Download the PHP package taocomp/php-e-invoice-it without Composer
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Package php-e-invoice-it
Short Description A PHP package for managing italian e-invoice and notice XML formats
License GPL-3.0-or-later
Informations about the package php-e-invoice-it
+TITLE: PHP E-invoice It
A PHP package for managing italian e-invoice and notice XML formats:
- XML management through ~DOMDocument~ and ~DOMXPath~
- full ~FatturaElettronica~ (FatturaPA) XML skeleton
- smart simplified xpath strings for getting/setting values (and for adding/getting/removing elements if needed)
- multiple bodies (invoice lot)
- multiple line items (~DettaglioLinee~)
- multiple generic elements with ~setElementCount()~
- XML normalization: remove empty elements and automatically split ~Causale~ in chunks if > 200 characters
- optional ~FatturaElettronica~ validation thanks to [[][Slamdunk/php-validatore-fattura-elettronica]]
/(Pacchetto PHP per gestire il formato XML di fatture e notifiche come richiesto dal SdI)./
/([[][Qui]] la documentazione aggiornata in italiano)./
Please refer to
- [[][PHP SdICoop - Server]] for implementing web services required by the Italian Exchange System (aka "SdI")
- [[][PHP SdICoop - Client]] to connect to SdI web services
See [[][Forum Italia - Fatturazione Elettronica]] for server configuration, interoperability tests, etc. In particular:
- Apache configuration :: [[][Accreditamento SDICoop: configurazione SSL su Apache - Fatturazione Elettroni...]]
Interoperability tests :: [[][Test Interoperabilità Soluzioni - Fatturazione Elettronica - Forum Italia]]
- Quickstart ** Dependencies
- ~php-xml~
- tested for PHP 7+ +should work on PHP 5.5+ +too+
** Installation *** Composer ~composer require taocomp/php-e-invoice-it~
*** Manually
- Clone/download the repository
- ~require_once('/path/to/php-e-invoice-it/vendor/autoload.php');~
** Invoice *** Create a new invoice Create a new FPA12 invoice:
$invoice = new FatturaElettronica('FPA12');
Create a new FPR12 invoice:
$invoice = new FatturaElettronica('FPR12');
Create a new invoice from file
$invoice = new FatturaElettronica('/path/to/invoice.xml');
*** Create a custom template invoice to be used later
$prefixPath = DIR . '/tmpfiles'; $filename = 'my-custom-template.xml'; $invoice = new FatturaElettronica('FPR12'); $invoice->setValue('IdTrasmittente/IdCodice', '00011122233'); $invoice->setValue('IdTrasmittente/IdPaese', 'IT'); $invoice->setFilename($filename); $invoice->setPrefixPath($prefixPath)->save();
*** Invoice lot and line items Set 3 bodies:
$invoice->addBody(2); // or $invoice->setBodyCount(3);
Set 4 line items for second body:
$invoice->addLineItem(3, 2); // or $invoice->setLineItemCount(4, 2);
*** Get/Set values In general, you can get/set values (and add/get/remove elements) by using a tag/path and an optional /context/.
Please note that:
- an absolute path is relative to the root element: ~/FatturaElettronicaHeader~ means ~/p:FatturaElettronica/FatturaElettronicaHeader~
- tags and relative paths are prefixed with ~(.)//~
- xpath predicates are allowed: ~$invoice->getValue('DettaglioLinee[2]/NumeroLinea');~
Get a value:
Get a value with a /context/:
$invoice->getValue('NumItem', 'DatiContratto');
Invalid queries (they return more than one element):
$invoice->getValue('IdPaese'); $invoice->getValue('Sede/Indirizzo', 'FatturaElettronicaHeader');
Set a value for a specific element:
$invoice->setValue('ProgressivoInvio', 10001);
Set many single values at once:
$invoice->setValues('IdTrasmittente', array( 'IdCodice' => '09876543210', 'IdPaese' => 'IT' ));
$invoice->setValues('CedentePrestatore/Sede', array( 'Indirizzo' => 'VIA UNIVERSO 1' ));
$invoice->setValues('CessionarioCommittente', array( // CessionarioCommittente/DatiAnagrafici/CodiceFiscale 'DatiAnagrafici/CodiceFiscale' => '01234567890', // Denominazione, somewhere inside CessionarioCommittente 'Denominazione' => 'BETA SRL' ));
// Set values for second body $body2 = $invoice->getBody(2); $invoice->setValue('Numero', 44, $body2); $invoice->setValue('Data', '2018-12-12', $body2);
Set values to multiple elements at once:
$invoice->setValuesToAll('DatiGenerali', array( // All "RiferimentoNumeroLinea" somewhere inside DatiGenerali 'RiferimentoNumeroLinea' => 1, // All "IdDocumento" somewhere inside DatiGenerali 'IdDocumento' => 4455, // All "NumItem" somewhere inside DatiGenerali 'NumItem' => 1 ));
Set values from an assoc array:
$array = array( 'DatiAnagraficiVettore' => array( 'IdFiscaleIVA' => array( 'IdPaese' => 'IT', 'IdCodice' => '09876543210' ), 'Anagrafica' => array( 'Denominazione' => 'TRASPORTO SRLS' ), 'NumeroLicenzaGuida' => 'AA090909' ), 'MezzoTrasporto' => 'Mezzo', 'CausaleTrasporto' => 'La causale del traporto', 'NumeroColli' => '1', 'Descrizione' => 'La descrizione' );
$invoice->setValuesFromArray('DatiTrasporto', $array);
All but ~setValueToAll~ and ~setValuesToAll~ methods will throw an exception if ~$expr/$context~ don't return just one element.
*** Set/Unset stylesheet Set:
*** Validate invoice You need [[][Slamdunk/php-validatore-fattura-elettronica]]. If you install ~php-e-invoice-it~ via-composer, you got it as dependency; otherwise you must download and require it manually.
An exception is thrown (with a message) if the XML is not valid, for example:
DOMDocument::schemaValidateSource(): Element 'DatiTrasmissione': Missing child element(s). Expected is ( CodiceDestinatario ).
*** Save invoice Set an optional default destination dir for all invoices:
Set an optional destination dir for current invoice:
Save invoice:
Specify a custom filename:
*** Send invoice to SdI Setup a ~\Taocomp\Einvoicing\SdicoopClient\Client~ object (for connecting to webservice SdIRiceviFile):
use \Taocomp\Einvoicing\SdicoopClient\Client; use \Taocomp\Einvoicing\SdicoopClient\FileSdIBase; use \Taocomp\Einvoicing\SdicoopClient\RispostaSdIRiceviFile;
Client::setPrivateKey('/path/to/client.key'); Client::setClientCert('/path/to/client.pem'); Client::setCaCert('/path/to/ca.pem');
$client = new Client(array( 'endpoint' => '', 'wsdl' => '/path/to/wsdl/SdIRiceviFile_v1.0.wsdl' ));
Send invoice:
$fileSdI = new FileSdIBase(); $fileSdI->load($invoice); $response = new RispostaSdIRiceviFile($client->RiceviFile($fileSdI));
** Notices *** Create a new notice NotificaEsitoCommittente:
$notice = new EsitoCommittente();
Load a notice from file Set values
// Set some values from invoice, second body: $notice->setValuesFromInvoice($invoice, 2);
// Set values $notice->setValue('IdentificativoSdI', 1234567); $notice->setValue('Esito', EsitoCommittente::EC01);
*** Set/Unset stylesheet Set:
*** Save notice
// Set filename from invoice $notice->setFilenameFromInvoice($invoice, '_EC_001');
// Save notice $notice->save();
*** Send notice to SdI Setup a ~\Taocomp\Einvoicing\SdicoopClient\Client~ object (for connecting to webservice SdIRiceviNotifica):
use \Taocomp\Einvoicing\SdicoopClient\Client; use \Taocomp\Einvoicing\SdicoopClient\FileSdI; use \Taocomp\Einvoicing\SdicoopClient\RispostaSdINotificaEsito;
Client::setPrivateKey('/path/to/client.key'); Client::setClientCert('/path/to/client.pem'); Client::setCaCert('/path/to/ca.pem');
$client = new Client(array( 'endpoint' => '', 'wsdl' => DIR . '/../wsdl/SdIRiceviNotifica_v1.0.wsdl' ));
Send notice:
$fileSdI = new FileSdI(); $fileSdI->load($notice); $response = new RispostaSdINotificaEsito($client->NotificaEsito($fileSdI));
Tests From inside the project root dir: ~./vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox tests~
- Credits We want to thank all contributors of [[][Forum Italia - Fatturazione Elettronica]] who have shared their snippets and any available info.
Thanks to @Slamdunk for [[][Slamdunk/php-validatore-fattura-elettronica]]!
- License GPLv3.
All versions of php-e-invoice-it with dependencies
slam/php-validatore-fattura-elettronica Version >=v1.2.1-patch20201009.1