Download the PHP package tomkyle/databases without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package tomkyle/databases. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package databases
Short Description Creates generic connections to common database APIs, provided by easy-to-use connection factories. For multiple databases, a Service Locator helps you creating those factories.
License MIT
Informations about the package databases
Databases Factory & Service Locator
This Databases Connection Factory & Service Locator creates generic connections to common database APIs, provided by easy-to-use connection factories. When working with multiple databases, a Service Locator helps you creating those factories. It supports PDO, mysqli and Aura.SQL v1.3.
In a Nutshell
Single Database
- Setup DatabaseConfig with associative array or StdClass
- Create DatabaseProvider with config object (Dependency Injection)
- Grab your connection for the database API you like
Show it already!
Multiple Databases
- Describe database connections in two-dimensional array or StdClass
- Setup DatabaseServiceLocator with config object
- Get DatabaseProvider from ServiceLocator
- Grab your connection for the database API you like
Show it already!
This library has no dependencies except from Fabien Potencier's Pimple library. It is installable and autoloadable via Composer. During installation, Composer will suggest to install Aura.SQL v1.3, if you have not already. Install from command line or composer.json
Command line
composer require tomykle/databases
"require": {
"tomkyle/databases": "~1.0"
Getting started: Single Database
Each DatabaseProvider
needs some info about the database in question, passed as parameter implementing the DatabaseConfigInterface
. A ready-to-use implementation is the DatabaseConfig
, which itself is configured either by an associative array or StdClass.
Now that you have your DatabaseConfig
ready, simply pass to new DatabaseProvider
and grab the connection you like.
Configuration options
If one of these fields is empty or missing, DatabaseConfig
will throw a RuntimeException
- host: The host name
- database: The name of the database
- user or username: the database user
- pass or password: the database password
Optional fields, with default values according to MySQL:
- charset: the charset to use, defaults to
- type: the database type, defaults to
- port: the database port, defaults to
Retrieving connections
Each DatabaseProvider
instance provides and instantiates different kinds of Singleton-like database connections. You may grab your connection either by calling a Getter method or access it as array key (the Pimple way):
PDO Connections
Aura.SQL Connections
mysqli Connections
Multiple Databases: Using Service Locator
Assume your project deals with a couple of different databases, with credentials and stuff in a JSON config file. First, describe each connection with config options (see full list below), like this:
Sample config file
- Parse config contents into a
object - Create a new instance of
passing in your database descriptions - Get your
instance for your database - Let factory create generic connection:
Retrieving connections
Each database passed in the DatabaseServiceLocator
will be available like an array member. The database returned will be a Singleton-like instance of DatabaseProvider
Since both Service Locator and Factories are Pimple extensions, you can get your connection in one call as well:
Best practice
If a class needs a special database connection, let's say PDO, here's how:
- Get your connection provider
- Let it create a PDO connection for you
- Inject the resulting PDO.
…and the next class, relying on Aura.SQL dependencies:
- Take the very same connection provider instance (remember: Singleton!)
- Let it create a Aura.SQL connection for you
- Inject the resulting Aura.SQL Mysql Connection.
This way, when things go wrong, they do so outside your business classes (Inversion of Control).
Paul M. Jones recently covers this topic in his recently published article “What Application Layer Does A DI Container Belong In?”.
Questions and Answers
Wait, isn't this an Anti-Pattern?
Yes, if you use the DatabaseServiceLocator as dependency inside your classes, injecting it in constructors or Setter methods, type-hinting against it or not. No, if you use it in your composition root or configuration environment.
How far are the connections configured?
Beside from their charset, the connections “ex factory” are not configured specially. So if you like to change the default fetch mode or (think of PDO::setAttribute
), you may want to configure it yourself. Remember, each connection is generic!
What about Aura.SQL v2 ?
Currently, DatabaseServiceLocator supports Aura.SQL v1.3. With Aura v2 coming soon, Aura.SQL splits up into three modules Aura.SQL v2 Aura.SQL_Query and Aura.SQL_Schema – see Paul M. Jones' article “A Peek At Aura v2 -- Aura.Sql and ExtendedPdo”.
I will try to add v2 support as soon as v2 has become stable or standard, and I got used to it. Just in case you already are, you are invited to fork your own DatabaseServiceLocator :-)