Download the PHP package sukohi/wafu without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package sukohi/wafu. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package wafu


A Laravel class that mainly developed for Laravel to provide Japan-Related data like week name, gender and so on.
(This is for Laravel 5+. For Laravel 4.2)



Execute composer command.

composer require sukohi/wafu:4.*

Register the service provider in app.php

'providers' => [

Also alias

'aliases' => [
    'Wafu'   => Sukohi\Wafu\Facades\Wafu::class

Note: If you are in L55+, you do NOT need the above because of auto-discovery.



if(\Wafu::hasGender(1)) {

    echo \Wafu::gender(1);   // Between 0 and 2


1: 男性, 2: 女性, 0: その他

Week Name(曜日)

if(\Wafu::hasWeekName(2)) {

    echo \Wafu::weekName(2);                 // Between 0 and 6
    echo \Wafu::weekName(Carbon::now());     // or using Carbon
    var_dump(\Wafu::weekNames($key_flag = true));   // $key_flag means whether you need array keys or not


0: 日, 1: 月, 2: 火, 3: 水, 4: 木, 5: 金, 6: 土

Week Name(Long)(長い曜日)

echo \Wafu::longWeekName(2);                 // Between 0 and 6
echo \Wafu::longWeekName(Carbon::now());     // or using Carbon
var_dump(\Wafu::longWeekNames($key_flag = true));   // $key_flag means whether you need array keys or not

0: 日曜日, 1: 月曜日, 2: 火曜日, 3: 水曜日, 4: 木曜日, 5: 金曜日, 6: 土曜日

Month Name(月名)

if(\Wafu::hasMonth(2)) {

    echo \Wafu::month(2);                // Between 1 and 12
    echo \Wafu::month(Carbon::now());    // Using Carbon
    var_dump(\Wafu::months($key_flag = true));   // $key_flag means whether you need array keys or not


1月 〜 12月

Old Month Name(旧暦月名)

if(\Wafu::hasOldMonth(2)) {

    echo \Wafu::oldMonth(2);                // Between 1 and 12
    echo \Wafu::oldMonth(Carbon::now());    // Using Carbon
    var_dump(\Wafu::oldMonths($key_flag = true));   // $key_flag means whether you need array keys or not


1: 睦月, 2: 如月, 3: 弥生, 4: 卯月, 5: 皐月, 6: 水無月, 7: 文月, 8: 葉月, 9: 長月, 10: 神無月, 11: 霜月, 12: 師走


echo \Wafu::date($format, $time);

// $format: See the below.
// $time: (Skippable) Timestamp, date format or Carbon instance

echo \Wafu::date('{Y}');    // 2015年
echo \Wafu::date('{y}');    // 15年
echo \Wafu::date('{E}');    // 平成27年
echo \Wafu::date('{e}');    // H27
echo \Wafu::date('{m}');    // 01月
echo \Wafu::date('{n}');    // 1月
echo \Wafu::date('{d}');    // 01日
echo \Wafu::date('{j}');    // 1日
echo \Wafu::date('{G}');    // 19時
echo \Wafu::date('{g}');    // 7時
echo \Wafu::date('{H}');    // 07時, 19時
echo \Wafu::date('{h}');    // 07時
echo \Wafu::date('{i}');    // 01分
echo \Wafu::date('{s}');    // 01秒
echo \Wafu::date('{w}');    // 日〜土
echo \Wafu::date('{a}');    // 午前, 午後
echo \Wafu::date('{Y}{m}{d}({w}) {H}{i}');    // 2015年05月23日(土) 20時11分
echo \Wafu::date('{F}');    // 2015年05月23日(土) 20時11分
echo \Wafu::date('{f}');    // 2015年05月23日(土) 20:11

// You can also use normal date formats like the below.

echo \Wafu::date('{Y}{m}{d} H:i');    // 2015年05月23日(土) 20:11


if(\Wafu::hasPrefecture(28)) {

    echo \Wafu::prefecture(28); // 兵庫県
    echo \Wafu::prefecture(28, true); // 兵庫
    echo \Wafu::prefectureId('兵庫県'); // 28
    echo \Wafu::prefectureId('東京'); // 13
    var_dump(\Wafu::prefectures(true)); // for Short Names



1: 北海道, 2: 青森県, 3: 岩手県, 4: 宮城県, 5: 秋田県, 6: 山形県, 7: 福島県, 8: 茨城県, 9: 栃木県, 10: 群馬県, 11: 埼玉県, 12: 千葉県, 13: 東京都, 14: 神奈川県, 15: 新潟県, 16: 富山県, 17: 石川県, 18: 福井県, 19: 山梨県, 20: 長野県, 21: 岐阜県, 22: 静岡県, 23: 愛知県, 24: 三重県, 25: 滋賀県, 26: 京都府, 27: 大阪府, 28: 兵庫県, 29: 奈良県, 30: 和歌山県, 31: 鳥取県, 32: 島根県, 33: 岡山県, 34: 広島県, 35: 山口県, 36: 徳島県, 37: 香川県, 38: 愛媛県, 39: 高知県, 40: 福岡県, 41: 佐賀県, 42: 長崎県, 43: 熊本県, 44: 大分県, 45: 宮崎県, 46: 鹿児島県, 47: 沖縄県


1: 北海道, 2: 青森, 3: 岩手, 4: 宮城, 5: 秋田, 6: 山形, 7: 福島, 8: 茨城, 9: 栃木, 10: 群馬, 11: 埼玉, 12: 千葉, 13: 東京, 14: 神奈川, 15: 新潟, 16: 富山, 17: 石川, 18: 福井, 19: 山梨, 20: 長野, 21: 岐阜, 22: 静岡, 23: 愛知, 24: 三重, 25: 滋賀, 26: 京都, 27: 大阪, 28: 兵庫, 29: 奈良, 30: 和歌山, 31: 鳥取, 32: 島根, 33: 岡山, 34: 広島, 35: 山口, 36: 徳島, 37: 香川, 38: 愛媛, 39: 高知, 40: 福岡, 41: 佐賀, 42: 長崎, 43: 熊本, 44: 大分, 45: 宮崎, 46: 鹿児島, 47: 沖縄


if(\Wafu::hasRegion(3)) {

    echo \Wafu::region(5);
    echo \Wafu::regionId('関西');
    var_dump(\Wafu::regionPrefectureIds());  // Prefecture IDs by regions


1: 北海道, 2: 東北, 3: 関東, 4: 中部, 5: 関西, 6: 中国, 7: 四国, 8: 九州

Japanese Era(和暦)


/*  Output

        [name] => 昭和
        [initial] => S
        [symbol] => showa
        [year] => 52
        [full] => 昭和52年


[Note]: The keys changed from ver 4.0.1

// Strict mode: You will get "平成31年" by setting Carbon instance that is on 2019-04-30 as the argument.

$heiseiEndDt = new Carbon('2019-04-30');
$heiseiEndEra = \Wafu::era($heiseiEndDt);

/* Output

        [name] => 平成
        [year] => 31
        [initial] => H
        [symbol] => heisei
        [full] => 平成31年


$reiwaStartDt = new Carbon('2019-05-01');
$reiwaStartEra = \Wafu::era($reiwaStartDt);

/* Output

        [name] => 令和
        [year] => 1
        [initial] => R
        [symbol] => reiwa
        [full] => 令和元年


echo \Wafu::eraYear(1989);   // 平成元年

// also in "Strict mode"

\Wafu::eraYear(new Carbon('2019-04-30'));
// 平成31年

// Get Common Era from Japanese Era

echo \Wafu::commonYear('昭和52年');  // 1977
echo \Wafu::commonYear('明治元年');   // 1868
echo \Wafu::commonYear('S52年');  // 1977
echo \Wafu::commonYear('M元年');   // 1868
echo \Wafu::commonYear('S52');    // 1977
echo \Wafu::commonYear('M1');   // 1868

$era_years = \Wafu::eraYears();

/*  Output

    array:4 [▼
      "meiji" => "明治"
      "taisho" => "大正"
      "showa" => "昭和"
      "heisei" => "平成"


$era_names = \Wafu::eraNames();

/*  Output

    array:5 [▼
      0 => "令和"
      1 => "平成"
      2 => "昭和"
      3 => "大正"
      4 => "明治"


$era_initials = \Wafu:eraInitials();

/*  Output

    array:5 [▼
      0 => "R"
      1 => "H"
      2 => "S"
      3 => "T"
      4 => "M"


$era_initials = \Wafu:eraSymbols();

/*  Output

    array:5 [▼
      0 => "reiwa"
      1 => "heisei"
      2 => "showa"
      3 => "taisho"
      4 => "meiji"


This package already supported new era name, 令和.

Convert Japanese Date to Datetime(和暦から西暦へ変換)

$dt = \Wafu::parseDate('平成27年05月23日(土) 20時11分29秒');
$dt = \Wafu::parseDate('平成27年05月23日(土) 20時11分');
$dt = \Wafu::parseDate('平成27年05月23日(土) 20時');
$dt = \Wafu::parseDate('平成27年05月23日(土) 20:11:29');
$dt = \Wafu::parseDate('平成27年05月23日(土) 20:11');
$dt = \Wafu::parseDate('平成27年05月23日(土)');
$dt = \Wafu::parseDate('平成27年05月');
$dt = \Wafu::parseDate('平成27年');
$dt = \Wafu::parseDate('H27.5.23(土) 20時11分29秒');
$dt = \Wafu::parseDate('H27.5.23(土) 20時11分');
$dt = \Wafu::parseDate('H27.5.23(土) 20:11:29');
$dt = \Wafu::parseDate('H27.5.23(土) 20:11');
$dt = \Wafu::parseDate('H27.5.23(土)');
$dt = \Wafu::parseDate('H27.5');
$dt = \Wafu::parseDate('H27');

National Days(祝日・休日)

// Simple Way

$national_days = Wafu::nationalDays();
var_dump($national_days);   // National days

// with Cache

$national_days = Wafu::nationalDays($cache_flag = true));

Yen Format(円表記)

echo \Wafu::yen(1500);                               // 1,500円
echo \Wafu::yen(1500, YEN_NO_COMMA);                 // 1500円
echo \Wafu::yen(1500, YEN_SYMBOL);                   // ¥1,500
echo \Wafu::yen(1500, YEN_SYMBOL_NO_COMMA);          // ¥1500
echo \Wafu::yen(1500, YEN_SYMBOL_COMMA_HYPHEN);      // ¥1,500-
echo \Wafu::yen(1500, YEN_SYMBOL_NO_COMMA_HYPHEN);   // ¥1500-

Consumption Tax(消費税)

$dt = new Carbon('2000-01-01');
$amount = 1000;
echo \Wafu::consumptionTax($dt, $amount);   // 50
echo \Wafu::consumptionTax($dt, $amount, $total_flag = true);   // 1050

You can change tax rate by using $reduced_tax_rate parameter.


echo \Wafu::consumptionTax($dt, $amount, $total_flag, $reduced_tax_rate = true); // in 8% tax rate
echo \Wafu::consumptionTax($dt, $amount, $total_flag, $reduced_tax_rate = false); // in 10% tax rate

Zip code(郵便番号)

echo \Wafu::zip('1234567'); // 123-4567
echo \Wafu::zip('1234567', '_'); // 123_4567
echo \Wafu::zip('1234567'); // 123-4567

if(\Wafu::checkZip('123-4567')) {

    echo 'OK';



This package is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright 2015 Sukohi Kuhoh

All versions of wafu with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires illuminate/support Version ^5.0|^6.0|^7.0|^8.0|^9.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package sukohi/wafu contains the following files

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