Download the PHP package toteph42/spambot without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package toteph42/spambot. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Informations about the package spambot
Block access to your Web Site (singe pages or whole Internet presence) for spam robots. All IP or e-mail addresses are identified as Spam (suspicious access) or Ham (allowed access) based on BlackList or WhiteList or provider checks.
You may use one or more of the following providers
- Intern Caching of testing results. Definition of BlackList or WhiteList.
- Spamhaus Testing IP address.
- Honeypot Testing IP address.
- StopForumSpam Testing IP and mail address.
- Spam and Open Relay Blocking System (SORBS) Testing IP address.
- SpamCop Testing IP address.
- BlockList Testing IP address.
- NixSpam Testing IP address.
- UCE Protect Testing IP address (Level 1+2+3).
- Abusive Host Blocking List Testing IP address.
- Weighted Private Block List Testing IP address.
- BotScout Testing IP and mail address.
- FSpamList Testing IP and mail address.
- IPStack Allow access for selected countries.
- Install Plugin
- Create a new Frontend module of typ SpamBot-IP or SpamBot-Mail**. Configure which provider should be used.
- Create a new page (optional) to which suspicious visitor should be redirected or check and update template mod_spambot according to your requirements (existing template supports German and English messages).
- Include module either in Page layout or on one or more pages as Page element.
- All visitor IP / mail addresses are checked and in case of suspicious visitor (Spam) either a message is displayed or visitor is redirected to a preselected page.
- Using a new menu option in BackEnd (in Account management) you can specify addition IP / mail addresses or regular expressions in BlackList or WhiteList.
- After checking the IP address, the following InsertTags are available in all templates:
IP address checked.{{SpamBot::Typ}}
Spam typ.{{SpamBot::Engine}}
Spam provider name (probably with link).{{SpamBot::Status}}
Status message.
- Search engines were called in parallel. With this special solution operational capacity is enlarged dramatically.
- We recommend using modules only on page level.
- Depending on which / how many provider you want to use latency time for displaying pages are extended. If you include module e.g. only on registration page and/or on contact page all other pages will be displayed faster.
- If you use a Internet site with multi-language support you may define multiple Frontend modules with a a language specific redirection page.
- With this plugin you may lock specific pages from being displayed (in your intranet) using the BlackList or allow only specific visitors to see these pages using WhiteList.
- You may use SpamBot-Mail in any form of your choice. Please don't forget to include modul at top of your page and in your Forms to configure the Inputfield E-Mail with the Configuration check for E-Mails.
- We highly recommend making any tests on a page not visible for other visitors or on a local copy of your Internet site (may bee you will lock or potential customers during testing :-).
- Allow logging of Ham IP / mail access.
- Open you prepared page in front end.
- Take a look at the IP / mail address in BackEnd.
- Check IP / mail address with configured provider and analyze result.
- Modify record and change type to Spam.
- Reload your modified page in browser and check results.
Please enjoy!
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All versions of spambot with dependencies
PHP Build Version
Package Version
The package toteph42/spambot contains the following files
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