Download the PHP package test-magenx/module-product-alert without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package test-magenx/module-product-alert. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package module-product-alert
Magento_ProductAlert module
This module enables product alerts, which allow customers to sign up for emails about product price or stock status change.
Before installing this module, note that the Magento_ProductAlert is dependent on the following modules:
The Magento_ProductAlert module creates the following tables in the database:
All database schema changes made by this module are rolled back when the module gets disabled and setup:upgrade command is run.
The Magento_ProductAlert module contains the recurring script. Script's modifications don't need to be manually reverted upon uninstallation.
For information about a module installation in Magento 2, see Enable or disable modules.
Extension developers can interact with the Magento_ProductAlert module. For more information about the Magento extension mechanism, see Magento plug-ins.
The Magento dependency injection mechanism enables you to override the functionality of the Magento_ProductAlert module.
This module introduces the following layouts in the view/frontend/layout
For more information about a layout in Magento 2, see the Layout documentation.
Additional information
More information can get at articles:
Cron options
Cron group configuration can be set at etc/crontab.xml
- send product alerts to customers
All versions of module-product-alert with dependencies
magento/framework Version 102.0.*
magento/module-backend Version 101.0.*
magento/module-catalog Version 103.0.*
magento/module-customer Version 102.0.*
magento/module-store Version 101.0.*