Download the PHP package theposeidonas/laravel-emoji-parser without Composer
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Package laravel-emoji-parser
Short Description A Laravel package for handling emoji expressions in blade files.
License MIT
Informations about the package laravel-emoji-parser

Laravel Emoji Parser Package
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A Laravel package for handling emoji expressions in blade files.
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Table of Contents
- About The Project
- Getting Started
- Usage
- Contributing
- License
- Contact
About The Project
Laravel Emoji Parser is a package for handling emoji expressions in Laravel projects. It parses emoji expressions in text, replacing them with the corresponding Unicode characters, allowing you to provide a user-friendly emoji experience in your Laravel applications.
Why you need it:
Compatibility: The Laravel Emoji Parser ensures consistent emoji rendering across different platforms and devices. It handles the conversion of emoji expressions to Unicode characters, promoting a standardized approach to emoji usage.
- Blade Integration: Seamless integration with Laravel Blade allows you to easily incorporate emojis into your views and templates using simple directives, enhancing the simplicity of implementation.
By integrating Laravel Emoji Parser into your Laravel projects, you can effortlessly incorporate emojis into your application's text, providing a modern and enjoyable user experience. You can find the emoji lib under src/resources/emoji.json file.
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Getting Started
Once the package is successfully added to your project, it will be automatically loaded by Laravel's autoloader.
Laravel Emoji Parser can be integrated with Blade directives. You can use name, keyword or slug to find emojis. For example:
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If you find a bug or would like to contribute, please create an issue or submit a pull request. Your contributions are welcome!
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The Laravel Emoji Parser package is licensed under the MIT License. For more information, see the LICENSE file.
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Baran Arda - @theposeidonas - [email protected]
Project Link:
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