Download the PHP package tflori/hugga without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package tflori/hugga. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Package hugga
Short Description library for console applications with input and output handling
License MIT
Informations about the package hugga
PHP library for console applications. It supports formatting of messages and tables as well input handling with choices.
Like all my libraries: only with composer
Basic usage
There is no documentation yet except this api reference. For some examples also have a look at
examples/test.php and try them yourself with php vendor/tflori/hugga/examples/test.php
Also, there is an example how to create a paginated table with existing features in examples/paginated-table.php'.
Some features are still planned but a lot of features are available and they are enough for start and replacing symfony/console.
Output Handling
- Drawings: a mechanism to stay at the end of your output while other output is printed above (clocks, progress bars etc.)
- Weighted output: just output and hugga will handle if the user want's to see it or not (verbosity)
- Formatting output: easy formatting with combined expression (example:
) - Output tables: easy to use tables with a lot of formatting features:
- Predefined format: configure the formatting once and for all later tables
- Borders: enable or disable borders (borders inside: between rows)
- Padding: left and right padding inside cells
- Repeat headers: repeat headers every nth row
- Header style: define styles used for headers
- Progress bars: smooth progress bars with 8 steps (utf-8) and other formatting features:
- Undetermined: throbber that spins between edges
- Update rate: instead of define after how much steps the progressbar should update (symfony/console) you define how much time has to elapse before redrawing
- Characters: change the characters used for the progress bar
- Throbber: change the throbber used for undetermined progress bar
- Floating point steps: use floating point numbers
Input Handling
- InputObserver: directly access the keyboard without writing the output to console
- EditLine fix: edit line (replacement for read line) can not read single key presses
- ReadLine: use read line for reading from stdin if available
- Read chars: read a specific amount of characters (multibyte safe)
- Read until: read input until a specific string appears (example:
) - Simple question: a simple question with default value
- Confirmation: a question with the choice between y(es) and n(o) (characters can be changed)
- Choice: a question to choose between a list of options
- Interactive by default: choose with cursor keys and select with enter using InputObserver
- Return key: return the key instead of the value (default for assoc arrays)
- Limit: change the limit of visible options (for interactive version)
Planned features
- Debug output: output variables in a human readable format with highlighting
- Interactive tables: scroll through tables using cursor keys and pagination
All versions of hugga with dependencies
ext-mbstring Version *
ext-readline Version *
nicmart/string-template Version ^0.1.1
psr/log Version ^1.0