Download the PHP package tallieutallieu/dry-dbi without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package tallieutallieu/dry-dbi. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Informations about the package dry-dbi
Improved DRY databases
- Installation
- Usage
Define service provider
Repository definition
Extend from BaseRepository for some default behaviour.
Use repository
Name | Description |
Equals($column, $value) | Check if column is equals to specific value |
GreateThan($column, $value) | Check if column is greater than specific value |
GreaterThanOrEqual($column, $value) | Check if column is greater than or equals specific value |
GroupBy($column) | Create a group by on a column |
IsFalse($column) | Check on falsy value |
IsNull($column) | Check on NULL |
IsTrue($column) | Check on truthy value |
LessThan($column, $value) | Check if column is less than specific value |
LessThanOrEquals($column, $value) | Check if column is less than or equals specific value |
LimitOffset($limit, $offet) | Create a limit/offset on query |
NotEquals($column, $value) | Check if column and value are not equals |
OrderBy($column, $order = 'ASC') | Order by column with default ordering ASC |
Raw($value, $bindings) | Build a custom query |
All versions of dry-dbi with dependencies
PHP Build Version
Package Version
tallieutallieu/oak Version
^1.0.0 | dev-php8.2
The package tallieutallieu/dry-dbi contains the following files
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