hinzugefügt:
- Country-Select
- Language-Select
- Gender-Select
- Database-Select (unter Angabe, welche Tabelle, welche Spalte die Optionen ausgibt und welche Spalte für die Labels ist)
- Database-Radio - siehe Database-Select
- Database-Checkbox - siehe Database-Select
Bei allen DB Feldern besteht die Möglichkeit, manuell eigenen Optionen zu ergänzen, eine Leerauswahl hinzuzufügen sowie Filter zu definieren (z.B. pid=...). Dabei muss jedoch bedacht werden, das die Filter durch SQL-Injections ein gewisses Risiko beinhalten!
With the DatabaseFormFieldOptions Bundle, new input field types are added to the Contao form generator
- Country select
- Language-Select
- Gender-Select
- Database-Select (stating which table, which column outputs the options and which column is for the labels)
- Database-Radio - see Database-Select
- Database-Checkbox - see Database-Select
For all DB fields you can manually add your own options, add an empty selection and define filters (e.g. pid = ...). However, due to SQL injections, there is some risk in using the filters.
Backend Ausschnitt
Install the extension via composer: trilobit-gmbh/contao-databaseformfieldoptions-bundle.
- Contao version ~4.9
- Contao version ~4.13