1. Go to this page and download the library: Download symfony/var-exporter library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
symfony / var-exporter example snippets
// Sets the public or protected $object->propertyName property
Hydrator::hydrate($object, ['propertyName' => $propertyValue]);
// Sets a private property defined on its parent Bar class:
Hydrator::hydrate($object, ["\0Bar\0privateBarProperty" => $propertyValue]);
// Alternative way to set the private $object->privateBarProperty property
Hydrator::hydrate($object, [], [
Bar::class => ['privateBarProperty' => $propertyValue],
class FooLazyGhost extends Foo
use LazyGhostTrait;
$foo = FooLazyGhost::createLazyGhost(initializer: function (Foo $instance): void {
// [...] Use whatever heavy logic you need here
// to compute the $dependencies of the $instance
// [...] Call setters, etc. if needed
// $foo is now a lazy-loading ghost object. The initializer will
// be called only when and if a *property* is accessed.
$proxyCode = ProxyHelper::generateLazyProxy(new ReflectionClass(Foo::class));
// $proxyCode contains the reference to LazyProxyTrait
// and should be dumped into a file in production envs
eval('class FooLazyProxy'.$proxyCode);
$foo = FooLazyProxy::createLazyProxy(initializer: function (): Foo {
// [...] Use whatever heavy logic you need here
// to compute the $dependencies of the $instance
$instance = new Foo(...$dependencies);
// [...] Call setters, etc. if needed
return $instance;
// $foo is now a lazy-loading virtual proxy object. The initializer will
// be called only when and if a *method* is called.
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