Download the PHP package stanislav-web/phalcon-searcher without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package stanislav-web/phalcon-searcher. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package phalcon-searcher
Short Description Phalcon Database Searcher. This is the search service is designed to search multiple SQL tables. Convenient to use autocomplete, search documents, search the whole site.
License MIT
Informations about the package phalcon-searcher
Phalcon Database Searcher
Extension is used to group search for project models. (Currently under TDD)
This is the search service is designed to search multiple SQL tables. Convenient to use autocomplete, search documents, search the whole site.
Change Log
[v 1.0-beta] 2014-12-16
- support MySQL
- support column type such as INT, VARCHAR, CHAR, TEXT, DATE, DATETIME
- fulltext search
- support all main expressions (where, order, group, limit, offset)
- multi table search
- compatible with \Phalcon\Paginator
- view results as json, serialized, array or \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset\Simple
- support callbacks to pretty modifying result
- PSR-0, PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-4 Standards
System requirements
- PHP 5.5.x >
- Phalcon extension 1.3.x
First update your dependencies through composer. Add to your composer.json:
Then run to update dependency and autoloader
or just
(Do not forget to include the composer autoloader)
Or manual require in your loader service
You can create an injectable service
Simple usage
Result modifiers and callbacks
Unit Test
Also available in /phpunit directory. Run command to start
Read logs from phpunit/log
Change Log
Screen (For what I use it?)