Download the PHP package sympla/the-brick without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package sympla/the-brick. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about sympla/the-brick
Files in sympla/the-brick
Package the-brick
Short Description A library that provides content negotiation
License MIT
Informations about the package the-brick
We all wish we had that wise neighborhood bartender to give us advice over a few rounds.
This library helps to negotiate content related to eloquent models (fields, relations and filters)
Install the package using composer:
$ composer require sympla/the-brick ~1.0
Publish the package configuration: $ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sympla\Search\Search\SearchServiceProvider"
That's it.
Simple usage
Extend the negotiate on your model
Create your filter
Now you simply call your route with your filter and the fields you want to return in the request
Parameter list
fields (string)
List of fields and relationships for the search: id,name,relationName(id,email)
filters (string)
List of scopes that will be called in your model: filterByName
orderBy (string)
Query sort field
sort (string)
Sort ASC or DESC
limit (int)
Query records Limit
noPaginate (bool)
Indicates whether the query will be paged
size (int)
Indicates how many records per page
debug (bool)
Returns an array with all the sql's that the query generated
Using with Laravel
Service Provider (Optional on Laravel 5.5)
Once Composer has installed or updated your packages you need add aliases or register you packages into Laravel. Open up config/app.php and find the aliases key and add:
Generating documentation
Docblock variables
- @negotiate : Informs which model the deal is using
- @negotiateDesc : Description of method/filter
How use
Add to your docblock the documentation variables
Generate the documentation
Execute this command
Accessing the Documentation
Access the documentation through the url http://localhost:8000/_negotiate/documentation
Bruno Coelho [email protected]
Marcus Campos [email protected]
This project is distributed under the MIT License. Check [LICENSE][] for more information.