Download the PHP package thelia/chronopost-home-delivery-module without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package thelia/chronopost-home-delivery-module. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download thelia/chronopost-home-delivery-module
More information about thelia/chronopost-home-delivery-module
Files in thelia/chronopost-home-delivery-module
Package chronopost-home-delivery-module
Short Description Chronopost delivery module for home deliveries.
License LGPL-3.0+
Informations about the package chronopost-home-delivery-module
Allows you to choose between differents delivery modes offered by Chronopost. Activating one or more of them will let your customers choose which one they want.
Delivery types currently availables :
- Chrono13
- Chrono18
- Chrono Classic (Delivery in Europe)
- Chrono Express (Express delivery in Europe)
- Fresh13
- Others will be added in future versions
NB1 : You need IDs provided by Chronopost to use this module.
- Copy the module into directory and be sure that the name of the module is Chronopost.
- Activate it in your thelia administration panel
Add it in your main thelia composer.json file
First, go to your back office, tab Modules, and activate the module Chronopost. Then go to Chronopost configuration page, tab "Advanced Configuration" and fill the required fields.
After activating the delivery types you wih to use, new tabs will appear. With these, you can change the shipping prices according to the delivery type and the area, and/or activate free shipping for a given price and/or given area, or just activate it no matter the are and cart amount.
If you also have the ChronopostLabel module, you can then generate and download labels from the Chronopost Label page accessible from the toolbar on the left of the BackOffice, or directly from the order page.
Input arguments
Argument | Description |
area_id | Mandatory ID of the area from which you want to know the prices. |
delivery_mode_id | Mandatory ID of the delivery mode of which you want to know the prices. |
Output arguments
Variable | Description |
$SLICE_ID | ID of the price slice |
$MAX_WEIGHT | Max weight for this slice price |
$MAX_PRICE | Max untaxed price of a cart for this price |
$PRICE | Price for this slice |
$FRANCO | Price of the Franco for this slice |
Input arguments
Output arguments
Variable | Description |
$ID | The delivery mode ID in the table |
$TITLE | The delivery mode title (ex : Fresh13) |
$CODE | The delivery mode code (ex : 2R) |
$FREESHIPPING_ACTIVE | 0 or 1 depending on whether the total freeshipping is active or not |
$FREESHIPPING_FROM | Cart price needed for freeshipping |
Input arguments
Argument | Description |
area_id | ID of the area from which you want to know the free shipping minimum amount needed. |
delivery_mode_id | ID of the delivery mode of which you want to know the free shipping minimum amount needed. |
Output arguments
Variable | Description |
$AREA_ID | ID of the area |
$DELIVERY_MODE_ID | ID of the delivery mode |
$CART_AMOUNT | Cart amount needed for free shipping in this area and for this delivery mode |
Templates are examples of integration for the default theme of Thelia and should probably be modified to suit your website better.