Download the PHP package stev/data-dog-audit-gui-bundle without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package stev/data-dog-audit-gui-bundle. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download stev/data-dog-audit-gui-bundle
More information about stev/data-dog-audit-gui-bundle
Files in stev/data-dog-audit-gui-bundle
Package data-dog-audit-gui-bundle
Short Description Symfony 2 Bundle providing an GUI for DataDog Audit Bundle
License MIT
Informations about the package data-dog-audit-gui-bundle
GUI for Symfony 2 DataDog Audit Bundle
Run: composer require stev/data-dog-audit-gui-bundle
DataDog Audit Bundle will be installed if doesn't exist yet in your project.
FOS JS Routing Bundle will be installed if doesn't exist yet in your project.
Make sure to read their documentation and enable their bundles in your AppKernel.php
Add routing in routing.yml:
resource: "@StevDataDogAuditGUIBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /audit
It's a good idea to secure the audit in security.yml:
- { path: ^/audit, role: [ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN] }
Run assets:install and then add the following JS in your HTML: "bundles/stevdatadogauditgui/audit.js"
How to use it
You can use the provided GUI by calling the following function from your JS.
StevDataDogAuditGUI.openEntityAuditLogs(, 'AppBundle:Entity', [], true);
It will open a modal with the audit logs displayed in a paged table. REQUIRES jQuery and jQuery DataTables.
You can use the service 'stev_data_dog_audit_gui.audit_reader' from your controllers:
/* @var $auditReader \Stev\DataDogAuditGUIBundle\Services\AuditReader */
$auditReader = $this->get('stev_data_dog_audit_gui.audit_reader');
$audit = $auditReader->getAuditForEntity($entityId, $entityClass, $assocsToInclude, $includeInserts);
And you can display them using a similar logic to the one in Stev\DataDogAuditGUIBundle\Resources\Views\Audit\entity.html.twig
All versions of data-dog-audit-gui-bundle with dependencies
symfony/framework-bundle Version ^2.6|^3.0
doctrine/orm Version ^2.4
data-dog/audit-bundle Version ^0.1.13
friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle Version ^2.3.0